Last Updated:April 27, 2000
The Arrest
Part 1-Before the Arrest The Explanation
Part 4-My Side of The Story The Outcome
Part 6-Outcome of the Case
This part of my page is dedicated to the analysis and explanation of my arrest on February 11, 1999. For well over a year now, I have been wanting to get my side of the story out and this is where I will do it. It will explain to everyone the REAL facts of the entire situation and should also show why I have grown to truly hate my sister. If you want to understand why I dislike my sister, want to know a little about me, or even if you think I'm a wacked out nut, read this and you will understand things a little better. Read each part of the story by clicking the links on the left side of this page and then give me some feedback on the opinion board, through e-mail, or in the guestbook. Any comments are welcome and I want to know what you would do or how you would react if you were in this situation. Here is a brief rundown of what the different parts are about: Part One-Tells how things were before and leading up to when the arrest was made such as events in my life and my relationship with my sister. Part Two-Tells about the actual day of the arrest and thoughts going through my head as well as my opinion of the police. Part Three-Tells about the days and weeks after the arrest and how it affected my life. Part Four-Shows all parts of the case and I explain in detail the TRUTH about the entire scenario. Part Five-My opinion of my sister, including a list of everything she is that I hate. Part Six-The outcome of the case and what happened afterwards. Part Seven-Names of all of the people who were somehow involved and affected, along with my thoughts on them.