A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I started this refereeing thing at the Hialeah, Florida Parks & Rec Dept where I had to ref kiddie games as part of the job of Recreation Leader! Man, if only there was any green in it, it would be THE CAREER! Get paid to play games all day long. From there, I made a few bucks while attending Winthrop with North and South Carolina High School games. Now, I do college games for the TISOA(doesn't really stand for anything) out of North Carolina, a local chapter of the National Intercollegiate Soccer Officials Association, aka NISOA. I also do games in the Atlantic Coast Conference. Someone must have gotten me confused with some other poor slob because I was actually sent a couple times to the Conference Championships at Wake Forest. Great games. 5000 screaming fans letting me know how bad I can miss an offsides. I love this game!
Somewhere between the high school and college games, I joined the USSF and I've been a North Carolina referee for about 15 years now. In 2000, I was sent to the National Referee Clinic at Cal State Fullerton year by the glorious leader of our North Carolina Soccer Referees Association. I was so proud to be awarded the National badge of the United States Soccer Federation! Hard to believe! (At least I know some players and coaches who would say that.) It was a long and, at times, frustrating journey. The head cheese himself, Esse Baharmast, handed me the badge. Here are some photos of the clinic. This year's camp was in |
I am also an Assessor. Now after listening to all those assessments, I can sit back and get paid to watch a game, um... referee. Here's the new Referee Quick Assessment Form I'll be using. --- Hey! I got to go the the USYSA Southern Regional Championships as an assessor. My first tournament that I didn't play or referee! It was in lovely Memphis.
Why do seemingly normal people put up with this insane hobby where your manhhood, eyesight, IQ, and integrety are constantly questioned? Heck, I don't really know. I guess there are a few fun moments playing dodgeball in the middle of large green playgrounds with a bunch of big kids that brings back some good childhood memories. What a group I joined! But, they are all now part of my tribe.
Typical reaction to my decisions.
We don't need no Stinkin' Badges!For all those charming fans who scream "Hey Ref, get a clue!", may I suggest, among other things, this fine site on - The Laws of the Game
Or for those know-it-alls whom already know all the laws, lets see how many of these tricky, referee stumping questions you can answer. Also known as the dreaded FIFA Q&A
Here are a few illustrations of rules that I managed to scrounge from here and there-
Number of calls missed so far this season.
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