And Then He Was Gone.....

Chapter Ten

It was the final show of the west coast tour, and it was a big one. From the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, California, it was the In Your House Pay-per-view for September. Kaliegh was in her dressing room early since Christian had a match against Owen Hart in the Sunday Night Heat part of the show. This was bittersweet night for her. Tonight was the night that her and Taker would be reunited, but it was also Judy's last show with the WWF. Kaliegh still had not spoken to Judy since the night that Judy told them all a little bit more of her life story, and she was deeply saddened by the whole situation. Kaliegh felt terrible for the things she had accused Taker and Judy of. She was consumed by guilt a good part of the time, and felt deep down that she did not deserve the friendship, or in Taker's case, the love of either one of them. Kaliegh sighed as she put the finishing touches on her make-up and got up from the chair she had been sitting in. Glancing up at the clock, she saw that it was 20 minutes until the show went on the air live. Christian's match was third on the card which meant Kaliegh had exactly 40 minutes total to finish with her hair, clothes, and everything else that needed to be done. Taker was due any minute to go over the the details of what would be going down in the angle concerning them. Kaliegh had just gotten into her costume when there was a knock on the door. It was Taker.

"Hello, Kal." Taker said warmly as he lowered his head and kissed her softly. Kaliegh sighed in content as she returned his kiss which was becoming more passionate with each passing second. Finally with great reluctance, Taker pulled away.

"Are you ready for tonight? I sure know I'm ready to have you back by my side." Taker said as he sat down and pulled her onto his lap.

"Well, I'm a little nervous, and although I have really enjoyed working with the Brood, I'm ready to be back with you." Kaliegh entwined her fingers in his silky hair and brought her lips to his neck, slowly sucking and biting the tender flesh. A deep groan escaped Taker's throat and he pulled her closer, holding her body tight against his.

"I have missed you so much...." Taker whispered, his voice husky with desire.

Kaliegh cussed under her breath and looked up at the clock. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to take a rain check and continue this later. Christian's match starts in 10 minutes."

"I am so glad this is your last night with those punks." Taker said. It always made him upset when he saw her with them.

"They're alright. You just haven't given them a chance. All three of them are great wrestlers and I'd say they have a very promising future here in the WWF. Okey, what about our angle tonight? Is everything still pretty much the way it was originally planned?" Kaliegh said as they walked out the door and towards the arena entrance.

"Yes, nothing has changed."

"Alright, I think I can handle that. And I'll see you later." Kaliegh said as she hurried over to where the Brood was waiting for her.


All the matches went according to plan and soon it was time for the main event. The match was Kane vs. Taker in a no disqualification match. At the end of the match Judy was to get up on the ring apron and smack Taker in the head with a chair, thus proving her alliance with Kane. Judy's actions would bring Kaliegh down to ringside in Taker's defence. Taker would be distracted by her appearance, allowing Kane to get the Tombstone and the pin.

Jim Ross: "Well Blaze has just whacked the Undertaker and this has brought Jaden down around ring side."

The King: "Yeah, whats she doing here anyway? She left the Undertaker weeks ago and now she thinks she can just come down here anytime she wants."

Jim Ross: "Doesn't look like Taker minds. He hasn't taken his eyes off her. But he needs to keep his mind on Kane and the match."

Just as the Undertaker turned back to the match, Kane scooped him up, dropped him on his head, and covered him for the pin. As Judy and Kane left together, Undertaker sat up, his head snapping around in Jaden's direction. The Undertaker quickly got to his feet as she began to make her way into the ring. The two stared at each other for several long moments. Finally as the light dimmed and his music began to play, he dropped to one knee, his hand extended towards her.


Kane and Judy went back to their dressing room in silence. Last night, when Kane had followed her back to her hotel, it had taken a great deal of persuasion on his part to convince her to come with him to the arena, and get ready for the show in his dressing room.

"I don't think that is such a good idea." she said quietly, unable to meet his eyes.

"Well, I do. If you're leaving after the show, please, at least do this for me. Let's have one last night together." Kane silently pleaded.

