And Then He Was Gone.....

Chapter Nineteen

After his match against the Rock, Kane didn't have a lot to say to Judy. He was pissed and it showed. Her timing was off and more than once Kane was the target of her interference rather than Rocky. Judy knew Kane was angry with her and she couldn't blame him. But something was terribly wrong! She felt it deep inside! Kane was just finishing dressing, when she approached him tentively.

"Kane, I'm sorry! But something is wrong! I've seen the Black Birds of Death! This has only happened two other times, and both times some one I cared about died. I'm sorry I cost you the match tonight!"

Her distress was clearly visible. She was wringing her hands, and seemed quite agitated. Unable to stay mad, Kane drew her into his arms, attempting to comfort her as best he could. Her and Taker, both, were upset!

"Judy, it's going to be ok. Kaliegh has probably got the flu or is just run down. All she needs is a few days rest, then she'll be right as rain." Kane said, trying to be practical.

"I hope you're right! But I'm scared! Not just upset! I'm scared!" Then she burst in to tears.

She was making HIM nervous! "Come on let's get something to eat! You'll feel better after that." He said, trying to reassure her. Judy wiped her tears, blew her nose, then turned away. Gathering up her stuff, Kane took her bag from her, then took her hand in his free one. "Come on, babe, let's go." And they left the arena.

Taker had rushed back to the hotel, worried to death about Kaliegh. What he found, didn't soothe him much at all. Kaliegh was in the grip of a nightmare, judging by the way she was tossing and turning. "NO! NO!" She moaned, then jerked upright. As before, she was slick with sweat, her body giving off a faintly metallic odour. Her eyes were wide and staring, yet she appeared to see nothing.

Taker hurried over sitting down on the bed beside her, taking her in his arms. Taker knew what was wrong with her. Her scent was what confirmed his suspicions. She would need to see a doctor to have it confirmed. "Please, GOD, let me be wrong!" He silently prayed. Tears filled his eyes as he gazed down at the love of his life, sleeping peacefully once again.

Kane and Judy had dinner at the hotel restaurant. Neither one had much of an appetite, picking at their food, rather than eating much of it. Kane watched as Judy nervously pushed her salad around on her plate.

"Come on! Let's go!" He had ordered sandwiches to go for Taker and Kaliegh. Stopping by a drink machine, Kane got them a drink to go with the sandwiches.

As they stepped off the elevator and headed down the hall toward Taker's room, Judy stopped suddenly, arms outstretched, head thrown back, her eyes rolled all the way back, much the same way Taker did, and she began talking in tongues. The hair on the back of Kane's neck stood on end, as a shiver raced down his back. He was spooked and didn't mind admitting it! Dropping the stuff in his hands, he ran forward and grabbed her.

"Judy! Snap out of it! My Gawd! Snap out of it!" Kane didn't know what to do! A few seconds later, that seemed like hours to Kane, Judy came out of it as quickly as she went into what ever the hell it was.

"Are you ok?" Kane had never been so scared in his life!

"I'm fine! Are YOU ok? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Judy felt a little weak and light headed but other wise, fine.

"Yeah! You sure you're ok?" Kane asked, looking at her funny.

"Sure, come on. What happened to their food?" She looked around at Kane questioningly.

"Nothing! Come on, let's see about Kaliegh." Kane was suddenly very anxious to be alone with Judy.


They talked quietly with Taker for a few minutes, then left them alone. Kaliegh was sound asleep. Kane didn't like what was happening to the women. He told Taker, he would talk to him later. What the hell was wrong with Kaliegh? And Judy? She scared hell out of him!

They went to their room, neither one speaking. Judy's mind was a thousand miles away. Kane just plain didn't know what TO say! Judy ran some bath water, after they got to their room, pouring aroma therapy bathoil into the water. The Lavender scent filled the room with it's fragrance. Kane was pacing nervously, unable to be still longer than five minutes at a time.

"Kane will you come here, please!" Judy called out from the other room.

"Sure!" He said, walking into the bath room. This whole ordeal was getting to him!

"Will you join me in the tub? I think you could use it." She said eyeing him worriedly.

Not knowing what else to do, Kane undressed and joined her in the big tub. Kane was jumpy, but Judy appeared to have calmed down, after the fit, or spell or trance or what ever the hell it was. Kane watch her, confused by the whole evening.

Judy took her bath puff, dipped it into the fragrant water and squeezed it over his chest. After a few times of doing this, Kane began to relax as well. The aroma therapy was working.

After awhile, they got out of the tub, then went to bed, neither one saying much of anything. Slipping beneath the sheets naked, they were soon asleep, but it wasn't a peaceful sleep. A couple of hours later, Kane was awakened by Judy tossing about violently. She was moaning, tears streaming down her face, her body completely rigid.

