Whats new:

In July 1999, I got fed up with the red tape involved with the merger of Yahoo! and Geocities. Besides a horrible means of updating and servicing webpages, I felt that I was not getting the type of service I wanted. I began to design a new website, one that would more properly display my gymnastics related artwork and be easier to service, without the pop-ups and ads associated with free websites. This new website opened in November 1999 and is located at www.luvness.nu. Please visit that website and update your bookmarks. 


webdoc1.htm                                                                                                                                       webdoc2.htm                                                                                                                                       webdoc3.htm                                                                                                                                       webdoc4.htm                                                                                                                                       prod1.html


This is a page containing some of my works dealing with gymnastics.  Please take a look at the latest pieces here and the section below the finished works that has a lot of my gymn related sketches. Any comments you have will be greatly appreciated so please email me. I will also entertain requests for artwork and ideas long those lines. Again, email me if you have any questions, etc., reguarding that. I hope you all like the new layout. The page loads faster, and looks nicer. In addition to those things, I've rescanned most of the images that were here to make them larger and of better quality (Take a look at the portrait of Dina to see the difference). I'm pleased with how its worked out. ALL ARTWORK IS CopyrightŠ 1999 Matthew Ballou. Don't fool with them:)

Completed Works 








mo huilan


sarah deegan (sorta)

adreinne varga

elise ray


general gymn images


Email your questions, comments or requests.