Junior Top Squad
Swimmer of the Month, November 1998

Timothy Duin

Timothy Duin
After coaching Timothy for a couple of months, anyone would be able to tell that he's a swimmer that will probably go far. He's got everything going for him; talent, discipline, genetics, a great work attitude, and a family that gives him amazing support.

He also has a quiet self-confidence that will carry him along. It's a comfort as a coach that you can count on him to always be there, ready to listen and work hard, despite already having a very busy life outside of swimming. There's never a doubt about his dedication, and his involvement in other sports has helped him to become a stronger swimmer.

Visit Timothy's home page!!

Senior Top Squad
Swimmer of the Month, November 1998

Ginette Goosen

All Hail Ginette
Ginette is one of our true Senior swimmers. A senior Senior, so to speak. She has the character of a leader and plays such an important role in keeping up the moral and motivation of our team. And we all have to thank her for doing such a great job at it.

But let's not forget her contributions as an athlete too. A leader leads by doing, and Ginette works as hard or harder than anyone else on the team. As much as she hates to have Fedor spot her when she's doing her strength training, she never fails to call him over when she's ready to do her last set of repetitions.

In the water, Ginette is a technician and swims nearly perfect strokes, but still works to keep improving. With work habits like that, Ginette will be successful at anything she does, whether it's as a swimmer, a politician, a doctor, or as a CEO for a multinational company. Anything.

Incidentally, Timothy and Ginette made a great duet at the Swim Camp in October. Timothy on saxophone, Ginette on flute. A wonderful treat for those of us who were there.

Previous Swimmer of the Month awards...