Pat's Page
My Family





Well this is my husband, Paul! He has his own auction service and this is how we make our living. Paul is an honest,kind and loving father and a hard worker! (although with the red hair, he's been known to "loose it".....hahaha) and don't let him tell you he shot that bear....our friend did!




Matthew is 22 and graduated Grade 12 in June 97! He is talking about univerasity , started but didn't really like it!Now he has a job nearly full time in a local grocery store very close to home..he played lots of ,football, softball, umpired soft ball, water skiing....everything!!! Matt is 6"1' , blonde hair and blue eyes.
Being legal drinking age now ,Matthew, frequents the city often and is reliving my teenage years.....scairy thought isn't it?????????lmao "TURN DOWN THE RAP CRAP".....HAHAHA!!



Paddy is 20 years old and finished Grade 12 also.he went away to Toronto and took Fire Fighting ...he has always wanted to be a fireman!He is very
athletic and plays hockey ( goalie), base ball
& softball,soccer,indoor school sports, and football.He enjoys all sports including water
skiing, swimming, name it! He has been
chosen MYP many times in different sports and made
the provincial all star hockey team in 1996. Paddy attained the level of ikuyu(brown belt) in judo before stopping !He won gold at his first international competition in Kitchner ont anand was 8 yrs old!L The only other one he won silver.......13 yrs old i He
was 8 times Provincial & Atlantic champion.And he also maintains a 90% average in his school work! Paddy is 5'11", brown hair and blue eyes and he is hoping to go into the fire department with the services or regional fire department asap....Good Luck, Paddy!



Michael is 16 years old and going into Grade 11. He enjoys swimming and water skiing,bowling and riding his bike! Mike had a paper route but the paper wa s discontinued ...He is a cadet here and went going away to camp.....that was be fun! Mike likes to watch animal shows and play computer and N64 games!.......he is good too! MIk ehas been working in html and has started his own home page,,,,,and when he will let me i will link it to here! It is coming just great tho from what i have seen! Michael is 6'3"", light brown hair, and beautiful blue eyes. Keep up the good work .!We are so proud of you!



Stephen is 14 and going into grade 9.......with those big dimples he has all the girls chasing him and now they are phoning....geshhhhhhhh!LOL! Steve plays softball having won MVP and Top Batter last season.He has played provincial softball a couple of summer too,he bowls( in a league)and won the prestigious *Triple Crown *(high single, high triple , and high average),he swims,water skiies,roller blades,but he loves basketball best...he is on allot of his school teams to!S
and he loves to ride his bike also.Stephen can also run really fast! He has light brown hair too, blue eyes and he is about 6'1"" now!(((WHOW))) Steve does well at school and we are very proud of him too!

In memory of my sister, my father and the two babies I lost......Please read this!

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