Tattooed Dreams....

Chapter Seventeen~~~Judy

Brian couldn't get that look out of his mind! Every time Reno was mentioned, he saw the pain in her eyes. What had happened out there to cause Judy such anguish? Was Taker responsible? Brian suspected he was some how involved! Taker was not only his friend, but his cousin as well. So they had known each other a long time!

Judy's shop was unique! Sitting just off the Interstate, the building itself, looked like a log cabin, and nothing at all like a tattoo parlor. News of her shop had quickly spread by word of mouth, and so had her clientele.

Brian had heard about her work from one of his friends. After seeing the quality of her work, Brian decided to pay her a visit, himself. And had been pleasantly surprised. Adam said she was good-looking, but Brian hadn't been prepared for those eyes. A man could get lost in those eyes!

Brian had sent a limo around to pick her up so she wouldn't have to drive, and had left word to bring her to his dressing room the moment she arrived. He wanted to talk to her. Her voice was like velvet, all smooth and soft! And, he'd bet tonights purse, that she was all softness! If he was lucky, maybe he'd find out.


Brian and Judy had dinner at a seafood restaurant in downtown Knoxville. Judy couldn't help admire the way he filled out his jeans, and there was no way his arms could get any bigger. The leather vest he had on, only served to accentuate his broad shoulders and trim waist. She had the feeling he would be just as energetic in bed, as he was in the ring tonight. A slight smile touched her lips at the thought.

Brian consumed his surf and turf meal with gusto. His eyes seldom strayed from his dinner companion. Seeing the slight smile on her lips, Brian wondered what put it there. As she glanced up, meeting his gaze, a dusky rose stained her cheeks, making her eyes look nearly black. Brian's breath caught at the sight of her. She was lovely! With her long, dark auburn hair and those incredible blue eyes.... LORD! Suddenly, Judy laughed softly at the stunned expression on his face. The sound was music to his ears! Neither of them noticed the short, balding man seated at the next table.


Kane convinced Taker to come in with him at Kali's shop. They had received two extra days off, so Kane wanted to surprise Kali.

As they entered the parlor, Kali was tidying up after her last customer. Glancing up when the door opened, she squealed in delight as Kane stepped through the doorway. Throwing herself at him, she hugged him like she would never let go.

"I'm so glad to see you! What a pleasant surprise!" She said breathlessly, her eyes sparkling happily.

"Glad we could surprise you! Taker dropped me off. Had the devil's own time trying to get him to come in and say hello!" Kane had swung her around, kissing her thoroughly, before finally putting her down. Taker stood next to the door silently, during their enthusiastic greeting.

As her eyes locked with Taker's she said in a rather seductive tone, "Well, honey, I have a surprise for you too!" Glancing up at Kane, all he saw was love shining in her blue eyes. "I'm pregnant! About 3 months now!" As she said this her eyes coldly met Taker's again.

"Taker! Did you hear that!" Kane was ecstatic, as he turned to look at his friend.

Surprise was the first emotion Taker felt, but glancing at Kali and seeing the cold vendictive look in her eyes, Taker knew instantly that he was the father, and not Kane. Shock hit him just below the ribcage. Watching the happy couple, through narrowed eyes, Taker knew she was going to use this against him some how.

"Congratulations! Look, I've got to be going. I'll see y'all later!" Taker disappeared through the door before either of them could react.

Climbing into the rental car, Taker hit the steering wheel hard with his fist. He knew that he was the father. That last time they had been together had done it! "Damn!" He thought as he finally started the car, heading back to the airport. Taker's flight to Knoxville would be leaving in about an hour. With any luck, he would get to Judy's cabin before midnight. They had a lot to talk about and he only hoped she would let him in.


Kali had received the detective's report earlier that afternoon. She knew Judy was living in a place called Wears Valley high up in the Smokies. She also knew about her shop just outside of Knoxville. If she knew Taker at all, Kali knew he was on his way there to see Judy right about now.

The look on his face had been priceless, when she told the men she was pregnant! Poor Kane actually thought the baby was his, but Taker knew! But then again, who knows, the baby just might be Kane's! Yet Kali's instincts told her it belonged to Taker! With a satisfied smile, she listened with half an ear to what Kane was saying.


Brian and Judy had enjoyed their dinner, and were now headed to her cabin. She had thanked him for an enjoyable evening, but had an early day the next day.

"Maybe next time we can do something else?" She said with a hopeful grin.

Understanding her, Brian grinned. "OK! I'll accept that on one condition!" He said.

"And just what would that be?" She grinned back.

"Invite me in for a cup of coffee! 15 minutes, MAX!" Brian's smug grin and charm won her over! Laughing softly, she agreed.

"But only for one cup! I really DO have an early day!"

The limo had pulled up in front of her cabin. As they walked up to the door, Judy told him again, that she had enjoyed the evening. "I'd like to see you again, that is, if you want to see me again. I may be presumptuous, but I like you, Mr. Lee!" As she unlocked the door, she grinned mischievously. Brian threw back his head and laughed heartily.

"It would be my pleasure. Besides, a man would be an idiot not to want to spend time with a lovely lady!"

Laughing together, they entered her cabin. Judy turned on the lights, then went into the kitchen to start the coffee. Brain inspected her home, then followed her into the kitchen. Taking her by the arm, he turned her around facing him. Gently, he pulled her into his arms and tenderly kissed her. When she began to respond, Brian pulled away, ending the kiss.

Reluctantly, she stepped back. "Brian, I like you! I like you alot! But I'm not ready to get involved with another man right now, least of all another wrestler!" Her voice so soft and low, yet he still heard the hurt there!

"I didn't mean to push you! But I've wanted to do that since the first time I saw you! Now I think I'd better go!" Brian turned away and walked to the door, Judy right behind him.

