The 53rd PVI, Co. K continuously seeks to improve its portrayal of the original soldiers of the 53rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment. Our organization encourages members to purchase items with authenticity in mind. It is clearly understood that the costs of outfitting a fresh recruit can be prohibitive. The cost for equipment, generally, is directly related to its level of authenticity. The less authentic, the less costly and vice versa. We have recommended vendors for items and members will actively assist the "Fresh Fish" when purchasing their gear. The 53rd PVI, Co. K is not a "hardcore" or "thread counting" unit. However, we do take pride in our appearance and strive for an authentic appearance of a Civil War Soldier. New recruits may wish to start out with items of lower cost and then purchase more authentic equipment as they become more familiar with the hobby.
Required Equipment
At a minimum, each member should have the following items:
Federal forage cap
Federal 4-button sack coat
Federal trousers, foot pattern (sky blue)
Period pattern shirt (civilian or military)
Waist belt with US oval belt plate (US)
US cartridge box with US oval box plate (US)
Cartridge box sling (black leather) with US round eagle plate
US cap pouch
Bayonet and scabbard
3-Banded Springfield or Enfield
Black tarred haversack
Smooth canteen with wool cove
New recruits will be given one year to accumulate the minimum equipment. During that time, current members have equipment that the new recruit may borrow until they can purchase their own.
The following items are necessary to complete a private's kit and to adequately perform his function in the field:
Issue socks (gray or rag wool)
Great coat (sky blue)
Gum blanket
Wool blanket
Tin cup & plate
The items listed below are optional items commonly carried by soldiers that will provide increased comfort in the field and compliment your impression:
Sewing kit
Reading and writing material
Notes on Equipment and Uniform Items
Suttlers: Members of the 53rd PVI, Co. K have purchased equipment from numerous suppliers with favorable and unfavorable results. Therefore, new members are encouraged to discuss suppliers before purchasing any equipment. When ordering through the mail, it is recommended that the time required for delivery be discussed with the supplier prior to payment. Delivery times may be up to 6-8 weeks depending on the availability of the item. If an item is needed close to the time of an event, it can usually be purchased from a suttler at the time of the event. However, suttlers at events typically charge slightly higher prices. When purchasing from suttler row, always go with someone from the unit who is knowledgeable about equipment as many suttlers often sell items of questionable authenticity. It is recommended that you shop carefully and allow sufficient time for delivery from recommended sources and leave event suttlers for purchases on an emergency basis.
Rifles: The rifle is the single most expensive piece of an infantry man's kit. Members of the 53rd PVI, Co. K carry both 3-band Springfields and Enfields. The type of rifle you choose is up to the member. Each type of rifle has its pluses and minuses. These should be discussed with a current member prior to your expenditure of $400-$425 for the weapon. In addition, your bayonet should be purchased at the same time as the rifle, as reproduction bayonets are not known for their quality of workmanship.
Ammunition: Each member of the 53rd PVI, Co. K is responsible for providing their own ammunition. Gunpowder can be purchased from a local gun shop or by mail order. Always buy black powder and not pyradex. The black powder can then be placed in cartridges you roll yourself or purchased from suttlers. Cartridge tubes are simply rolled tubes of paper. Any current member of the unit can show you how to construct your own tubes to save money for other purchases. The rounds should contain no more than 70 grains of powder. Charges greater than 70 grains can present safety concerns and simply just waste powder. A good rule of thumb is to count on firing 20-30 rounds at living history events and anywhere from 60-100 rounds at weekend battle reenactments.
Eating Utensils: When in the field, you will need some sort of eating utensils. Typically, each man carried a tin plate, cup, fork, knife, and spoon. These items are all readily available through mail order or from event suttlers.
Knapsack: A knapsack is not a required piece of equipment for the 53rd PVI, Co. K. However, they do serve as a convenient way to keep your gear together between events and are a valuable tool for living histories. If a knapsack is purchased, it is recommended that the double bag type be purchased over the hard frame model.
Overcoat: A great coat is not a required piece of equipment, however, it is highly recommended that one be purchased at some point for those Spring and Fall events.
Tents: Shelter-halves or shebangs are the preferred sleeping quarters for the 53rd PVI, Co. K. A tents are acceptable for garrison events, but shelter halves tend to be accepted at more of the larger events where camping space is at a premium.
Vendor List