"Judy, wake up! Judy!" Kane grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her awake.

Slowly her eyes came open. She stared at Kane as though seeing him for the first time. Gradually recognition appeared in her dazed eyes. With a cry, she threw her arms around his neck, hanging on with a death grip.

"Oh Kane, what's happening? I haven't had dreams like this since my mother died." She sobbed against his shoulder.

"It's ok. Just bad dreams! Everyone has bad dreams!" He said, rocking her back and forth.

"I saw the Black Birds of Death! There were dead bodies everywhere! The birds were huge! They were after me! But it wasn't ME they were after! But somebody CLOSE to me! Oh Kane! If I lose you, I would die!" Judy was nearly hysterical. Kane tried his best to calm her and soothe her fears.

Kane kissed her cheek, tracing a path down to her neck, then to THAT spot behind her ear. Judy held him tight, trying to pull him closer still. Gradually her fears were replaced by another emotion. Kane covered her body with his, loving her nightmares away...loving her fears away.

Before daylight the next morning, the phone rang, waking them up instantly. Kane answered it, wondering why Taker would be calling at this hour. He knew it was Taker even before hearing his voice.

"Hello!" Kane said. "What happened!" he listened a few more minutes. "We'll be right there!"

Judy was up and dressing even as Kane talked with Taker. She brushed her teeth rapidly, then combed her long hair back into a ponytail. Kane was dressed by the time she was finished. Kane ran a comb through his long hair, telling Judy what Taker had to say, as he did it. Her already pale complexion got even paler. Kane wondered if she would be able to withstand much more. When she swayed, Kane grabbed her, fearing she was going to faint."Maybe you should stay here!" Kane said worriedly.

"No! I've got to see Kaliegh. I've got to be with her!" Judy was terrified for Kaliegh. Kane looked at her worriedly, debating whether to let her go or make her stay.

"Come, we need to hurry!" Grabbing her hand, they fairly ran down the hall to Taker's and Kaliegh's room.

Kaliegh's breathing was erratic, and shallow. Her color was ashen, a clammy sweat covered her face. Taker was resigned to the fact that Kaliegh was sick to the point she might even need to be hospitalized.

Judy went directly to Kaliegh's side. Taking her hand, Judy felt her pulse and was shocked at how thready it was. Lifting terrified eyes to Kane, she knew why these dreams had started again, after fifteen years. Looking at Taker he appeared almost calm in his demeanor. As though he might have some secret knowledge.

"I called an ambulance. She's going to the hospital!" He said quietly.

Moments later, a knock at the door announced the arrival of the paramedics. Within minutes, they were on their way to the hospital. Judy and Kane followed the ambulance all the way. Taker rode with Kaliegh. Luckily there were no more shows till the pay-per-view on Sunday, five days away. Hopefully, Kaliegh would be better then.

They waited anxiously in the waiting room while Taker went back with Kaliegh. They sat close together, Kane's arm around her.

The doctor came rushing in, did a preliminary examination of her, then turned his eyes on Taker. "You with this young lady when she got sick?" When Taker nodded, he told the doctor about his disorder and asked him to run the necessary tests to see if Kaliegh might have the same disorder.

"Just as a precaution, you understand. I had the exact same symptoms that she's experiencing." Taker's eyes were calm, honest,sincere, and terrified that he may be right. His heart was in his eyes. The doctor studied him silently for several minutes, then turned to the assisting nurse and told her what he needed done.

"Young man, I doubt this is the problem. This blood disorder you're talking about is extremely rare. That two people would meet, with the same disorder, is highly unlikely."

"You're right of course, but stranger things have happened. Please, if nothing else than to rule out this possibility, do the test." Taker implored the doctor assigned to care for his beloved.

Hours later, test results in hand, the doctor took Taker aside. Their talk was quiet and subdued. Taker's head dropped, his shoulders had a dejected droop to them. In just the few minutes the doctor and Taker talked, Taker appeared to age at least twenty years. Finally, the doctor laid a hand on Taker's shoulder, then left the room.

Judy and Kane stood away from the two men, allowing them as much privacy as the crowded room would allow.

"Doctor, just a minute!" Taker followed the man out of the room.

"I want you to arrange to have her transported by plane to Nashville. The doctor treating me is there at Vanderbilt Hospital." Taker watched the older man. Finally, after considering what the younger man said, he agreed to do it.

"It might be the best, especially in view of the fact, that I have no experience in treating this disorder."

"Thank-you, doctor!" Taker said, feeling better about it already, shaking the man's hand vigorously.

