this header and the other headers on this site are made by Kathy Phi

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Hi, my name is Trisha. I go by LdyLuck in the chat rooms at fsw. I started this page one day when I had nothing else to do thinking that it would be nice to have this as a hobby to spend just a little time on every now and then (boy was I in for a shock when I found out how much work this takes). Due to the response and encouragement that I have recieved through e-mail, notes in the guestbook and other contacts I now devote almost all of my free time to it.

Before you leave this site please take a minute and stop and sign the guestbook, the link to sign the guestbook can be found at the bottom of every page on this site.

I am in college and so any updates will be done on the weekends unless there is something very important happening in the skating world.(Or unless I meet one of my favorite skaters!!!!)
This Page will focus mainly on figure skating and some of the best people in that field the Skaters that I will be taking a look at and admiring on this page will be:


Visit my bookstore to find all the figure skating books you want....Happy Reading :o)

There are also pictures of Daria Grinkova on the site (Daughter of Katia and Sergei)if you have anything that you would like to see on this page (a link, pictures, a story about meeting your favorite skater)e-mail me at the address below with all the necessary stuff and I will do my best to get it on the site.
The parts of this site that have to do with skating are:
pages on each of the above listed skaters,
The skating photo gallery
and My SOI experience

Visit my awards page.

Visit my links page.


received January 15, 1999

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Forever a fan of Gordeeva and Grinkov Forever a fan of Gordeeva and Grinkov

Links to other sites on the Web

John's Kurt Browning Pages Stars on Ice Homepage
Skating Magazine

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(c) 1997

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