June 1998 Web History

TUESDAY 6/30/98 10:55 AM
The turnout for the penguin contest on the first day was pretty good. However, I'm still going to give everybody one more day to enter before I unveil the next penguin. I just started my own webring today!! I'm not sure how far I'll take this, it really depends on how much time I have. If you have a baseball site and would like to sign up to be in my webring, here is the form. If you would like to now what the webring looks like, scroll down the page, there's no missing it. Good luck everyone with the contest!
7:48 PM - I'm going to be gone for the day tomorrow so I doubt that there will be an update. As a result, I decided the post the 2nd penguin to the contest, so check it out and start sending in your guesses!
8:17 PM - I changed the Fastball logo above the ticker so that it actually blends in with my background. It looks a whole lot better than before.

MONDAY 6/29/98 11:21 AM
The contest is finally here!! It's called "If They Were Penguins" so check it out! There's really nothing else because I've been working on this contest. There might be another small update today. Just check out the contest and enter to win!
12:58 PM - I've added the franchise history for the Pittsburgh Pirates

SUNDAY 6/28/98 7:49 PM
Today I finished the franchise histories for both the Oakland Athletics, and the Philadelphia Phillies. Also, I'm planning to unveil the contest tomorrow. I won't tell you the details of the contest yet, you just have to check back tomorrow. What I will announce is that it will be an ongoing contest (haven't decided when it will end), and the prize will be free add space on my main page where you can place a banner. I will also do my best to direct as many hits to the winner of the contest! So come back tomorrow and enter to win!!
9:47 PM - Mario's Baseball World has won another award, so check it out!

SATURDAY 6/27/98 6:30 PM
Just a small update today, I've been really busy. I added a quote from Charlie Lau on the quotes page. Nothing much else. However, I am currently working on a new section that will be placed on the site sometime during this upcoming week. It's really cool, and I might even turn it into a contest. It could be up as early as tomorrow, I haven't decided yet, so keep checking back. Just a reminder that the message board is still up, and I'm waiting for you all to post your opinions!

FRIDAY 6/26/98 3:06 PM
At long last, the Pittsburgh Pirates have finally gotten a RealAudio broadcast feed, so if you're a Pirates' fan, check it out! Another quote from Ron Luciano (the ump) was added today. Also, Mario's Baseball World has won another award! That's 23 and still counting!! Don't forget to post your questions and comments on the all new message board!

THURSDAY 6/25/98 12:43 PM
I made a very minor change in the layout of the main page today. I made room for a link to the message board on my top row, right next to the vote in the all-star game, as you can probably see. Don't be afraid that it isn't underlined, it's still a link. Really, try it out. I encourage you again to post your opinions on the message board. Quotes was also updated today. Check back for another update later today.
3:41 PM - Just added the franchise history for the New York Yankees, and what a history it is, so check it out.
4:57 PM - I added a few more quotes from Roger Angell.
5:31 PM - I changed the layout of the bottom of the page a bit too. I even added a disclaimer, just to be safe.

WEDNESDAY 6/24/98 3:33 PM
I have removed two of the counters that were being dispayed at the bottom of the page. Apparently they were against Geocities guidelines. They have now been replaced by a LinkExchange counter. Also, another quote from Dizzy Dean was added today. I also got a redirecting URL. You can know visit my site simply by typing in http://come.to/baseballworld - but I still think that just bookmarking my page is much easier.
10:16 PM - I just received another award, the Pine Tar HTML Wizard Award, check it out.
11:44 PM - I have just added a message board to the site. If you would like to post a message now, either click here, or scroll down the page next to the poll.

TUESDAY 6/23/98 2:46 PM
Another sabermetric study has been added, this one is Clutch Hitting: Does it Exist? I will continue to try to track down more studies for you to read. Also, the links to the stadiums of the AL West are all done now, so that means that I've completed the entire American League. I'll finish off the National League when I have time in the upcoming days.
8:37 PM - I added another sabermetic study, Hitting with Runners in Scoring Position
9:49 PM - Mario's Baseball World is now sponsoring the poll from Darron's Ben Grieve Page. To vote in this poll, go to the poll results page. These two sites will be working in a partnership in order to serve your baseball needs better.
11:35 PM - I have added a link back to Fastball above the ticker in order to comply with Fastball's regulations. It isn't pretty, but I need it there in order to keep the ticker. Also, I received another award, so check it out.

