FBSFC 2001 Outdoor  - Game Summaries

FBSFC 1         Etobicoke  2

FBSFC decided to bring their first ever outdoor season to a rousing end with some very good football - but as usual came one goal short of getting a result.

In a very "high spirited" clash FBSFC dominated play (I know it sounds weird) and had more of the opportunities but could not hit the net to claim any points out of the encounter.

Etobicoke struck first with a wind aided long ball that eluded the sleeping Don Clendenning and ended up in the corner of the net. The lead was stretched to two when a bouncing ball in the area made contact with the usually solid "African" Nick's head and went into our own goal... so Etobicoke were spotted two goals and things did not look good.

Near the end of the first half Bernard "the conqueror" arrived on the pitch and raised the teams play to heights only dreamed of in the past. Confidence and false hope ran through the veins of every player and led to solid passing - with players actually "calling" for the ball - and actually trying to get open! I had never before seen an FBSFC player actually run without chasing the ball... it was just unbelievable. John DeSantis and Sean Rice had spurts playing in defense and the extra weight was thrown around liberally- with more "high spirited" tackles being thrown all over the pitch things started to get interesting.

In the second half John DeSantis ended his 4 month long goal drought with a nice move to walk around the keeper and slot the ball home. Bernard continued his great play and FBSFC completely dominated the second half but could not put the ball in the net - Sean Rice hit the bar earlier in the game and missed a sitter with minutes to go - it just wasn't FBSFC's day (will it ever be?)..

Things did get a little nasty near the end of the game when Mango mounted an unsuspecting player and tried to molest him at the edge of our 18 yard box. Ian was given a yellow card for "obscene conduct"...The Komljenovic brothers got into a slapping match with a few opposing players as we tried to take a free kick and John DeSantis outmuscled  a little boy who wandered onto the field. Sean rice also got into a yelling match with an opposing players mother who felt like getting involved...Mango offered to "mount" her too.

FBSFC  2        Famous Players     3

Another hot heart breaker for FBSFC as we went down 3-2 to Famous Players on Sunday. Incredibly it is FBSFC's fourth one goal defeat in their last six games....ouch!

Famous Players must have been "Famous" Practicing or have undergone extensive plastic surgery because this team had no resemblance to the one that FBSFC faced earlier in the year. The pressure was on the good guys all game - but some excellent defending and solid goalkeeping kept the result in doubt until the very end. Nick was again Man-of-the-Match in his new "sweeper" role - making some game saving tackles - he also even managed to head-butt one of the opposing players. Just all around excellent work.

Ron Nolet made a few amazing saves and managed to run his own strikers into the ground as they chased his huge goal kicks all day long. Mark Rattray was solid in his new left back position, although he was suffering from cramps late in the game (it must have been his time of the month).........I think it was cramps - although it may have been crabs (brought back from his recent trip to Scotland). Steevvie Sexton played his usual "magical" game - although he failed to show up for a pint after the game - his "magic" status was quickly reversed.

The midfield played fairly well with Vince having his usual strong game and the K. brothers linking up quite well (Mike even scored our second goal). Gary had a nice game - but at one point he was out run by guy crawling on all fours..kind of embarrassing. Justin McCarthy was doing a nice job jumping into the rush (he was also checking everyone's gym bag for his missing #5 jersey).   Mark Carli was solid and just missed getting a few real chances (he kept falling down)....Hal Huff was late as usual - but once he shot himself up with his drug of choice (and ate a few donuts) he was ready to go. Hal still needs to work on his kicking - as he flew a good chance over the bar - but his running was again very solid.

The strikers had their moments - but were up against a very tough (tall and fit) defense.  John DeSantis setup Sean Rice for the first goal (and a very nice one at that). But the two strikers (a combined 450 lbs) had trouble with their fitness and could not keep up  the pace all game. On a sad note Sean Rice (210 lbs) is now the teams leading scorer with 7....quite embarrassing.

Next week - TOURNAMENT!!


