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Moni´s Homepage

Spvgg Biebertal (women soccer team) Trip around the world

Hi I'm Moni from Simmern/Germany.

I signed up on 05/19/98 12:51:28.

My interests are:
soccer, protecting of environment, photography, languages (german, english, french, spanish).

I work at the Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb Rhein-Hunsrück: Homepage Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb

Please come back soon and visit me.
Shortly you can get more information about the women´s soccer teams of Spvgg Biebertal.
In the meantime use these links:

Rhein-Zeitung Sport

International Tournament of Women´s soccer in Tavarone Italy, 9. - 13. April 1998

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