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Week 9 - 2000

FBSFC 0  - Athletic Guys 3

Respectability New to FBSFC

FBSFC lost 3-0 in a fairly close game. Steve Sexton refused to put in a match report....so I guess everything went OK.

Week 8 - 2000

FBSFC 0 - Good Players with Turbans 12

FBSFC Don't Give Up No "Baker's Dozen"

Thirteen would have been embarrassing. FBSFC can hold their heads high after a 12-0 rout yesterday afternoon.

It would have been tough to catch up to this team - we didn't even have 12 shots (I counted three) so I begrudgingly will admit their superiority - although we stayed at the pub much longer than they did - the pussys.

Lowlights included Ian Richardson who "fanned" on a clear shot at goal missing the ball completely. He generated a substantial wind gust as his leg flew by the ball. He later blamed it on the ball being "too round".

Mike Johnston who yet again handed the ball in our goal area - but got away with it again. Mike did play an excellent game and hey, we expect him to do that at least once a game now.

Ron Nolet played another good game in goal.

Steve Sexton reinjured his dainty lady ankle again. He also had his glasses knocked off his face with some sort of "bitch slap" move by an opposing player. Steve also saved a goal early on with a nice stop.

Mike played well up front and generated a couple of chances along with newly acquired Nadir. John DeSantis got mad near the end of the game and started "cherry picking" - trying to score a dozen or so goals single handedly. I think he was trying hard to impress his Dad (Rocco) who was in attendance.

Week 7 - 2000

FBSFC 0 - Not FBSFC 10

We Lost

I wasn't at this game. We lost 10 - 0. that's embarassing.

Week 6 - 2000

FBSFC 0 - Athletes 7

John's Ass is Not Enough Contributed by Steve Sexton

Once again the lads from FBSFC had the hope and expectations at the start of the game but the hope and expectations soon dissipated after 3 mins of the game with the first goal. The result was a 7-0 drubbing. One player managed to get a goal but sadly it was an own goal off a deflection. Highlights:

Despite the 7-0 loss, Ron Nolet's goalkeeping was outstanding. He truly had some brilliant saves.

Hal Huff twisted his ankle after a hard fought for ball....will he return for the next match? We're sure Hal will have formulate some homeopathic remedy for the next game.

We had one cracker of a shot by Vince but alas it was drilled into the back of John Desantis's ass - and John's ass apparently wasn't up to the task of deflecting it into the net. Vince and John had tried this move with success in practice but it didn't work during the game.

Mark Rattry had his first spell upfront for the last 2 mins of the game and ALMOST had a shot on net.

Ian McCaughlin was missing his cape this time around.

Mike Johnston had a good game with no goals allowed when he was on shift.

Steve Sexton's first attempt of coaching have comparisons of him and John Barnes. (for those readers unaware of John Barnes he was recently sacked from Celtic)

Additions to the WALL OF SHAME:
Chairman, CEO, CFO, and bench coach of FBSFC - Sean Rice,  Carl Cini

Week 5 - 2000

FBSFC 2 - Skins 7

Incredible Offensive Display Not Enough (Sexton out a month with injury)

FBSFC doubled it's one game scoring output but it wasn't enough to pull out the victory. The incredible offensive display started with a goal by John DeSantis in the first half (off of a nice feed by Vince) and finished with a great goal by Hal (Lyle) Huff.

The team looked relaxed the whole game and actually strung five passes together at one point. A few highlights include:

*Steve Sexton who destroyed his ankle in the second half. Steve lunged into a tackle (not the brightest thing to do) and ended up with an egg sized lump on his right ankle. I think he will be out for at least a month.

*Mike Johnston who yet again handed the ball in our penalty area. Mike just can't seem to grasp this important concept. Luckily he wasn't called for it this time (we may have to tie his hands behind his back for next game). Otherwise Mike played a strong game saving a goal at one point.

*Ian (Clark Kent) McLaughlin almost scored on a couple of occasions. His red bib came loose early in the game so Ian had a red flowing cape that confounded the opposition.

*Hal Huff lost a litre of blood from all of his rug burns on his knees.


Week 4 - 2000

FBSFC 0 - Other Fellows 1

Hikarummba! FBSFC Lose 1-0!

In an incredible game FBSFC lost 1-0 on Sunday. FBSFC should hold their heads high after a great effort in an exciting game.