FBSFC 3         Weston United   4

Closely mirroring a high school production of "Lawrence of Arabia", FBSFC lost a hard fought game 4-3 to Weston United.  Under the burning sun and playing on a field that resembled the Sahara Desert twelve FBSFC camels showed up to do battle in the early evening at Brampton Community Park.

After twenty minutes FBSFC took the lead on a goal by the Chairman after some sustained pressure in the Weston United half. It was around this point that we realized that Mango had not shown up - and even worse - we had very little water and Mango had our water bottles. As our full fate was slowly being realized Weston tied the score and then took the lead as full panic swept through the team - I believe Don was digging for water with bbloody fingers as the ball crossed the line.

For once being overweight may have helped us as our "retained" water sustained us for the rest of the first half (we really did look like camels - except our "hump" was on the front not the back). Jimmy tied the score with a nice finish and we ambled off at the sound of the whistle. During halftime what remained of our water was pooled together and consumed quickly...another grueling 45 minutes to go..

As the second half got underway Don started yelling and swearing - he was very upset when he realized that he had to start digging his Well all over again seeing that we had switched ends after half time. As the heat intensified the back four seemed to be suffering from some sort of delirium as Weston scored two quick goals to seemingly put the game out of reach.  The strikers and midfielders were suffering from the heat as miss kicks and poor passing kept the chances up front to a minimum.

With about twenty minutes left some players started falling on their knees as they started seeing visions of "Mango the Water Maiden" and his magic water bottles - these hallucinations were so life-like that we felt refreshed after drinking from the water he provided. It was only after the game that some spectators asked us why we were eating handfuls of sand on the pitch. With our renewed energy we made another run at it.

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                              Mango - "Water Maiden"

Julian Murray rallied the team as he started making runs and linking up nicely with Hal and Justin down the right side - their tireless work paid off as they setup the Chairman for a goal to bring FBSFC within one. We had made it 4-3 but there was only two minutes left in the game. Julian kept working hard but took a bad knock on his right knee (see picture) and was useless after that. The last minute was a complete comedy of errors as Don took a goal kick and tried to play it short to Gary - the ball went by Gary and out of bounds for a throw in for the other team! The whistle blew to put us out of our misery....it was only then that Mark, Gary and Jimmy took out their "private stash" of water ....the bastards.                                                                                                                                                                                Julian - "took a knock"


FBSFC 0         Diablos         8

FBSFC lost 8-0 to Diablos yesterday as only ten men showed up (an eleventh showed up later) - but with no subs our poor bodies broke down badly. No one has submitted a game summary yet - and seeing as I wasn't there I cannot comment further - although I did hear rumors of a couple of Own Goals......


FBSFC 1         Iron Men  0

We showed up and they didn't - so we claim the victory! We take 'em any way we can get 'em - and we're still arguing over who will claim credit for the goal.

FBSFC 0 Valhalla FC 4

Playing two games in one weekend was apparently too much for the Club as they began a new losing streak by succumbing to their own "winning complacency record", falling 4-0 to a group of "Chamber maids and Bell hops" Valhalla (Inn) FC.

Keeper Ron Nolet was furious as he actually brought official charges to several FBSFC players on a multitude of infractions. Several players were accused of:

An official inquiry will be made at the next Board meeting to determine the validity of Nolet’s charges.

Scoring for the Club on Sunday was no one. As to score goals you must "make contact" – although Don Clendenning gave us a quick lesson on "how to miss an open net". Several players have asked to clarify what contact means. Meanwhile, Steve Sexton will continue to hold ""falling down lessons"" with all players.

Dave Lowe continued to rack up more yellow cards for the Club by striking several smaller players with his hands, after losing out on several loose balls. Dave confirmed that he was indeed "tired of all this bloody running", and that there were not enough "smoke breaks" during the match. Chairman Rice has promised to approach the Board at SoccerCity with this concern and has even enlisted the help of Brian "Phantom Injury" Warren. As many fans know, Brian continues to claim a spot on the FBSFC roster after refusing to have any concern over his own well being. Brian continues to be examined by Club Physician Hal Huff on a regular basis and has even been seen in the company of his wife during matches to "ease the game pressure". Reports of Brian attempting to download porn and MP3’s while he sips rum and coke from a water bottle are unfounded.