Going back inside, he told Kane and Judy what was going to happen. "Kane would you two please go back to the hotel and collect our stuff, then meet us at the Hospital in Nashville?" He asked quietly.

"Of course! Do you need anything else?" Kane's heart and sympathy's were with Taker.

Judy's mind was else where. "Do you know what is wrong with her?" She asked, fear and concern for her friend visible in her face.

"We have an idea, but this doctor in Nashville will be able to tell for sure." Taker said quietly, peacefully.

Kaliegh seemed to be resting peacefully so Judy and Kane left to go back to the hotel. Taker said he'd see them in Nashville.

After showering and packing all their stuff, Kane called the front desk to inform them to get his and Taker's bill ready, and to send up a bell hop to help with their luggage. Judy had pulled her hair back into a ponytail again, and was wearing the same dark blue sweats that she had worn when starting this part of the tour. After arriving back in Knoxville, they would take her truck back to the cabin, then drive the car back to Nashville.

"Kane, I'm afraid! This is why I've had these dreams again. Because Kaliegh is sick." She went to Kane, as he took her in his arms, pulling her close.

"Babe, she's going to be ok! Taker says this doctor is a miracle worker. Have a little faith and pray." He said, his voice was strained. Worry evident, even as he tried to soothe her fears.

"I hope so!" she said. Within a couple of hours, they were on a plane flying to Knoxville. They would be going to Nashville the next morning.

When they got to her cabin, Judy put Taker and Kaliegh's clothes in to wash. She would repack them once they were dry. Judy fixed Kane something to eat. He played in the soup, not really eating much of it, finally getting up and throwing it away.

Judy repacked their clothes in one bag. The smaller bag would be going with them to Taker. The larger ones would be staying there till they came to collect them. By the time she was finished, Kane had pulled the covers back on the bed, turned on the radio, and was just crawling into bed when Judy told him she was going to take a quick shower. Minutes later she joined him in the big bed.

Almost instantly, she was sound asleep. Kane was worried about her, about Kaliegh and about Taker. It was several hours before he finally drifted off into a troubled sleep.

They awoke just before daylight. The sun was just beginning to rise above the peaks of the mountains right outside her bedroom window. Judy got out of bed rather stiffly, heading to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. When that was done, she went to the bedroom making the bed, then laid out their clothes. Kane was already in the shower. Going back to the kitchen, she poured two cups of coffee and made them a quick breakfast of bacon, scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast. She was just setting their plates on the table when Kane entered the kitchen. Picking up his cup, he said "Bathroom's yours!" eyeing the food with some distaste.

"Better eat while it's hot!" She said half-heartedly. They sat down and ate with little appetite. After they finished, she put the dishes in the dishwasher, then went in for a quick shower. Within minutes, she, too, was dressed and ready to go. Kane had pulled the Ford Explorer around front, and left the engine running.

"You ready?" He asked, coming back inside the cabin.

"Yeah, its time to leave. It's a good two hour drive." Picking up her purse, and the bag for Taker, Kane took the bag from her, and they were on their way in minutes.

"How is she?" Judy asked when they met up with Taker just outside Kaliegh's room.

Grinning broadly, he said "See for yourself." And held the door as Judy and Kane entered the room, to find Kaliegh sitting up in bed. She smiled broadly at her company.

"Well, I'll be damned!" Judy was absolutely amazed. Surprise covered her face. "You looked near death two days ago, even yesterday morning. Now this morning, you look better than I do! What's up?"

"I was just tired. The doctor called it exhaustion." She said, not meeting Judy's eyes. Glancing up at Taker, their eyes met, unspoken secrets kept, unspoken promises made.

Kane shook his head in disbelief. They visited for a couple of hours then headed back home. Judy was silent for most of the way home. Things were not as they seemed. As they pulled in the driveway, Judy turned to Kane. "We need to talk." She said.

As they walked into the cabin, Judy started a pot of coffee. They sat down at the table. Kane didn't like the feel of this. "What's on your mind, babe!" He asked, searching her face for a clue as to what was on her mind, finding nothing but serious contemplation there.

"I feel there is something more than Kaliegh is telling. Taker knows, but he's not telling either. I'll finish the next weeks worth of shows, but after that, I need about two weeks off. I want to finish my book and let them have a copy of the unpublished manuscript." She said softly, silently pleading for him to understand.

"You think it's that serious?" He asked.

"Yes, I do! My gut feeling tells me this may even be deadly serious. This is something I really need to do." She said softly.

"What's your book called?" He asked, a small smile tugging at the corners of his full, sensual lips.

With a relieved smile, she told him."It's called "FRIENDS!"

