Ormondville Rail Preservation Group Inc.

Membership Details

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The Ormondville Rail Preservation Group Inc., a voluntary community group, was established in 1986 to preserve the Ormondville railway station precinct. Disciplined in maintaining authenticity, the group has been most successful. The station won the 1997 Rail Heritage Restoration Award and, in 2000, won the National Federation of Rail Societies Inc's Paul Heighton Trophy, for "excellence."

Members are from all over New Zealand, and a few are overseas. Some are interested in railways and others in rural history, some are active participants, others play supportive roles. In addition to continuing restoration work, historical research, and hosting visitors, we enjoy good times socially.

The restoration of the station and goods shed spanned five years and was made possible by a Heritage Lottery Grant.

Group objectives:

To restore and maintain the station precinct

To provide interesting experiences for visitors

Benefits for members:

To give your support to one of New Zealand’s finest historic railway stations.

To receive an interesting newsletter, The Station Platform, containing in-depth historical articles. Regular working bee participants also receive the brief memo-type newsletter Bee-line.

To participate in a range of preservation activities on site.

To enjoy social and historical events.


Membership is $25 annually

Send a cheque to:

Ormondville Rail Preservation Group. Inc.,
Ormondville Railway Station, R.D. 7, Dannevirke, New Zealand

or email us for further information.

Background Set: Shawna's Graphics