Nick turned in another strong performance - but he hasn't yet figured out that playing really hard and then missing the next game is really not a pattern that helps this club. Although we understand that flying home to South Africa between games is tiring - it's really no excuse.

Julian Murray made another "surprise" performance this week and played quite well - although he was carried off near the end suffering from "strepp throat" after yelling for ninety minutes.

FBSFC 4 Weston Utd 1

FBSFC pulled out of another losing streak on Saturday by thrashing Weston Utd 4-1 in a highly anticipated make-up game. Conspicuous by his absence was Club Chairman Sean Rice, who was heavily fined by his own Board of Directors after learning that the Chairman was attending a NASCAR "super weekend" race with relatives in Schomburg. The Chairman was sporting a very large belt buckle, was missing a tooth, and wore a T-shirt emblazed with a large number "3" in memory of his fallen idol Dale Earnhardt.

However he once again deflected all interest away from himself and chose to focus on the exploits of his team, whom he heaped many accolades on, after pulling out a much needed win. "The lads came through", He began "They were left in the care of themselves and have given credence that even idiot children can feed themselves". Once again the comments of Mr. Rice have grossly offended another minority, who insisted upon telling reporters to "let them suffer as I do – have you seen the deputy Chair?"

Scoring for the Club were Jimmy "I work for No-Frills", John "It’s not as tough as softball", Gary "Hey I made contact with the ball!", and Mike "my face is red" K.

Playing well in goal was Ron Nolet, who is quickly becoming known as one of the only players on the squad who takes his winning seriously. FBSFC defenders have learned quickly to vacate their own end. Not to push forward on the opposition, but to escape from a tirade of abuse and fear of being hit with the ball from their own keeper. When asked for comments on his game play Nolet stormed off stating "Piss off. My knees are scabby and besides I have a 25 year contract with the Club". Nolet also managed to save a penalty kick after star midfielder Mark Carli, grabbed the ball in the box to read the printing to determine if it was really made in China. Mark is now apparently at FBSFC HQ undergoing "PLEASE DON"T TOUCH THE BALL" drills. Facilitating the course again is keeper Ron Nolet after teaching an exhausting half time drill of "How to take throw ins". Club magic maker Steve Sexton has been asked to repeat the course after failing miserably.

Seeing yellow cards during the game were Sean Nejat and Gary Rule, who were informed that neither of them were WWF wrestlers, and should pick up a rule book to differentiate between a soccer tackle and a football tackle. Nejat was also heavily fined by the Club for sitting on a Weston Utd player and repeatedly shoving his "cup" in the players face. "Can you smell a winner Mon Ami?" was overheard by many players. Weston Utd are considering filing an appeal based on Nejat’s "intimidation beyond the bounds of normalcy." 


July 8, 2001      FBSFC 1 Multi Wide 2

FBSFC reached another milestone this past weekend by managing to capture its fortieth loss out of fifty matches. The club stumbled in the mid day sun, falling 2-1 to a much hungrier Multi Wide team.

On reaching the fortieth loss, Club Chairman Sean Rice held a press conference where he read the following statement:

"Myself and the Board of Directors would like to thank the team, its supporters and its financial backers for reaching this dubious mark. While much can be said of a club that has an 80% loss ratio, we prefer to see it as a 20% win ration. True, there is much, much, much room for improvement, but this club is on the verge of greatness and nothing will stand in my way in order to repay everyone for their loyal support".

When asked to expand on his comments regarding "the verge of greatness", the Chairman responded "I have no clue. I’m the Chairman, not David Copperfield nor Jesus. Don’t expect miracles. Pompeii wasn’t built in a day". When informed it was actually "Rome" that wasn’t built in a day, the Chairman sent team historian Don Clendenning on a fact finding mission to uncover the truth. The Chairman promised to assemble the masses when something was uncovered.

