Training Courses
Two training courses are offered every year, a Basic
and an Advanced one.
Each course has a theoritical part (70%) and a practical
part (30%). Handouts and self-assessment questions are avilable.
At the end of the course each candidate receives a certificate
signed by the The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University and
the Director of the Fitness & Rehabilitation unit.
The Basic Course,
we review the basic physiology and anatomy of the respiratory system, then
the candidates are lectured about the different pulmonary functions tests
(PFTs), the basics of cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPX), the test equipment,
and finally the clinical application and interpretation of these tests.
Candidates perform PFTs and give their interpretations
for patients under the supervision of the Unit staff.
The Advanced
Course, cadidates review the basic
data (Basic Course), and then proceed to the more advanced cardiopulmonary
exercsie test (CPX), by the end of the five days' course cadidates understand
the basic principles of CPX, learn when and how to perform and interpritate
CPX, and actually perform CPX for patients under the supervision of the
Unit staff.
Year 1999 Courses
The Basic course
: 12 - 17 June 1999
The Advanced Course : 4 - 8 December 1999