
What people are saying about her

Claudia is an incredible athlete, and, unlike many gymnasts, comments about her gymnastics is mainly positive. Why not? She is an incredible athlete with presentation that lifts her above her competition.

Ocatvian Belu says that she is a key-factor on the team, her evolutions are decisive, and she is always in control. He also named her the little soldier of the team because she is always there when they need her.

But if you're one of many critics of Belu, Alexandra Marinescu had this to say about her: "She always helps us, she's very supportive all the time, and does everything it takes to help the team!"

In the beginning, Claudia was always mentioned as a "team player," but at the end of her career she came into her own. Always imperturbable, Claudia went far in gymnastics. She once said, "Work hard to always be among the best." She certainly did just that.

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