Aboard the Death Star and the Rescue of the Princess

The Meeting

Motti tests Vader's resolve...

Motti:"This station is now the ultimate power in the universe...I suggest we use it." NEW

Vader:"Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've created...The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force..." (107k)

Vader:"I find your lack of faith disturbing..."

Vader:"As you wish..."


Leia and Tarkin

The Princess watches Alderran get blown to bits...

Leia:"The more you tighten your grip Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers..."

Tarkin:"We will deal with your Rebel friends soon enough..."

Death Star Gunner:"Commence Primary Ignition..." NEW

ani-binoculars Tarkin's Slippers ani-binoculars

Because the prop department did not have an adequate number of boots, Peter Cushing was forced to wear a pair that were too small for his feet. In order to avoid having to cram his feet into them too often, he asked Lucas to film him from waist up, and wore slippers most of the time. If you pay attention, you will see his boots once throughout the entire film, when he says "You may fire when ready..." at the end during the panorama shot of the Death Star control room.


Vader:"I sense something...A presence I've not felt since..." NEW

Taking the Control Room

Han, Luke, Ben and company smuggle aboard the Death Star

Han:"Damn fool...I knew you were gonna say that!"

Ben:"Who's the more foolish? The fool? Or the fool who follows it?" NEW

Ben:"The Force will be with you...Always." NEW

SFX: Blast Door Opening. NEW

SFX: Blast Door Closing. NEW

Han:"Where did you dig up that old fossil?!"

Luke & Han:"Ben is a great man...Yeah, great at gettin' us into trouble!" NEW

C-3PO, Luke & Han:"I'm afraid she's scheduled to be terminated...Oh No! We gotta do something! What are you talking about!?"

Luke & Han:"But they're gonna kill her! Better her than me!"

Luke & Han:"She's rich. Rich? Rich, powerful...Listen, if you would rescue her the reward would be - What?? Well more wealth than you can imagine! I dunno...I can imagine quite a bit! You'll get it! I better!! You will!!" ZIPPED FILE

ani-binoculars Hidden Genius ani-binoculars

1138 comes from George Lucas's first film THX-1138......Now, not only do we have THX sound, but in American Grafitti, one of the licence plates was THX-138

Luke:" Prisoner transfer from Cell Block 1138?"

ani-binoculars Ford's Improv Skills Part I ani-binoculars

In order to create the right feel to the scene, Ford never learned the script for this part and made it up on the spot during filming!

Han in the control room

Han & Officer:"Uhhh...Everything's under control - Situation Normal....What happened? Uh, had a slight weapons malfunction, but, uh, everything's perfectly alright now...we're fine...we're all fine here now....How are you? We're sending a squad up...Uh, negative, negative...We have a reactor leak here now - Give us a few minutes to lock it down - large leak, very dangerous...Give us a few minutes to lock it down...Who is this? What's your operating number? Ahh...Boring conversation anyway..." ZIPPED FILE

Love that stunned expression!

Luke's "huh?" is still one of the funniest lines....

Leia & Luke:"Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper? Huh?? Oh...uniform!"

Luke & Leia:"I'm Luke Skywalker - I'm here to rescue you! You're who??"

The Inevitable Meeting

Vader:"He is here..." NEW

Vader:"Escape is not his plan....I must face him...alone."

Pinned Down

Solo traps the group in the cell bay corridor until Leia blasts their way into a trash chute.

Stormtrooper:"Off to your left...They went down the cell bay!"

Leia & Han:"This is some rescue....You came in here...Didn't you have a plan for getting out!? He's the brains, sweetheart!"

Leia:"Into the garbage chute flyboy!"

Han:"Wonderful girl! Either I'm gonna kill her or I'm beginnin' to like her!"

ani-binoculars The Trooper Blooper ani-binoculars

During this scene, watch the right side of the screen when the Stormtroopers break into the control room where 3PO and R2 are hiding....The trooper nails his head on the doorway!


Solo's blaster shot richocheting around the compactor.

Leia:"Put that thing away! You're gonna get us all killed!"

Leia & Han:"It could be worse.....It's worse!"

Han:"I gotta bad feelin' about this!"

C-3PO:"Listen to them...They're dying Artoo....Curse my metal body I wasn't fast enough! My poor master!"

The Sexist Seventies

Han:"If we can just avoid anymore female advice, we ought to be able to get outta here!"

Leia:"Will someone get this walking carpet out of my way?"

ani-binoculars Script Change ani-binoculars

In the original release of the film in 1977, Leia asks "You came in that thing?" but it was subsequently changed for the Special Edition of the release in 1997. Another segment on Dagobah with Luke and R2, after being spat out by the beast, Luke says, "It's a lucky thing you don't taste too good" which was switched to "You're lucky to get outta there!" in the ESB: SE. It could also be due to the fact that "You came in that thing?" was one of the lines laced with sexual innuendo according to the "lists". (For more info on the lists, visit the MOVIE NEWS Page of my site)

Leia:"You flew in that thing? You're braver than I thought!"

Stormtrooper:"It's them! Blast them!" NEW

Luke - Whining in the thick of action!?

No offense to Mark Hamill, but Luke was a whiner!

Luke:"I think we took a wrong turn!"

Leia & Luke:"Quick! We've got to find the controls that extend the bridge! Ohhh... I think I just blasted it!? They're coming through!!"

Jimminy Cricket Kenobi

Ben:"Run, Luke! Run!"

ani-binoculars Ford's Improv Skills Part II ani-binoculars

According to the biography "Imperfect Hero" by Gary Jenkins, this was an improvised line by Ford....

Han:"Great, kid...Don't get cocky!"

ani-binoculars One of my favorite scenes in Star Wars ani-binoculars

In the Lost Cut of Star Wars, this scene originated in the corridor on the Falcon immediately following the TIE Battle. While walking to the bridge, Solo and Luke exchange congratulations. This was cut from the final version, but would have served well in adding to the depth of Han and Luke's friendship at the same time as adding a new factor to Solo leaving at the end and Luke's subsequent reaction of "Well, take care of yourself, Han. I guess that's what you're best at!"

Han on the Falcon Han:"Not a bad bit of rescuing....Y'know, sometimes I amaze even myself!"

Leia & Luke:"Your friend is quite a mercenary...I wonder if he cares about anything - or anybody! I care!"

Luke & Han:"So....whadda ya think of her, Han? Tryin' not to kid.....Good."

Han & Luke:"I dunno...Whadda ya think..D'ya think a Princess and a guy like me - No." Luke on the Falcon