With head bowed, Kane didn't see the tears filling her eyes, not till he saw them fall on her folded hands. Wiping them away impatiently, she finally met his steady gaze. "Ok, why not! One last night!" She got up from her chair and went over to the big man, sitting down in his lap.

His arms went around her of their own accord, holding her close. He sucked in his breath in surprise when she began to nibble on his ear lobe and neck. His body responded instantly. God he had missed her! He bent his head till he could nuzzle her neck. After a few minutes, Kane got up, still holding her close, and carried her to the full size bed. They stayed there all night. The next morning, they left for the arena together.

On the drive there, she told him, just WHY she left him and why she decided to leave. She felt ashamed and guilty.

"But Judy, none of that was your fault." he said, surprised at her reasoning.

Looking down at her hands, face heating up in shame, she said "It's my fault Kaliegh left Taker. It's my fault she had to find out the kind of pond scum her late husband was. I never intended anyone to ever know about all that. I wanted to take that to the grave. Because of all the trouble my actions have caused, all I feel is shame and guilt. I'm thoroughly ashamed of the trouble I've caused all of y'all. That's why I've stayed away. I couldn't face y'all knowing the trouble I've caused. So,I thought it best to go away. See y'all only at the shows. Then leave again. I never meant for any of this to happen or come to light. God knows I didn't." She was completely miserable.

Kane didn't say anything till they entered the arena. After finding the dressing room, and dropping their bags on the floor, Kane excused himself, saying he'd be back in a minute. Leaving her alone, Kane went in search of Taker. He was told Taker hadn't arrived yet. Kaliegh had though. Kane told her why Judy was leaving.

"We need to talk to her. She's blaming herself." Kane explained. It saddened him and made him feel useless. "I need to talk to Taker, see if we can do something to keep her here. What happened was no more her fault than it was yours." He said. Kane left a message in Taker's dressing room, saying he needed to talk to him.


After the show, Kane still hadn't had a chance to speak with Taker. Judy and Kane, showered together, taking turns soaping each others bodies.They spent a long time just enjoying each others touch, stopping every now and again for a passionate kiss. Finally, unable to wait any longer, their bodies became one, joining in a union as old as the human race, each straining toward the other. Kane was holding her up, against the wall of the shower, enjoying the feel of her, her touch, showing her with his body, how he felt about her. Soon, she cried out his name, clinging to his massive shoulders. With a groan, he pulled her even closer, emptying himself deep within her.

A short time later, the couple arrived back at the hotel, looking sated and happy. Kane sent their bags upstairs with the bell hop, as they went in search of the hotel's restaurant. Taker and Kaliegh were just leaving as Kane and Judy entered the establishment. The two couples paused to exchange pleasantries, but Taker and Kaliegh seemed anxious to leave, so Kane and Judy didn't keep them.

After being shown to a table, Kane ordered for the both of them. As he gave their order to the waiter, she noticed the way he cocked his head to the side, the shape of his sensuous lips, the rich timbre of his voice. Her heart ached for this man.

She had come to care a great deal for Kane and knew she was going to miss him terribly. His big body had become a source of comfort to her. She had become accustomed to him laying beside her. It nearly killed her to look at him across the ring all those nights. She studied every detail of his beloved features, listened to the sound of his voice, not wanting to miss a thing. When he asked her something for the second time, she smiled,and apologized.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" The soft tender look she gave him, made him forget what he'd asked.

"Wasn't important." The hot look he gave her, caused her heart to skip a beat, then race away. Laying her fork down, she wasn't hungry for food anymore. Kane saw the look in her eyes, and set aside his fork as well.

"You finished?" He asked huskily, his gaze burning in it's intensity.

Unable to breath properly, let alone speak, Judy could only nod. Kane stood up laying a hundred dollar bill on the table, then taking her by the hand, very nearly ran from the restaurant. Once on the elevator, Kane stopped the car between floors and kissed her so passionately, she thought her fillings would melt. When he pulled away,and re-started the elevator, Judy didn't have the strength to stand alone. So Kane "had" to pick her up, holding her in his massive arms.

