Frank Thomas Cards I Have To Trade
90 bowman #320
91 bowman #336
fleer #138
score #840
ultra #85
ud #87 #246
92 donruss #592
fleer #701 #712
leaf #349
o-pee-chee #59
score #505
topps #555
tsc #301 #591
triple play #206
ultra #44 all stars #9/20
ud #87 #SP4
93 donruss #7
fleer #210 #714 all stars #AL1/12
fun pack #27 #36 #225 all star scratch off #AS1/9 glow stars
leaf #195 collection #3/10 #4/10 #5/10 #9/10 #10/10
select #6
tsc #200 #746 inserts #B3 team #1
studio #139 collection #5/5
topps #150
ultra #181
ud #51 #555 loose collection #35/27 clutch performers #R20/30
94 cc#354 #500 #640 silver #327 #354
donruss #341 special edition #61 diamond kings #DK28/30
fleer #96 team leaders #4/28
Fleer X-Tra Bases #53
leaf #400 power brokers #1/10
o-pee-chee #127 all stars #1/25
score #41 gold rush #41
sportflic #176
tsc #267 #285 #528 team #121
topps #270 #384 #601 gold #270
triple play #269
ultra #39 all stars #2/20 hitting machine #10/10
ud #300
95 bazooka #120 redhot #RH22
cc #64 #75 #89 silver#64 #75
you crash the game silver #CG19/60
ccse #235
emotion #29
Flair #27
fleer all stars #2/25 award winners #1/6 lumber co.#9/10
fleer update diamond tribute #9/10 headliner #18/20
leaf season six #6/6
pinnacle #302 #446 upstart #US1/30
score #571
tsc #318 #400 #513 virtual reality #209
topps #384
topps traded #1 #156 power booster #1
ultra all stars #19/20 hitting machine #10/10 homerun kings #2/10
ud #435 electric diamond #105
96 bazooka #61
cc #90 #105 you make the play #40
circa #200
emotion-xl #42
fleer update #243 #250 tiffany#243 #250 soaring stars #9/10
pacific #287
pinnacle #135 #194 #201 #257 #323 #395
score #21 #272
Select #11 #152 #196
sportflix #99
tsc #182 #285 power packed #PP10/15
topps classic confrontations #CC5/15
topps laser #92
ultra checklist #10/10
ud #387 diamond destiny #DD14/40 game face #GF2/10
vj lovero showcase #VJ15/19
zenith #22 #133
97 circa #45 #396 boss #18 super boss #18
cc #300 #328 all star connection#10/45 premium power#PP12
the big show #16/45 world headquaters edition #16/45
donruss #138 #398
fleer #72 #718 #500 bleacher blasters #8/10 headliners #20/20
million dollar moments #32
metal #61 blast furnace #11/12
pinnacle #102
pinnacle mint #2 diecut with coin #2
pinnacle x-press #5 #140
score #26 #508 #549 pitcher perfect #10/15
select #8 #149 select stars #SS144
SI #148
studio 8x10 #2
topps #108
tsc #213 #378
ultra #34 double trouble #4/20 power plus #B2/12 top 30 #3/30
ud hot commodities #HC4/20
ud3 #16 predictor #P11 scratched #P11 unscratched
98 CC #8 #60 #253 Star Quest Single #5 Bobbing Heads #10/30
Crash the Game #CG20
Circa Thunder #45 #297 Boss #19/20
Donruss #12 #157 Diamond Kings #18/20
Donruss Update #369 #407
Fleer #35 #337 #350 #575 diamond standouts #19/20
Vintage #12
Leaf #106
Metal #175 #215
Pinnacle #186 Hit it here #4/10 Epix #E7
Pinnacle Inside #35 #134
Pinnacle Performers #2 #139 Power #1/10
Pinnacle Plus #24 #186
Score #105
Score R+T #3 #254
SI #118 #181
SI Then and now #42 #134
SI World Series fever #129
TSC megaheroes #MH1
Topps #20 #480
Topps Gallery #100
Topps Opening Day #14
Ultra #63 #249 #475 big shots #2/15 double trouble #6/20
gold medallion #63G #249G power plus #4/10
Notables #1/20
UD #143 #330 #459 10th anniversary preview #18/60
prime nine #PN15 #PN16 #PN19
All Star Credentials #30 Retro Spectives #24/30
99 Topps Power Brokers #7
Ultra #64 #214
UD 10th Anniversary Team #13