Val Venis vs Jeff Jarrett

Val came down to the ring first giving his usual routine, then he said he was going do something he always wanted to do and began to take off his trunks when "Double J's" music came on. Jarrett came out with Tennessee Lee and Southern Justice. Southern Justice were forced back to the locker room. Then Kaientai tried to come down to the ring but were also sent backstage, except for Yamiguchi Son who did commentary with JR and Lawler. Jarrett looked like he had the match won when Venis reversed the Figure 4 into a roll over and got the pinfall.

D-Lo Brown vs X-Pac

X-Pac was of course accompanied to the ring by Chyna. D-Lo declared this match a non-title bout. It was short but high paced and entertaining. Both men looked impressive. Kama hit X-pac in the back of the head, and X-pac turned around and hit him right back. When X-pac turned around D-Lo executed the "Sky High" and got the victory.

Scorpio and Farooq vs Terry Funk & Bradshaw

Before the match Terry Funk announces that this may be his last match for about 6 months. Bradshaw appears to be upset by this. While Bradshaw and Farooq were battling on the outside Scorpio hit the 450 splash on Funk and got the victory. After the match Bradshaw clotheslined Funk. Scorpio tried to help Funk but got thrown to the outside. Bradshaw nailed Scorpio with a lariat, and then hit Farooq with a chair.

Mark Henry vs Vader

This was a quick matchup. Henry hits his big splash and grabbed the 3 count.

Mankind & Kane Interview

New Age Outlaws head down to the ring. They make a challenge for tomorrow night on Raw. All hell breaks loose and Slaughter and company have to come down to break things up.

LOD 2000 vs DOA

They showed the clip of DOA attacking Animal last week and Hawk making the late save. During the match Ellering landed a lot of cheap shots. DOA created a lot of near falls. DOA switches in the fresh man without the ref seeing and get the win after a DDT

Vince McMahon Interview

He says he is upset that the Undertaker has yet to arrive. He says if the Undertaker does not arrive it is not his fault, but Steve Austin's. He says it is Austin's fault that the Undertaker has not arrived because he nailed him with the chair last week. He says that he reserves the right to make a suitable substitution, in the case that Undertaker does not show up. So McMahon introduces the Brooklyn Brawler to be the Undertaker's replacement if he no-shows. Brawler comes down and says he's ready

Owen Hart vs Shamrock(Severn as ref)

This match takes place in Stu Hart's dungeon. It goes back and forth with, and then Owen hit Shamrock with a powerbomb that sent him back first into the wall. Shamrock mistakenly kicked Severn right in the back of the head and sent him to the floor. Ken went to see if he was all right and was then nailed in the back of the head by Owen with a barbell. Owen applied a submission hold and grabbed Shamrock's hand and tapped out with it and Severn gave the win to Owen.

HHH vs the Rock(2 out of 3 falls)

The first fall took about 20 minutes, and the Rock took it as D-Lo interfered, only to get nailed with the European Belt, but it still allowed the Rock to hit the Rock Bottom. HHH gets the second fall with a little help from X-pac who came out of the crowd to interfere. Now HHH hits the Pedigree and is going for the pin when the ref calls for the bell and says that the time is up. Therefore the Rock retains the belt as it is a draw

Sable & Jackie in a Bikini Contest

Dustin Runnells comes out first and says a prayer about how this contest is bad. Then the King comes in the ring. He first introduces Jackie who comes out with Mero and in Mero's robe. As Jackie is about to disrobe, Sable's music comes on and she walks out with a shirt which reads "Sable Bomb 38 Delights". Jackie then disrobes to reveal a tiny red bikini, and her whole breast actually comes out of it and you can see it quite clearly. Then it is Sable's turn. She takes off her shirt to reveal a not so revealing bikini. The fan's are mad, but Sable says that Mr. McMahon told her it would be in her best interest to wear something conservative. She then said that this is McMahon's idea of conservative and not hers, she then takes off the top to reveal nothing except for to painted hand prints across her breasts. Mr. McMahon then comes out and puts his jacket over Sable and leads her away.

Austin/Undertaker vs Mankind/Kane

Kane & Mankind came out first, followed by The Undertaker who had a new Theme. Then, of course, out came the WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin. The Undertaker and him went face to face in the aisle way and Kane & Mankind attacked. Austin beating on Kane as Undertaker beats on Mankind. Now in the ring Austin & Mankind are duking it out. Austin with a Vertical Suplex. Mankind tags Kane. Kane is beating on Austin. Austin with a Lou Thesz Press and he's beating Kane down. Austin went for a Stunner but Kane didn't have the same idea. On the outside Austin and Kane were slugging it out. Austin slams Mankind & Kane's heads together. Austin tags Taker. Taker with several Shoulderblocks on Kane as well as a Side Russian LegSweep. Mankind tagged in and The Undertaker keeps control. Mankind now slugs it out with the Phenom. Taker chokes Mankind and slams him into the turnbuckles. Kane, tagged in, hits a Chokeslam and an Elbow Drop. Mankind tagged back in continues pummeling the Taker. Mankind hooks a Double Armmed DDT for a 2. God this PPV has sucked, it's been as bad as BATB. Austin shoves Mankind off the apron and onto the Spanish Announcers Table. Taker then Back Body Dropped the Deranged One on the floor. Kane throws Taker into the Ring Steps. Back in the ring The Undertaker hits a DDT. Taker & Mankind make tags and Austin is whooping ass. He's destroying Kane & Mankind as The Undertaker helps out. Austin with a chair hits Kane over the head with it. He's got the pin, 1-2-KICK OUT !!! Kane with a Big Boot. Kane tosses Austin over the top. After getting pummeled on the outside Mankind and Austin were back in the ring. Kane is tagged in again and choking away at SCSA. Kane whips Austin into the turnbuckles. Austin is finally fighting back, but Kane catches him with a back elbow. Mankind is tagged back in and whailing away on the WWF Champ. Mankind gets a near fall. Mankind hooks on a Reverse Chin Lock Submission to wear Austin down. Both men clothesline each other and the 10 count begins. Kane is tagged in and the Big Man prevents Austin from tagging out to his brother. Kane with a Legdrop. Now the choke hold is back on the Rattlesnake. Kane with a Chokeslam as Mankind tells Kane to Spike Austin. Here comes the Tombstone Piledriver but Austin falls outmof it and Stuns Kane & Mankind. All 3 men are down as the Taker is on the apron. Kane & Austin get up and Kane holds Austin back as the Undertaker isn't reaching for the tag. But finally Taker tags in and he is beating on his brother and Mankind. He lowblows Mankind ansd Choke Slams Kane. Then he Choke Slams Mankind. Tombstone Piledriver on kane as Austin clotheslines Mankind. 1-2-3 !!!! New Tag Champs !! WOWsers, Now Austin & Rob van Dam have something in common, they got 2 titles. Anyway this was a pretty good way to end the PPV. Undertaker left with both Tag Title Belts.