As she walked him out to the limo, she said "If you're willing, I would like to see you again, but only as a friend! OK?" She met and held his eyes till his ready smile appeared.

"Sure thing! I'll call you next week and we'll have dinner again. I really did enjoy tonight." Then he leaned down and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Good night, and I'll look forward to hearing from you!" She smiled at him as he started to get in the huge car.

Just then, a pick-up pulled up beside the limo. Taker got out, looking at Brian then at Judy.

"How ya doin, Brian?" Taker asked, looking at the big guy!

"Good! How bout yourself?" Brian replied, his eyes on Taker, then glancing at Judy, understanding finally dawning on him!

Judy was furious! Her eyes were staring at the ground, her fingers clenched together tightly! Finally, she looked up when Taker spoke directly to her.

"Judy, I hoped to be able to talk to you! Have I come at a bad time?" He asked, acutely aware of Brian's interested eyes watching them.

"Yes! You have! Call me tomorrow and make an appointment. I'll try to work you in. I have a shop called Dreams in Ink. It's just of I-40. Brian just got here, now if you don't mind, I'll talk to you tomorrow!" And all but stomped back inside.

Taker's eyes narrowed, his lips thinned to a mere straight line. He glared after that woman, then at Brian. He got back in the truck and was about to close the door and drive off, when Brian's laugh stopped him.

"Man, if you leave now, you are a fool! I was leaving! All she wants from me is friendship. She did some ink for me last night, then tonight, I took her to a show and out to dinner. We just got back here maybe 10 minutes ago, and I was about to leave when you pulled up. Now if you care for her, even a little, you'll go in there and make her believe it." Brian chuckled softly at the thoughtful look on Taker's face. "Have you got any idea how lucky you are that a woman like that cares for you? Don't do any thing to screw it up, because I could love her very easily!" Brian warned, his eyes deadly serious. Giving Taker one last look, he climbed into the backseat, then the limo pulled away.

Taker sat there a moment thinking about what Brian had said. Getting out of the truck, he walked up to the door and opened it, not bothering to knock.

Judy was sitting at the table, drinking a cup of coffee. Another cup sat in front of an empty chair. Glancing up and seeing Taker, she angrily dashed the tears away, giving him a defiant look.

Sitting down in the chair, Taker looked at her, his heart in his eyes. "Tell me this! Do you care for me? Do we have a chance of a future together?"


Chapter Eighteen~~~Kaliegh

Judy glared back at Taker, not able to believe that he had the nerve to ask if they had a chance of a future together. "Taker, it's well after midnight and if you don't mind, I really do have to get up very early in the morning. I just had a wonderful evening with Brian and that's what I'd like to be thinking about when I go to sleep…not the stuff that is bound to come up if we continue this conversation. If you'd like, meet me at my shop tomorrow and we'll talk about it over lunch." Judy stood and walked over to the door. Holding it open, she asked him once again to leave.

Taker looked at her for a moment and then reluctantly left. He only hoped he had the chance to talk to Judy first because he had a strong feeling that Kali was going to be talking with Judy sometime in the very near future.


Before the sun was even up the next morning, Kali crawled out of bed, being extra careful not to wake Kane. She knew he was tired from his time spent on the road and thought he would appreciate the extra time to sleep. Kali's heart filled with love for him as she watched him sleeping. Their love making last night had been incredible…so full of emotion and Kali felt truly blessed to have found him again. She leaned over and softly kissed his cheek before going to the closet to get clean clothes. Then she headed for the shower. She had a flight to catch.

Before leaving for the airport, Kali quickly left a note for Kane saying she had something she had to do and would be back by early evening. Forty minutes later, she was on her way to Knoxville.


Taker arrived at Judy's shop at about twenty minutes before noon. He had been sitting in his truck for a short time trying to collect his thoughts when he saw another car pull up in front of the parlor. Looking closer at the driver of the vehicle, Taker was stunned to see that it was Kali. He watched her as she got out of her car, momentarily forgetting about Judy completely. Kali's long blond hair blew about in the warm summer breeze, and her face seemed to be positively glowing. Taker felt a wave of desire rush through his body when she walked around to the front of the car towards Judy's shop. Her tanned, muscular legs immediately caught his eye and taker remembered how good it felt having those legs wrapped tightly around his body.

Just then Kali turned and looked directly at him, a knowing smile on her lips. She knew that Taker was watching her, and she had seen the look in his eyes. Suddenly realizing why Kali was here and what she was about to do, Taker jumped out of his truck and walked quickly towards her.

"You are not going in there, Kali! You are not going to ruin this for me!" Taker stood to his full height, his green eyes staring down at her, daring her to make a move towards Judy's shop.

Kali laughed in his face as she crossed her arms in front of her and glared back up at him. "You're the one that screwed up, Taker! Not me!" The cold look in her eyes was enough to freeze up anyone's insides, but it made Taker's blood boil. He thought she looked extremely beautiful when she was so angry and Taker was not able to take his eyes off of her. Taker realized this had been his undoing last time, and if he weren't careful, it would happen again this time.

"Kali, please….." Taker said almost desperately. His resistance was weakening and it took all of the strength he possessed in his body to not reach out and take her into his arms. "Please get back in your car and go back to Reno."

Kali was driving him wild and she knew it. Taking a step closer to him, she placed a hand on his chest and gazed up at him. Kali heard a low moan escape his lips as he looked back down at her.

"God help me, I want you…." Taker whispered as he put a large hand on either side of her head and drew her mouth up towards his. When the kiss ended, Kali glanced over at the large window in the front of Judy's shop. Judy stood there watching, and had seen everything.

Book Seven of Tattooed Dreams
Kaliegh McLoed and Judy Smith
***This story cannot be used in any way without permission