Home Up

Outside of Division



The division with the best record in games outside of the division will split the transaction money at the end of the season!

Sportin' Wood wins the transaction money with an 18-14 record.

Division Team Team Record (outside division) Combined Record
Badaboom Sultans 6-2 15-17
Sorcerers 3-5
Mr. Big Stuff 3-5
Jawbreakers 3-5
Sportin' Wood Oski's Lair


New World Order 5-3
Hoagies 3-5
Dirtboys 3-5
The Hair Club Mr. Man 5-3 15-17
Kemosabes 4-4
This Bytes 3-5
Deacon Blues 3-5
Copyright © 1999 Claims Fantasy Football League
Last modified: November 28, 2000