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The Fancam's 10th Annual


Welcome Back!

Please join the Fancam and Crew for their 10th Annual Habanero Chili Breakfast for the opening of the Jaguars
2005 practices Saturday, July 30th @ 9:00 AM.

Last year Fancam served about 100 bowls of Seymour's 13-Pepper Chili over jasmine rice. The annual Breakfast emphasizes the commitment of Jaguars Fans to "Kick Things up a Notch" in the Florida heat...

This year, the unique hybrid pepper developed at Sunset Gardens Golf and Wildlife Sanctuary, the DaNero©, will be
the featured fruit!

    Presented by

      Sunset Gardens Golf & Wildlife Sanctuary

HCB 2004 Shots

MD Stops by for some Breakfast!
MD and the Crew

Kyle rehydrated with some of Fancam's Ribs and Steak!
 League's Toughest
 TE grabs some Ribs

Fun at the opening of camp!
Fancam having a Ball

Danero's- A Friend of Ours
DaNero Honey Jerk
"A Friend of Ours"

Sunset Gardens

Hibiscus Hybrids