MONDAY 6/21/98 PM
The update for this day was lost - sorry about that.

SUNDAY 6/21/98 2:03 PM
I have started adding links to great sites on stadiums. For now, I have already added links to the stadiums of the AL east. To see these sites, check out the link on the appropriate team page. Quotes was also updated today.

SATURDAY 6/20/98 12:31 PM
I am currently trying to hunt down a picture for every Mark McGwire homerun this season. It's tough to find them, but I posted the ones that I have found in the photo gallery already. Please email me any pictures that you would like to appear on my page. A quote from Gene Mauch was added today. Also, I have posted the attendance figures for the 1996 season. Check back for another update later today.
6:17 PM - Just added the transcript for a chat with Darin Erstad of the Anaheim Angels.
7:19 PM - The franchise history for the Montreal Expos is finally up.

FRIDAY 6/19/98 2:35 PM
I've made a few more updates today. First of all, I added the attendance figures for the 1997 season. Also, the specs for all of the current stadiums are also up now. I won another award, check it out.

THURSDAY 6/18/98 10:08 AM
I just finished posting the 1998 player salaries. Boy, do they ever make a ton of money! Don't forget to place your vote again! Check back for another update later today.
5:23 PM - I just added the franchise history for the Minnesota Twins
7:34 PM - Team finances for the 1996 season have been put up. These are really interesting, take a look at them.
8:44 PM - I've been updating alot tonight! Check out the report on Protection: Does it matter that I just posted. You will be surprised by the results of the study.
9:36 PM - My updating for tonight is done. I have finally unveiled my two new sections to the site: Odds & Ends and Sabermetrics. Enjoy!

WEDNESDAY 6/17/98 8:29 PM
Not much was updated today. I received a really prestigious award today from Pine Tar. Only two other baseball sites have received it! Also, I reset the counter on the poll because I think it was malfunctioning. So if you voted before, vote again because your vote has been erased!

TUESDAY 6/16/98 11:05 AM
I just added a new section to my site! It's a collection of strange injuries, check it out! My site has also received a couple of new awards too. I also made a minor update to the quote archive. Look for the new ones from Wade Boggs and Johnny Bench. Just a reminder, don't forget to vote in the new poll.

MONDAY 6/15/98 4:11 PM
The new poll is up! Just scroll down the page a place your vote! If you would like to see the results of the last poll, check them out in the poll history section. Send your comments on last months poll or this month's poll to me. Not much else, check back for another update tonight.
9:39 PM - I just added the franchise history for the Milwaukee Brewers, check it out!

SUNDAY 6/14/98 1:42 PM
I made a number of updates today. First of all, Who's on First is finally up, so check it out! Also, I finally got time to fix up the Anaheim Angels franchise history. Plus, the Los Angeles Dodgers franchise history is also finally up. Just one more day to vote in the poll!

SATURDAY 6/13/98 2:24 PM
I thought that the page was loading to slowly, so I made some adjustments. In case you haven't noticed, I scaled down the quality on a number of images, and this speeds things up by about 300% or so! I also removed the news ticker because it was taking too long to load. If you would still like to see it, it will be kept on my links page.

FRIDAY 6/12/98 3:27 PM
I just finished adding the words to Casey at the Bat, so check it out. In the next couple of days I will also be adding "Who's on First", the Abbot and Costello routine, so stay posted. Also, this is the last weekend you have to vote in the "best first baseman in baseball poll", the results will be posted Monday. If you have any suggestions for the next poll, please email them to me.

FRIDAY 6/12/98 12:44 PM
I added a new page to the photo gallery - that's 12 more pictures! I also added a few more quotes to the quote page, but it might be hard to find them. I'm considering adding a section to the quote page just for new quotes! Email me what you think!

THURSDAY 6/11/98 8:08 PM
I finally decided to make a daily updates section on my site. I make all sorts of updates everyday, but probably nobody ever notices them! I decided that I would go ahead and try out the thumbnails idea for the photo gallery. The page is loading much faster than I thought it would. To keep it loading quickly, I have limited the first page of photos to only 12 pictures. I will continue to add pictures in the upcoming days.... and I will be able to add even more when I've finished my exams (sigh). Tell me what you think of it now, and if you like it better. I've left the text-based album still there just in case you like it more. Email me with your questions and comments.