Making a debut for the Club was roving midfielder / defender Matt Murphy. Recruited for his "Irish roots" and vast knowledge of stouts, Matt created many opportunities for the Multi Wide strikers to have a free kick at FBSFC keeper Ron Nolet. Matt blamed his lack of stellar play on the sun, the heat, the "pasties" in his mouth, his new shoes, his socks that barely covered his shin guards and his lack of experience. Club Chairman Rice has opted to place Murphy on the transfer list in order to capitalize on any interest from foreign and domestic clubs. Rumors of a "cash for player" deal with Global One remain unfounded.

In a connected story regarding contracts, it can finally be announced that the Club has tendered a 25 year / Lifetime contract to keeper Ron Nolet. Attempting to secure his services forever, the Chairman is one step away from renaming the club in honour of the team’s MVP. Speaking on his own behalf, Nolet remarked "If they think I’ll be less surly because of this, they’re dead wrong". Ron has also had it provisioned into his contract that his scabby knees and elbows be attended to by Sean Nejat at halftime.

Sunday marked the 3 week sabbatical starting point for skipper Mark Rattray, as he is representing the Club on a dual purpose mission to Scotland. Mark will continue to act as Chief Foreign content scout by combing the dark mines of Scotland for any player with soot on his face that doesn’t support Rangers or Celtic, and wants to play soccer in Canada. Also Mark will be representing Georgetown at the "Tin Man Heavy Games" in Dundee, where men of girth will attempt to knock over blocks of Lego and open chip bags with their teeth. New events this year include the "Run like you have one fake leg" contest and "drink your weight in IRN BRU". The Club wishes Mark the best of luck. See you in three weeks… 


In Club medical news "injured" player Brian Warren is currently being investigated again for "malingering". Brian is once again the victim of a "phantom injury", yet this time it appears to be recurring. Symptoms include:

Club Ombudsman Steve Sexton has apparently flown to Vancouver in attempts to bridge the misunderstanding between Brian and the Club. However new reports have surfaced that Brian is preparing to leave FBSFC in favour of a beach soccer team sponsored by some makers of "Rye and Coke".

Several key players were absent on Sunday leaving 2 subs for the entire match. Club Chairman Rice wishes to express his "insipid hatred for all those that took shelter in an air conditioned house on Sunday between 4 – 6 pm".

The Chairman made these comments after scoring the Club’s lone goal on a one hop volley into the back of the Multi Wide net. Even the Chairman himself was impressed.

Campaigning for the "Desantis Anger Award" was Midfielder Mark Carli. The often mild mannered player became unruly and threatened to "Rip some Fu#k a new ass and windpipe" for messing up his hair and blowing too many open net chances on the FBSFC goal. Mark is currently being investigated by the Club for being "overly ambitious and wanting to win at any cost".

Finally, Club defender Ian Richardson brought home a little souvenir from a recent trip to New Orleans. The defender has now patented a move referred to as the "HURRICANE". Not to be confused with the tropical rum drink, Richardson’s Hurricane involves falling repeatedly on the ground and spinning on your back in order to kick up enough dust to daze and confuse the opposing player. Richardson has perfected this on many occasions however the move was finally released to the public on the weekend. Reports of Richardson giving each player an "I’VE BEEN HIT BY THE MANGO HURRICANE" T-shirt to display after an own goal, remain unfounded.

FBSFC 1 Mississauga United 3 

FBSFC continued to show its detractors that despite its pitiful "win" ratio, the Club still has plenty of heart. Sunday’s 3-1 loss to the Mississauga Strikers (AKA The Bulgarian weightlifting dozen) saw several key players, usually fairly docile on the pitch, awarded two cautionary yellow cards and a red as they took on a highly aggressive opponent.

FBSFC leading goal scorer Jimmy "Fast as fast can be - you can’t catch me!" McKnight waas awarded an uncharacteristic red card and sent off, following an ugly altercation involving the Strikers keeper. Jimmy continued his "I kick salted beef tubs through the air" assault, incorrectly identifying the keepers head as a tub of his favorite "meal in a can".

