BMX bicycle racing was "created" in the early 70's when a few kids started riding and jumping their bicycles around, imitating their motorcycle racing heroes. Back then the tracks had huge obstacles, |
water-jumps, etc. with rocks, ruts, and huge chunks of dirt scattered about everywhere. The bikes of the time were very heavy, and
several had suspension on them. Most of today's tracks consist of several obstacles (double and triple jumps, tabletops, rollers, etc.) on a smooth, fast, dirt course. Today's 20" bicycles are much more high-tech and advanced than those of old. Aluminum, titanium, and even carbon fiber have been utilized in today's bikes to make them lighter, stiffer, and faster. Suspension is more a thing of the past these days (even though Answer did have some success with their suspension forks) because today's tracks aren't near as rough or demanding as they once were. There are two organizations that hold nation-wide races today in the United States. The ABA (American Bicycle Association) and the NBL (National Bicycle League). ABA tracks and races are mostly west coast oriented, and the NBL's are, you guessed it, east-coast oriented. For information on how to start racing, or where your nearest track is, click here, or mail me anytime at Prescott@iname.com. Half of the fun in racing is jumping, so the NBL includes jumping contests at most of its races.
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