Horse Links!

My attempt at a disclaimer: Remember, reading the info on these web sites, specifically those dealing with horse veterinary care, dentistry, farriery, etc. is no substitute for having a professional's help in time of need.

Note that at the moment, horse magazines are mixed into the category their content most closely matches.

Horse Health & Management

Horse care affects horse health, and horse health affects horse care.

DVM Newsmagazine
DVM News Magazine. For more articles, click under 'Equine' on the side bar.

Equine Fact Sheets (this site will only benefit you if you have a reader, such as the Acrobat Reader, that can view PDF files)
University of Kentucky's Equine Fact Sheets on equine health and management. Specifically horse nutrition, reproduction, and some diseases.

The Horseman's Advisor: Articles & Information
Menus include: horse care, feeding, reproduction, diseases, lameness, medications, first aid, training, pasture care, rider health, farriers, trail riding, associations, legal and business issues, and others. Unfortunately, you need to be a member to access any of the info. It wasn't always that way.

The Horse Interactive
Web site of the magazine. Your online guide to equine health care. The magazine itself is good, the web site has basically the same information, and of course not all the articles from the magazine are on the web site. I am not being paid for saying this: The Horse is definitely a good magazine to subscribe to for those with a serious interest in horse health care.

Hoof Care & Farriery

For want of a nail the shoe is lost, for want of a shoe the horse is lost, for want of a horse, the rider is lost. - I don't recall who wrote that, but I will put it here when I find it

Anvil Magazine Homepage
Relocated? This site appears to be written by farriers and blacksmiths for farriers and blacksmiths. All about hoof care. A lot of information there.

Village Blacksmith HomePage
Relocated? This is the home page of a real blacksmith (I hope). There are a few articles and a page of Q & A, and some other stuff.

Horseback Riding

New Rider
This page is about...horseback riding! It should be especially helpful to those just starting out. Be aware that this page takes some time to load. It does look nice, but, well, sometime simple is better.

An online guide to dressage
The title says it all.

Anna Jane White-Mullin Equestrian Info
This site gives an introduction to hunter seat riding, some training and showing tips, some links, and some other stuff. The author of the page is going to be pretty busy for a while, so there won't be many changes to the page, at least until she is done with what she is doing.

For the Rider

American Assoc. for Horsemanship Safety
Comprehensive information on horsemanship safety and legal liability.

North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA)


Breeds of Livestock
Another page from the University of Oklahoma. This one is on horse breeds.

Horses at HorseWorldWide Home Page
This site has classifieds, a chatroom, a calendar of horse events, and a bunch of other stuff, including a buncha links under several categories.

Categories here include breeds, publications, racing, schools/libraries, sports/events, vacations, organizations, and merchandise. This site seems mostly dedicated to pointing you in the write (literally!) direction for information, not giving information itself. Gives a lot of addresses, URLs when applicable, where you can find (hopefully) what you are looking for.

Shadowood Horse Pages
This site has articles, quizes (great quizes!), and more.

The A comprehensive list of almost all the horse sites on the 'net
A large directory of horse sites on the 'net.

USPC Home Page
The home page of the United States Pony Club.

Virginia Intermont College
The home page of Virginia Intermont College, my first choice of colleges.

Xenophon On the Art of Horsemanship 1.1
This link is to one of the works of Xenophon, it is about the art of horsemanship as it was seen in his time. Not all of it applies in this day and age, however it is still interesting to read.

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