Warm-Up Drills

Swivel Pass - Have two players stand back with feet planted on the ground a shoulders width apart. Have one player hold the ball. Have the ball holder swivel around and hand the ball off to the other player. Repeat this for 1 minute and then switch directions.

Ball Touch Drill - Each player has their own ball. Place the ball on the ground in front of the player. Player then alternates feet and toe touches the ball. Raise right foot and touch the toe to the ball. Put the right foot back on the ground. Raise the left foot and touch the toe to the ball. Put the foot back on the ground.the toe to the ball. Put the left foot back on the ground.Repeat this exercise for 1-3 minutes.

Over and Back - Place the ball on the ground next to the player. The player then jumps to the side and over the ball with both feet and back again. Repeat this exercise for 1-3 minutes.

Drop Zone - Set up a grid with cones large enough for the players to dribble the ball without too much obstruction. Have them dribble the ball and follow the directions of the coach. Coach to call out "ten jumping jacks" followed by "dribble", "five push ups" followed by "dribble", "ten sit ups" followed by "dribble", "two squat jumps" followed by "dribble", etc. Continue this drill for 2-3 minutes.

Dribble, Touch, Stop - Players dribble the ball in a zone. Coach instructs them to stop the dribble with the part oh the body he or she calls out. Ex: " dribble", "left foot" (where foot means stop the ball with the left foot), "dribble", "right knee", "dribble", "chest", "dribble", "sit", etc. Continue this drill for 2-3 minutes.

Rob Your Buddy - Set up four cones about 10 feet apart, and put a person with two soccer balls at each cone. The object of the game is to collect as many soccer balls in the time period as possible. All four people go at the same time. Set a time limit (I usually start with 45 second increments). The balls must be dribbled, only one can be taken at a time, and no guarding of the soccer balls is allowed. (Skills developed: conditioning, dribbling with head up.)

3-passes - This is basically a small-sided scrimmage with no goals. The object is for one team to get 5-passes in a row, which is equivalent to one goal. The game can be played in the penalty box, or a smaller area if there are fewer players.(Skills developed: game evaluation, conditioning, passing, communication, marking.)

Point Shooting - Just a point system for shooting, it can work for free shooting, headers, or penalty kicks. It gives only one point for a ball in the center of the goal in the air (no points if it is on the ground); 2 points for a ball in the upper corners; and 3 points if the ball is in the side triangles. As players improve, call out positions for shots, i.e., hit a two pointer, etc. (Skills developed: shooting practice, accuracy.)

Marbles - Two players, each having a ball, try to a "touch" on the other person's ball. This is much like the game of marbles, but it roves more. Players have to take turns in trying to get the touch on their partner¹s ball, and he/she gets a point every time it happens. Set the games to 15 or 21, or set up a tourney. (Skill developed: passing accuracy.)

Another version of this game has two teams lined up with their own soccer balls on either sideline. A target ball is set in the middle, and the teams must pass their individual balls into the middle ball to move it. They cannot actually kick the target ball with their feet. The goal is to get the target ball across the opposing team's line to score a point. The game continues to a predetermined number of points. (Skills developed: passing accuracy, planning, communication.)

Four Corners -Have players form 4 lines each at one corner of a 30x30 or 40x40 square. The first player in each line has a ball. On the coach's signal the first player dribbles diagonally across the square to the other side. Ideally, players will meet somewhere in the middle of the square and if they don't keep their eyes up, they will run into each other. After passing the middle players continue on to the opposite corner where they give a short pass to the next player. Then all 4 of those players go. If run continually this can be a pretty good workout, because it goes pretty fast.
1.Have players do a "move" somewhere in the middle. 2.Have players change speed as they go across square. 3.Have players use different parts of their foot or their weak foot. 4.Have each group try to "pass" the person in front of them. (This messes up the timing of the meeting in the middle, but encouragesspeedier dribbling and accurate passes. 5.Just for fun, have them try to dribble across with their eyes closed and teammates must direct them, or they can try to juggle their way across.


Playing Drills

Primer Drills