Their room was on the 5th floor. Neither one thought they could bare the wait. Her lips found his neck, nibbling and sucking gently, causing shivers of delight to race through his huge body. Wrapping her arms tightly around him, her lips left his neck,travelling slowly across his cheek, down his jawline to his chin, then teasingly, licking her way up to his lips. With a groan of pure lust, Kane's mouth came down hard and demanding on her soft, swollen mouth.

The elevator doors opened and an elderly couple started on, but seeing the younger couple so engaged, they decided to wait for another car. Kane stood her in the corner, his body hiding her from sight. His hands traveled slowly, possessively all over her body. Her hands slid up under his shirt, caressing and lightly scratching his nipples. Kane sucked in his breath, throwing his head back with a groan. Once more his lips claimed hers. With a moan, Kane turned to stop the elevator again, but they had arrived at their floor. Racing down the hall to their room, they just barely did get the door closed behind them, before they fell on each other again.

Pulling or tearing at each others clothes, they didn't even try to make it to the bed, just a few feet away. Falling to the floor, Kane supported his greater weight as he eased his hard length into her velvety softness. Moaning, she arched up off the floor. Her legs wrapped around his pumping hips. Kane took her breath away. Looking up into his hazel eyes, Judy groaned in pleasure, then she gasped, and once more cried out his name. Moments later, Kane grunted, as his body went rigid. He rolled over, collapsing on the floor beside her, pulling her to him. Gradually their breathing and heartbeats returned to normal. Kane was just about to doze off, when she wiggled away from him.

"Where you going?" He asked admiring the view.

"Come on, let's take a bubble bath." Her eyes ran hotly over his great length. Smiling seductively, she disappeared into the bathroom. Moments later, Kane heard the bathwater running. Groaning, he wondered if he had the strength to step over into the tub.

The next morning, at the airport, Judy couldn't prevent the tears that ran down her cheeks. Kane couldn't quite meet her eyes, his own tended to water. "Must be something in the air." He muttered.

With a trembling smile, she stood when her flight was announced. Hugging him tightly, she squeezed her eyes tight when more tears threatened to fall. Reluctantly, pulling away from the big man, she looked deep in to his eyes, "Kane, next time you're up my way, stop by to see an old friend?" she asked softly. Her eyes searching his.

Unable to speak passed the lump in his throat, he simply nodded. Pulling her to him once more, Kane held her as though he'd never let her go.

"I'm gonna miss you! I wish you would change your mind and stay with me." His voice was muffled against her neck.

"I can't! I've got to put these ghosts to rest once and for all." She said.

As they announced the final call for her flight, Judy pulled away from his embrace. Just before she turned away from him, she told him she loved him, then ran down the boarding ramp.

Walking over to the window, the big man stood there watching as the plane taxied down the runway. He watched as it took off, carrying his heart with it. Taker and Kaliegh found him still there an hour later.


"Kane? Come on..... Let's get out of here." Kaliegh said quietly, gently touching the big man's arm. Taker in turn put his hand on Kane's shoulder. Although no words were spoken between the two men, Kane understood that Taker was there for him should he need him. Taker and Kaliegh silently led Kane through the airport, not minding the people who stared at the three of them. Once they were back to the car, Kaliegh asked Kane the question that had been bothering her for most of the day.

"Did Judy tell you exactly why she was leaving, Kane?"

Kane did not reply and after awhile Kaliegh was beginning to wonder if he had even heard her question. Not wanting to push the subject, Kaliegh sat back in the seat, figuring Kane would talk about it when he was good and ready.

Taker knew exactly the pain that Kane felt at this time. Taker had felt the same ache in his heart not long ago when Kaliegh left him and refused to return until he and Judy were friends. But now that Judy had gone back home anyway, Taker felt like they had gone through all of that for nothing.

"She's blaming herself for everything." Kane said suddenly, breaking the heavy silence that had fallen over the car. "She blames herself for you and Taker being separated for that time....And she blames herself because you had to find out what a jerk your late husband really was."