After being shown the red for the kick in the face a near brawl ensued as the huge keeper tried to even the score by ripping Jimmy’s head off. Jimmy quickly vacated the field and vanished. Conflicting reports came in claiming Jimmy was seen sprinting south on Highway 427 with his Tim Horton’s uniform tucked under his arm – another story trickled in that Jimmy was hiding out in the trunk of Don’s luxurious "freedom 55" automobile to elude the keeper. Several people claim Jimmy was sitting in the trunk with the hatch slightly ajar to determine where the crazy Strikers keeper was. Jimmy was overheard muttering "Knock 3 times and I’ll open the trunk. Only then will I know I’m safe". Jimmy will now be working overtime at Tim Horton’s to pay his fines that are now due to the Club. Surrogate father Don Clendenning refused to cough up any more money for his son's destructive habits…

Toronto’s Olympic bid took a further blow as Jimmy was eventually tracked down a couple of hours later at St. Mary’s Catholic Church – after a quick stop in the confessional he met with reporters to explain the incident. "Those Goons were from either Sweden or Russia I couldn’t tell, but I think they make Vodka in both.." He also added that he knew they were from "Sweden or Russia because of their fricken size and that goldie hair". Mayor Mel Lastman criticized Jimmy’s comments calling them "short sited and ignorant" and added that he thought they were from Holland – because they had a "queer look about them" adding that "he doesn’t understand the lure of wear wooden shoes and living in a windmill".

In related news, Chairman Sean Rice continued his assault on opposing team’s parents as he ripped into several seniors for walking out onto the pitch to save their 6’7" keeper son from more abuse from FBSFC players. The Chairman has now been cautioned by the "Parent’s Supporters Foundation", after his tirade against several the Famous Players parents a few weeks ago, and warned about any further outbursts. Reports of the Chairman taking "Anger Management" classes at his own Wellness Spa are being investigated.

The Chairman also broke his own goal scoring draught by notching the Club’s only goal of the afternoon after securing a penalty kick for having several opposing players fall on him in the box. The Chairman calmy tipped the ball past the Strikers keeper and even taunted Him with a fist pumping celebration. Again the Chairman was cautioned and the Club also forfeited its spot in the SoccerCity Cup tournament for his celebrations. Reports that FBSFC lost by an own goal courtesy of defender Ian Richardson remain untrue.

In related Richardson news the Club’s star defender was given a yellow card for ignoring the customary 10 yard rule on free kicks. The incident began with Richardson coming in with a vicious tackle leaving a Strikers player writhing on the pitch. Not cautioned for this Richardson began to walk away when the player kicked the ball at his ass. AT this point the ref pulled him aside for "ignorance of the law". The Chairman was quite content having Richardson adhere to the "10 yard rule"– never coming within range of the ball for the rest of the game as Ian failed to make contact in the second half...Several reporters are under the impression that Richardson’s new "Beckham" haircut has incorrectly painted him as a "hardman" and is on the referee’s hit list..

Another yellow was given to Mike Komljenovic for an awkward tackle than left him tangled with an opposing player – looking more like the illustration on page 34 of the "Joy of Sex" than two serious soccer players. Mike was so inspired he left the game early to make the final minutes of the "Gay Pride Parade" downtown.

Ron Nolet continued to be the glue that binds the team as he returned to play goal after tiring of yelling at everyone from mid field. Ron even managed to stop a penalty kick after ace midfielder Jez Fletcher hauled down an opponent for no apparent reason, other than the fact that the player ignored Jez’s commands of "That’s Jez’s ball!". Jez also had a few kind words for a "voice from the sidelines" after making no attempt to react to a ball lobbed over his head, a voice recommended Jez "hustling" a little more. Jez responded by directing a "F*%k Off Wanker" comment toward the sideline.

Other players continued to play well for the club including Vince Maxwell, Mark Carli, Nick, Gary Rule, The "K" brothers and the Skipper (who did a lot of running this week). Steve Sexton was back on track for "non Magic moments", but played well despite having drunk a case of Molson’s the previous night.

June 17, 2001                         FBSFC 3    Lucky Strikers  5

FBSFC continued its woeful ways on the weekend choking on another well fought for lead, after the Lucky Strikers handed the Club its third straight loss 5-3. Dave Lowe blamed the loss on the free packs of "Lucky Strike" cigarettes handed out by the opposition prior to the game – which were consumed in quick order at FBSFC’s "smoking parlor " or as other teams call it "the bench".

