Quotes: Jaromir Jagr

Q. You got a little excited there. What was that all about?
JAROMIR JAGR: What do you mean, excited?

Q. A little excited...
JAROMIR JAGR: I was happy I won it, that's all. Getting excited everywhere, even if I score a goal, getting some trophy. It's always nice to get something.

Q. This must go down as one of the best days of your life.
JAROMIR JAGR: Well, I said on the stage, this is probably the best thing happen to me since 1991 when we won the Cup. Just even when I was a little kid, I always dream of something, going to win something big, or to be the best player. You know, here I am right now. It's great.

Q. What are your thoughts about beating Dominik out there? Just talk about maybe beating him out there for this award?
JAROMIR JAGR: I'm not that kind of player trained to beat somebody, compare to somebody. I'm trying to compare myself to my best. That's what I always do. Things I believe is, you know, if somebody is more talented than you, and he's playing his best, no matter how hard you try, you not going to reach it, you know. I think everybody should just chase their best.

Q. You've been in Pittsburgh all of your career, most of your life. How much does it mean to you that your franchise was saved today?
JAROMIR JAGR: I heard that news two hours ago. I said, "That's great." It's great for Pittsburgh because last year, especially in playoffs, I just find out the fans really love hockey in Pittsburgh. They're very excited during the playoffs. They give us a lot of support. Other side, you know, I'm very glad the guy who survive -- who save the Penguins 15 years ago saved them again. That's Mario Lemieux.

Q. He says he wants to keep you there for life.
JAROMIR JAGR: That's what he said?

Q. Yes.
JAROMIR JAGR: Wow! (laughter). That's a good news.

Q. Can you tell us what it's like to win both trophies, now that Wayne Gretzky has retired, people talk about passing the torch. You're acknowledged as the best player in the game now. What is that like for you?
JAROMIR JAGR: Well, I know I shouldn't compare those two trophies, but might sound strange, but the trophy I really love is the trophy I was voted by the players. I don't know if you guys understand that, but those players who I play against every night. If they give me so much respect, I just appreciate it so much. That's the trophy I appreciate the most.

Q. How do you feel about Mario as a new owner?
JAROMIR JAGR: I'm happy about it. I'm happy for him. I'm happy for the City of Pittsburgh. You know, the guy who saved them 15 years ago. Without him, if he wouldn't play in Pittsburgh, there wouldn't be hockey in Pittsburgh. He saved them again. Hopefully, you know, we going to get good enough players to win the Stanley Cup together again.

Q. Maybe the big moment of this year (inaudible) Wayne Gretzky. Today he was there with you. What did it mean to have him beside you with this trophy, which he's almost made his own?
JAROMIR JAGR: I had a lot of special moments this year. Like you said, I played the last game of Wayne Gretzky's career. I scored the overtime goal. I had so much fun in the dressing room around those guys. Probably the most fun I ever had to play hockey. Just everything went the right way. Tonight I won three trophies, you know. Was just lucky year for me.