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     THE ATHLETE: DEION SANDERS     deion_08.jpg (26498 bytes)  

      Ok, ok, ok,.... so the guy sometimes comes off as a jerk, but whether you love him or hate

     him,  you CAN'T ignore him!!!  Despite his brash personality and cocky attitude,  he is by

     far and  away the best  corner in the NFL and  perhaps  the best  football player period!!!!

     Anyone who knows football and/or plays corner and has seen this guy play, can appreciate

     how good he is to do the things he does.


                                 Did I forget to mention the guy plays baseball too???

                         deion_09.jpg (54567 bytes)         deion_10.jpg (60762 bytes)      

  "Deion pick up where Bo Jackson left off and accomplished what Michael Jordan dreamt of doing"


deion_11.gif (29128 bytes)       deion_12.gif (20662 bytes)    deion_13.gif (30891 bytes)

"Get outta my way Terry, its MY ball!!"    "What ya saying? I can't hear you!"   "You got no where to go, I'am all over ya!"


         dallas_star02.gif (2001 bytes)                            deion_15.jpg (48334 bytes)                         dallas_star02.gif (2001 bytes)

                                      REPORTER: "Deion, why is it that so many people dislike you?"

                                                DEION:   "I don't know. It must be the money!!!"

money_sign.gif (30469 bytes)money_sign.gif (30469 bytes)money_sign.gif (30469 bytes)money_sign.gif (30469 bytes)money_sign.gif (30469 bytes)money_sign.gif (30469 bytes)



thumb.gif (2143 bytes)   BACK TO DA ZONE !!!


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