Hampton Bible Camp

  • Hampton Bible Camp
  • Hampton, NB
  • (506)832-4669

Field Information
  • CO2
  • Semi Rentals
  • Washrooms
  • NO (food/drink/nitrogen)

Hampton Bible Camp Events

Date Event Format
May 24, 2004 Hayball 2004 3-Man Tournament

Field Reviews (Hampton Bible Camp)

Rater/ Date/ Last Played Different Fields Played Rental Field Field Layout Amenities Field Accessibility Overall Safety Overall Field
1 year
5-6 9 9 9 9 8 9 9
it's a sweet field i think about 5 acres or more..great for scenario

Steve Murray
Within 1 year
Over 8 9 9 8 7 10 10 10
Beautiful Field Nestled IN The Heart Of The Woods

Judson Mitchell
Within 1 year
5-6 9 9 9 8 9 9 9
Fun field

AVERAGE N/A 9 9 8.7 8 9 9.3 9.3
This rating system works on a 1-10 rating system. 1 is being a low score, and 10 being a high score.
  • The total number of different fields this rater has played at. (different fields as in different companies, not different fields at one location)
  • How long it has been since rater has played at field
  • Quality/Condition Rental Equipment (Guns/Tanks/Masks)
  • Equipment Quality (Fill Station/Chrono)
  • Field Layout (Boring(1) - Exciting(10)
  • Amenities (Washrooms/Food/Staging Area)
  • Field Accessibility (1 = 4x4 Required, 10 = Car Okay)
  • Rate Field