E. Haas
Holland, MI
MBA, Duke University Fuqua School of Business - Durham, NC, 1993.
MS (Electrical Engineering), Duke University Graduate School - Durham, NC, 1993.
BSE (Computer Engineering), University of Michigan College of Engineering - Ann Arbor, MI, 1985. Cum Laude
BSE (Electrical Engineering), University of Michigan College of Engineering - Ann Arbor, MI, 1985. Cum Laude
Professional and Business History
Altruist Financial Advisors LLC, Holland, MI,
Principal, Chief Investment Officer,
Provides personal financial planning and asset management services to
individuals in a highly ethical manner, completely eschewing
commissions of any sort.
Waterhouse/PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Washington DC
Law Firm and Law Department Consulting Group
Senior Consultant/Principal Consultant/Manager, 1994 to 1999
Served clients in large law firms and corporate law departments
in a wide variety of engagements regarding strategic management
and technology issues. Key projects included:
Strategic Technology Planning. Analyzed current and future information system technologies for prospective current and future implementation for several large law firms, corporate law departments, and government agencies. This included all aspects of requirements definition, product selection, and all aspects of implementation and project management.
Enterprise-wide process reengineering. Assessed a large law firm's internal processes and procedures as they may affect firm profitability. Made detailed recommendations involving process reengineering and improved financial and management reporting. Assisted in implementation thereof.
EDI Standards Definition. Drafted Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards for the legal industry. These standards, now known as LEDESTM (Legal Electronic Data Exchange Standard) are becoming widely used in the legal industry for exchanging billing information between law firms and their clients. Formed the LEDESTM Oversight Committee (a non-profit organization consisting of legal industry stakeholders) to oversee continued evolution of the standard.
Task-Based Billing implementation. Implemented task-based billing systems (notably utilizing UTBMS task codes) at law firms and corporate law departments.
Enterprise-wide data modeling. Modeled the enterprise-wide data storage and retention needs of a large law firm.
Institute for
Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA
Summer Research Aide, 1992
United States
Nuclear Submarine Officer, 1985 to 1990
Other Information
Eagle Scout. Skilled in use of various common software packages. Have programmed in BASIC, FORTRAN, PL/M, Pascal, C, C++, Java, LotusScript, and various assembly languages. Presently a Commander in the US Navy Reserve. Enjoy weightlifting, bicycling, racquetball, and swimming.
Other Contributions
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This page last updated 11/19/05
© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005 Eric E. Haas