You are traveller # to Springfield
(Apu):"Put it down or I'll blow your heads off!"
(Apu):"Oooh...A headbag! Those are chock full of.....Heady goodness!"
(Apu):"Howdy Neighbor! May I spray you with the hose in a playful fashion?"
(Apu):"Silly customer! You cannot hurt a twinkie!"
(Barney):"Yeah! We were just messin' around and you had to go too far!!"
(Bart):"Aye Caramba!"
(Bart):"What happened?"
(Bart):"So long, Suck-arrrgh!"
(Burns):"Ahoy - Hoy?!"
(Burns):"60 watts?? What do you think this is?? A tanning salon!?"
(Burns):"Bah! To hell with this!"
(Burns):"Simpson, eh?"
(Burns):"Damn it, Smithers...This isn't rocket science - it's brain surgery!"
(Burns):"Oooooh, I'm afraid I've had one of my trademark changes of heart!"
(Burns):"Smithers...Dismember the corpse and send his widow a corsage!"
(Burns):"Yes....You're in deep d'oh now!"
(Burns):"As punishment for your desertion, it's company policy to give you the plague...."
(Burns):"Hot Dog...."
(Burns):"Hello...Smithers...You're quite good...At turning me...on!"
(Burns):"Help Smithers! I'm sinking! I'm sinking! Life....flashing....before.....eyes..." (178k)
(Burns):"You there.....Fill it up with petroleum distilate and revulcanize my tires - Posthaste!"
(Burns):"Siiiiimpson!!!! The telephone has been ringing for some time....Answer it...." (148k)
(Burns & Smithers):"Hmmm...Who's that goat legged fellow? I like the cut of his jib....Uhhh, Prince of Darkness, Sir...He's your 11 o' clock..."
(Burns & Smithers):"Welcome! Come in! Ahhhh...Fresh victims for my ever growing army of the undead! Sir, you have to let go of the button...Well, Son of a bit-"
(Burns & Inspector):"This man's an illegal alien! That's preposterous! Zutroy here is as American as apple pie!"
(Comic Book Guy):"Are you the creator of Hi & Lois, because you are making me laugh!"
(Comic Book Guy):"Ooooh...Your powers of deduction are exceptional!"
(Comic Book Guy):"Go, Go! For the good of the city!"
(Dr. Hibbert):Laughing
(Grampa):"Doggone it!"
(Grampa):"I'll be back in a jiffy!"
(Grampa):"I feel all funny.....I'm in love!! No, wait...It's a stroke!"
(Grampa):"Coma? Why I go into comas all the..................French toast, please!"
(Grampa):"I'm the one who canceled "Star Trek'!"
(Grampa):"Damn Straight!"
(Grampa):"Evil! Eeeeeeeeeevil!!!!"
(Homer):"Hello, operator...Give me the number for 911!"
(Homer):"Aaaaaaah!!! Boogieman!!"
(Homer):"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....Organized Crime...."
(Homer):"Mmmmmmm....Open-faced club sandwedge...."
(Homer):"Mmmmm....64 slices of American Cheese..."
(Homer):"Mmmmm......Gummie beer..."
(Homer):"Mmmmm....Hog Fat..."
(Homer):"I am evil Homer...."
(Homer):"Beer kills brain cells."
(Homer):"No time for that now! The computer's starting!"
(Homer):"Food goes in here!"
(Homer):"Uhh, excuse me, Professor Braniac..."
(Homer):"That's it - I'm outta here!"
(Homer):"Shut up, brain or I'll stab you with a Q-Tip!"
(Homer):"Jump, Free Willy! Jump! Jump with all your might!"
(Homer, Lisa & Marge):"D'Oh! A deer! A female deer!"
(Homer & Marge):"No TV and no beer make Homer something, something....Go crazy? Don't mind if I do!"
(Jose Flanders):"Buenos ding-dong-diddly-dios, senor!"
(Krusty):"I could pull a better cartoon outta my - Hey, Hey kids! Wasn't that great!?"
(Lisa):"I am the Lizard Queen!!"
(Lunch Lady Doris):"More testicles mean more iron!"
(Marge):"OK, Homer....."
(Martin):"Ahhh....My plan has come to fruition....Soon I'll be Queen of Summertime...Oh..king - King!"
(McBain as Radioactive Man):"My eyes! The goggles do nothing!"
(Ned):"Hidey-ho-arooni, neighbor! What can I do ya for?"
(Ned & Homer):"Hidely-Hey! Go Home.....Doodley-Doo!"
(Ned & President Bush):"Tip-Top-Notch! Okiley-Dokiley! Thankiley-Dankiley! Great-alicious! Scrumpdidlyrific! Fine and Dandy like Sour Candy!"
(Nelson):"Ha Ha!"
(Otto):"Alcohol increases your ability to drive!"
(Otto):"My name is Otto....I love to get blotto!"
(Ralph):"Me fail English? That's unpossible!"
(Ralph):"I don't feel right!"
(Ralph):"I bent my Wookie!"
(Ralph):"Ow! My face is on fire!"
(Ralph):"The doctor said I wouldn't have so many nosebleeds if I kept my finger outta there!"
(Skinner & Wiggum):"And with a flute up his nose - Ralph Wiggum...That's some nice flutin' boy..."
(Wiggum):"No, you got the wrong number...This is 912!"
(Willy):"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh....Make way for Willy!!!! I said make way for Willy, ya bloated gas bag!"
(Willy):"You'll be back! Ya haven't seen the last of Willy!"
(Willy & Lunch Lady Doris):"Luch Lady Doris....Have ya got any grease? Yes, Yes I do. Then grease me up, woman!"