Reaching out, she took his hand in both of hers and kissed it. Kane's eyes held hers, a gentle smile on his lips. Reaching out, he caressed her cheek with the knuckles of his free hand. After a few minutes, he got up and poured them each a cup of coffee. He carried them back to the table and sat down, handing her a cup. His love for her shining in his eyes, as hers did for him.


After being hospitalized for three days Kaliegh was released. She and Taker were granted two weeks of personal time off to help aid in her recovery and decide what was in the future for them.

"Of course, I want to go back on the road." Kaliegh said as they walked in the front door of her house. "That is our life and I'd be lost with out it." Kaliegh went into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. She hadn't even gotten the water poured into the pot when Taker came up behind her and softly kissed her neck. then he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. It was late the next morning before the came out of there again.


"Kaliegh, when you were sick, you had alot of nightmares. You talked in your sleep during those dreams too. More than once you said, "I will die for him." Do you remember that? Or know what it meant?" Taker asked while the washed up the breakfast dishes the next morning.

Kaliegh didn't say anything for a few moments. Although she now knew what the dreams meant, she wasn't quite sure how to explain it to him. But now that he had asked, she would find some way to explain it to him.

"Well, first off, let me tell you that you will probably find this a bit hard to believe, but you're gonna have to trust me on this." Kaliegh said as she took his hand and led him into the living room. "You know how sometimes something that happens in a dream turns out to be reality?? Well, this is what has happened here. When I first had the dream, it was five days ago and I had it every night since then...until last night. When the dream first started, we were on our way to a visit with Judy and Kane. Then there was an accident and you were killed. I was terribly sad at the thought of losing you and then suddenly there was a voice....It asked me if I would die for you. Knowing how much I love you, and not being able to imagine this world with out you.....I didn't even need to think about it....I would die for you over and over if I had to."

Confusion clouded Taker's normally clear green eyes. "I don't understand, Kaliegh. What are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is that you no longer have the blood disorder. Although in the dream the scenario was that you were killed in a car accident, the words that were said to me, and the words I responded with, meant the same thing. The very moment that I said I would die for you, you became free of the disease and I acquired it."

"Kaliegh, I...." Taker was at a complete loss for words. After several moments of silence, he asked, "How do you know this?"

"I don't know how I know it...I just do." Kaliegh said simply.

"I don't know what to say. this is all very shocking. This shouldn't be happening this way. Just when I finally found you, now I'm going to lose you. I'm sorry if I sound unappreciative, I don't mean to. I'm deeply touched by the sacrifice that you have made for me. I just don't want to imagine my life with out you....I love you too much." Taker pulled her into his arms. Kaliegh felt his warm tears on her neck, while his whole body trembled with sadness.

"I know it's hard for you to understand why things have turned out this way. But like I said before, I love you more than anything....there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. I would give my life for you again and again."

"I love you." Taker's voice was husky with emotion, his eyes held the same feeling. "You'll never know how much I love you...there are no words to express what I feel for you." Taker lowered his lips to hers and kissed her very softly...very slowly. This time their lovemaking took on a whole new meaning this time. It was gentle, but extremely intense. Their hearts became one and their souls were joined in a union so strong that it could never be broken. Their love no longer knew any boundaries or limits.


Taker and Kaliegh were married a month later. After what they had just been through, it was very touching and emotional for the two of them. Having Judy and Kane there made the event all the more special. Kaliegh felt truly blessed having the people she cared most about there to share the day with Taker and herself. They had not yet told Judy and Kane what exactly had happened when Kaliegh got sick, and they didn't know if they ever would. Kaliegh guessed that Kane and Judy knew things weren't what they seemed anyway, so it didn't seem important that she and Taker explain the situation to them. Judy and Kane stayed on for two days afterward and the four of them made plans to meet up in three days when they all had to return back to the road.


Kaliegh got up to answer the knock at her door. A special messenger had a packet she had to sign for. Carrying it back to her favorite chair, she sat down and tore it open, wondering what it could be, and who might of sent it.

Inside was a beautifully bound manuscript. The smooth black leather felt cool to her hands. Inside the lining was a wonderful antique purple satin. Someone had taken a lot of trouble and effort with this. It WAS a beautiful book. The inscription on the outside was written in the same shade of purple as the satin inside. Opening the book, Kaliegh was stopped by the dedication on the first page. It was from Judy! It said simply:

"To my good FRIENDS!

Although we haven't know each other very long, as far as time goes, We HAVE shared a lifetime of exciting experiences, a lifetime of sad memories, and with GOD'S will, we will share a lifetime of joy!


Kaliegh jumped up, yelling for Taker as she went in search of him, tears of love streaming down her face, for the friend that sent her this.

The End.......
© 1998 by Kaliegh McLoed and Judy Smith
**this story cannot be used in any way with out written permission