For the first time in Club history it appeared that there were as many subs on the bench as there were players on the pitch. This would usually be considered a big help on such a hot afternoon – but confusion was the word of the day as full scale changes at every throw-in led to either too many or too few men on the pitch at various points in the game. Many scoring opportunities were missed as everyone basically expected someone else to step up and score (except Jimmy – who wanted to do it all).

The crowds swelled to near capacity, as many Dad’s were overheard saying "I gave up a weekend of crappy ties and BBQ’s to watch these bums lose, and I better not be disappointed!". Well, these sentiments rang true, as FBSFC stumbled its way through 90 minutes of football in the searing sun, only to come up short once again in the win column.

Highlights of the day included a spectacular goal from FBSFC youngster Jimmy "The Gun" McKnight, who imagined kicking a giant tub of salted beef between the pipes, catching the Lucky Strikers keeper flat footed. Jimmy even celebrated by performing his "I love myself smeared in salted beef dance", however many players were left bewildered when it appeared Jimmy was licking his bicepts and pinching his nipples. The celebration appeared to get the best of Ron Nolet who stormed off the pitch looking for "a little love" from anyone that would pay attention, which ended up being the waitress at the local pub (for the record, the 'Goose’s "spicy chicken salad" isn’t spicy at all…).

On a sad note, Don Clendenning’s recent surgery to remove excessive oil and grease from his hands, a condition that has plagued him since early childhood was deemed a failure as Don failed to secure any loose balls that bounced his way. Don however did play well when lying on the ground and having the ball kicked repeatedly at his body. Surgeons are now recommending a radical procedure to permanently secure his hands to his ass, in hopes of securing a win for the Club. Don also will be taking a refresher course at "FIFA Kindergarten" to learn the "new" (15 year old) goaltending rules….

No own goals were scored this week (that corner was going in anyway), and for a change no penalties were given to the other side. Club Chair Sean Rice believes this is a "moral victory" of the highest order.

Also kudos to Ron Nolet for blocking a free kick from inside our box with his penis – it was a good play that also seemed to put him in a better mood. Hal Huff continued his rough play and was booked with a yellow card for falling over too hard (again) – he also scored the games opening goal (as he was falling down). And John DeSantis continued to defy the law of gravity in scoring on a nice header.

In miscellaneous news, Director of Sponsorship and Promotions Skipper Rattray has sealed a tie in deal with NBC’s hit game show "The weakest link". At half time and at the conclusion of every match, a panel of representatives from the Club will vote off the weakest member of the club due to poor game play, or any other reason they deem appropriate.

No reports that Steve Sexton’s favorite show "Temptation Island" will soon sign a deal with the Club as well.

Stay tuned…


June 10, 2001                         FBSFC 1 Kapps 3

11 members of Pop group N’SYNC played a charity match this past weekend in Brampton, handing SoccerCity’s favourite whipping boys, FBSFC another loss, as they stumbled 3-1. Apparently to be a member of the Kapps football team one has to:

  1. Pledge allegiance to KAPPA sporting wear – only Italians can apply anyway.
  2. Have cheesy blond highlights in your hair, even when your natural colour is the darkest black ever seen.
  3. Wear a white head band even when your stupid "highlights" don’t reach the tops of your ear
  4. Be under 20 years of age, and 140 pounds (we almost leant them Hal Huff)
  5. BRING YOUR PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS TO THE MATCH AND HAVE THEM YELL AT FBSFC PLAYERS ("Nona can’t sit in the sun for 2 hours Nello!" – I actually heard this)

The sun was shining at its unholy peak and unfortunately only 11 members of FBSFC decided to show, leaving the squad without any subs in the mid day sun, against a team that actually jogged around the pitch prior to the match. "I’m completely shocked" said Steve Sexton between puffs on his Colt milds, "I’ve only been up for 35 minutes, and I can’t imagine running BEFORE the game. Unless it’s to walk my dog." Sexton seemed to regain his "magic" after a 5 game hiatus, closing down more than a few runs on the left side, even managing several "Sexton slide tackles" to knock the ball out of bounds several times. Steve has now come to the conclusion that more than 3 hours of sleep the night before does wonders for the body. He celebrated by donning a new "Reebok" shirt to add to the thousands he already has.