"Hell, I knew what he was like deep down, but just couldn't admit it to myself. He did alot of shit to me...So yeah, I knew..." Kaliegh said her voice trailing off. "And you know what else? If I would have been a little bit of a better wife to him, then maybe Judy wouldn't have even gotten raped in the first place." Kaliegh once again sat back in her seat with a miserable sigh. Soon tears fell from her eyes. Kane became silent, lost in his own hell. Taker took Kaliegh's hand in his trying to comfort her anyway he could while he kept his eyes on the road ahead. Once they arrive back at the hotel, Kane mumbled what sounded like a good bye and headed off to his room. Taker and Kaliegh went off in the opposite direction to theirs.

"I wish you and Judy would stop blaming yourselves for everything." Taker said as he unlocked the door and walked into the room. "The events that have taken place are not her fault and it is not you that is to blame either. You both need to understand that."

"I know, Taker and I'm sorry. I promise I'll try to be a little more nice to myself."

Taker pulled her into his arms and held her tight against him, not ever wanting to let go. Kaliegh tilted her head towards his to accept his kiss. Taker's mouth traveled across her jaw and down her neck as he fell backwards onto the bed pulling Kaliegh down on top of him. Moving Taker's hair out of the way, Kaliegh took the tender flesh on his neck into her mouth and began to suck. After a few minutes she pulled back to have a look at her handy work.

"OOPS!! That is going to leave a mark." Kaliegh said as she admired the hickey that she had left. A growl of desire escaped Taker's throat as he rolled Kaliegh over on her back, his body totally covering hers. The couple became so lost in each other that they were almost late for the show that night.


"You go on ahead and start getting ready." taker said as they hurried into the arena. "I have to stop and talk to Kane about something."

"Alright, I'll catch ya later!" Kaliegh called over her shoulder as she rushed off to the dressing room."

A short time later Taker returned. "There's been a change in the plans for tonight." He said as he stripped his t-shirt off and began to put on his ring attire.

"Are you serious?" Kaliegh was slightly annoyed by this new turn of events and Taker could see it in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Kal. It isn't anything drastic. Kane is going to interfere in my match tonight and after next week's RAW, we will be a tag team....If you'll agree to it, that is."

"Well....A tag team, huh? Hmmm......You know, that is a great idea! You and Kane work so well together." Kaliegh replied as she stepped forward and put her arms around her man. "How is Kane doing anyway? I feel so bad for him."

"Well, of course he misses Judy very much. What those two have is special and I don't think it will be long before they are together again. When two people care about each other that much, they won't be kept apart for long." Taker said as he pulled her tight against him.

Kaliegh looked up at him, her eyes questioning. "Is what you and I have special like that? Is that why even after everything we have been through, we are together?"

"I believe it is." Taker answered with out hesitation. "I hope you feel the same."

"I always thought there was something between you and I. But I wasn't always sure you felt the same....I'm so glad you do."

Taker lowered his head and kissed her very gently. As kaliegh kissed him back, their passion became more heated.

"Taker...." Kaliegh said breathlessly. "Why do we always start this when there is no time?" Before he could answer, they were out the door, running towards the arena entrance as Taker's music began to play.

A few hours later, Kane, Taker and Kaliegh stopped at the hotel's bar to have a drink before going on to their rooms.

"Do you think it would be alright if I called Judy?" Kane asked as they sat down at the table. "I don't want to bother her. I just want to hear her voice....I miss her so much."

"I don't think she would mind, Kane. I think Judy would be happy to hear from you." Kaliegh said.

"Do you really think so?" Kane asked once more as he got up from his chair, not even touching his drink. Taker saw a hint of light in Kane's eyes for the first time since Judy had left.

"Give her a call, Kane." Taker urged him.

"I'm going to...I'm going to do it!" Kane said as he hurried out of the bar and to the nearest phone.

Chapter Eleven of And Then He Was Gone>
© 1998 by Kaliegh McLoed and Judy Smith
**this story cannot be used in any way with out written permission