This is the home page for the Grand Rapids Area Catholic Elementary Athletic Council Girls and Boys "A" Basketball League.

You will find the latest schedule versions, weekly game results, division standings, information on the city tournament, and more.

Coaches can use the e-mail link to forward game results.  Email to:


Coaches, players and fans can e-mail questions, comments, or suggestions.  Please do NOT use e-mail to flame referees or game facilities. I won't respond to them, I won't even read them.

Head coaches are the only individuals that we accept complaints from (via the telephone) about game officials. They should review the incident with their school AD first.


That's the only web site rule, that and keep it clean (the language). You will notice an ad or two, but that's what pays the rent - the web service is free.




            Boys’ Schedule

            Boys’ Division Standings

            Boys’ Game Results

            Boys’ City Tournament

            Girls’ Schedule

            Girls’ Division Standings

            Girls’ Game Results

            Girls’ City Tournament

            Official GRACEAC Web Site





"A/B" Catholic Elementary Basketball League



Revised 8-5-04






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