Newcomer Carl hit the goal post in his debut that nearly gained the good guys a point. John DeSantis played well in his first game this session (holding 1.00 GAA is pretty good). Newcomer Vince also looked sharp (although tired) in his debut. Mark and Steve has their usual strong game at the back and Hal's rug burns showed his effort.

Mike Johnston handled the ball for the second straight game (this time he didn't get called). He did play a strong game winning most of his arguments with the opposition.  Don Clendenning showed his incredible healing powers by pulling a groin muscle and playing after a five minute rest.

It was the best game by far this year and hopefully the trend will continue leading to a win someday!!!

Week 3 - 2000

FBSFC 1 -  Soccer Players 5

Respectable Result Surprises FBSFC

Using an innovative 3-1-1 system FBSFC defended their way to a respectable 5-1 loss last night. Ron Nolet was again stellar and the rest of the team worked hard keeping the game relatively close throughout.

The average opposing player was about 20 years old and 150 Lbs. FBSFC (who should form a rugby team) averages about 38 years and 190 Lbs - so all things considered we did alright.

Some highlights included:

*Sean's coaching debut was somewhat successful - the threat of the cane came in handy at times.

*Don Clendenning's head being sat on by an opponent. Don does not remember the incident but I'm sure I saw his head disappear for a second up the other players shorts.

*Steve Sexton showing up more than half way through the game - his punishment was being left out for an eight minute shift.

*Great goal by Mike K. to break the shutout with a couple of minutes to go. Kevin Bracken and Mike played very well together creating a couple of chances.

All in all a good effort.

Week 2 - 2000

FBSFC 0 - Other Guys 8

A Tale of Two Teams (article   based on the real life account of Steve Sexton)

Faced with playing the top team in our league FBSFC decided to take a defensive posture. The team implemented at 3-2 formation designed to clog up the middle and slow down our 20 year old rivals. All of a sudden we found that our girth was to OUR advantage - we clogged up passing lanes and all open space within our penalty area. The first half ended with FBSFC down 1-0.

....then came the second half.
disaster...some of our guys were getting upset about our defensive posture and then all hell broke loose when they changed formation in the half hearted belief that WE might actually score. It left a big gaping hole in the centre and they ripped us apart limb by limb. A lot a lessons will be learned from this one. There was definitely something missing. Each time a goal was scored we could only look up at the directors box/pub for a little inspirational cane tap on the window from the chairman ..but alas...he was not there.
- Special kudo's go for Ron Nolet - despite the drubbing he had some great saves (Ron always takes things to heart and was seen with a little tear in his eye as he was leaving the dressing room after the game).
- new team member Ian McClauchlin had his first match since the 1976 Street Footie Classic in downtown Glasgow. He didn't even play a full 90min in that game because one of the kids stole the Heinz baked bean can they were using as a football.
During last nights slaughter, he ran his poor heart out and despite not being a smoker was a noted to be wheezing in the corner of the pitch.
- Sean Rice refused to show up after he heard that the Ref who tripped him causing his broken his leg was officiating. Last week he was claiming the cause of the broken leg was a pot hole.
- we have still failed to understand that if you slide on the turf, you get rug burns...all of us had them.
- Closest chance of a goal came to Justin but it was sadly flubbed with an open net.

I can't think of anything else that comes to mind...I need sleep

Week 1 /2000

FBSFC 1    Other Team 8

Great Start No Surprise for FBSFC

Showing no change in form from the end of last years great season FBSFC lost 8-1 on Sunday night. Even critics of the teams past performances had to be impressed with the fact that FBSFC looked just as fit as last year - even with the long lay off.

"We were fat last year and that hurt us. We didn't get any fatter over the off season - and that's a victory in itself."explained a defensive Sean Rice who was seen limping into the press box prior to gametime.

The games result was in doubt until FBSFC watched two passes being strung together by the opposition in the first minute - we all knew they were in for a tough game at that point.

"We didn't string two passes together all last year - we knew we were in shit"a frazzled Steve Sexton explained after the game.

"I would like to say that with all of the lineup changes that you were seeing a different team out there - but it was the same crap" explained a pasty white Don Clendenning who distinguished himself with some high flying kicks that always ended up with him on his ass.

John DeSantis scored FBSFC's only goal- and he looked as surprised as anyone when it went in. Ron Nolet played very well in net - but could only slow down the inevitable. Newcomer Mike Komljenovic played well and will add some help over the long season.

Mike Johnston has been given a copy of the official FIFA rule book after handling the ball in the area and giving away FBSFC's first ever penaly shot.