Keeper Don Clendenning played well in goal, even though the sun was in his face for at least 89 minutes (so he claims). Don even managed to make contact with the ball several times on some less than memorable goal kicks. Unfortunately 98% of his kicks were out of bounds so Don could take 10 extra seconds to manage a drink of water. On many occasions Don even managed to keep the ball in play, however this was usually because FBSFC Chairman Sean Rice had drank the last remnants of fluid from his water bottle.

In terms of match play Chairman Rice had a solid game in the back as he has now converted himself to centre back in Marks Rattray’s absence. Apparently reports have come in that Protestant Rattray was being baptized on Sunday afternoon and had to miss the match. This only leaves "becoming a Canadian citizen" to Mark’s accomplishments, as the Iron Man has now been relegated to "Reserve Tin Man".

Indoor keeper Ron Nolet turned in a memorable match controlling the mid field like a general. However he continued his favorite tradition of berating all players that could not, or would not put the ball at his feet. Ron did however regain the captains armband after crossing the ball into the middle on several occasions ala David Beckham. Reports that Ron will now have his head shaved into a Mohawk like his idol remain unfounded.

On a sad blemish to the afternoon, Phil K. received an "FBSFC Baptism" by scoring an own goal, racking up $7 in fines for the cock up. Chairman Rice kept muttering "I can’t believe we have TWO Richardson’s on this Club". 

New additions that played well were Vince "good pass!" Maxwell and Nick "I know Black Magic". John Desantis continued to think the ref’s were out to get him even being called for falling on several Kapps players to keep them from breaking out of their own end. Peel Regional police were called into investigate after several smaller KAPPS players disappeared from sight after Desantis fell on top of them.

Scoring the lone goal was Jimmy "I almost missed an open net" McKnight.

The club’s next match will find the absent players from this weekend taking on the Lucky Strikers by themselves as punishment for going AWOL on the Club.


FBSFC 5         Other Team   9

Brian Warren has let the team down (again) by not submitting a promised Summary of this game

Basically - had lead 4-3 at halftime - gave up three penalty shots - lost 9-5 (got tired).


FBSFC 5         Diablos    0 - May 26/01

FBSFC surprisingly won their debut outdoor match in a 5-0 walk over short-handed Diablos. Yes, our competition had only 7 men (and one of those was about 60 years old) but the result was convincing enough.

The first half was all about getting used to outdoor and having a tough introduction to the offside rule. Seeing that Diablos had only seven men they played a smart offside trap that slowed the game down as we got called nearly every time we tried to attack. The half ended 0-0, but we felt we were getting the hang of it.

Sean Rice scored the opener on a scrambled play that resulted with two players and the ball going into the net. Luckily for the Diablos player Sean did not land on him. This was an important goal as Diablos now had to open up to reply - this left Daiblos badly outnumbered in the back and Jimmy took advantage with two goals. Jimmy also found a way to piss off both teams with his constant calls for the ball and bragging on how he's "going to put 10 in that there net, boy". Both John DeSantis and Ron Nolet showed their patience in front of goal by each scoring on breakaways to put the game out of reach. Ron Nolet was in rare form yelling at everyone in sight and telling everyone where they should play  - obviously Ron and Jimmy did not read the "this is for fun - take it easy, memo".

John won the slowest man on the pitch award by losing a foot race with a guy 5 feet tall and 250 pounds.

This was a real team effort with good play throughout the lineup - Nick and Gary were very impressive in midfield and Steve, Ian and Brian played well at the back. Don did what he had to do only touching the ball on long weak shots - but a clean sheet is a clean sheet -THE FIRST IN FBSFC HISTORY!!

Dave Lowe had a few good touches - although he spent a lot of the game on his hands and knees gasping for air (I don't think the half-time cigarette helped).

All in all it was a job well done - and a nice way to kick off the season.