Ormondville Rail Preservation Group Inc.

Working Bee Timetable

Home Page - Bed & Breakfast - Souvenirs


ORPG is now ordinarily holding its monthly working bees/'open weekends' on the second weekend of each month, with an extra working bee on the fifth weekend in any month - if there is one. In the past these dates have been more flexible. Regular attenders of working bees receive the (more or less) monthly Beeline activities news sheet which outlines any changes and gives details of planned activities to occur at working bees, including social activities. 

If you are interested in joining us, it is advisable that you contact us to confirm details. However, casual visitors are encouraged to visit on working bee weekends, preferably Saturdays, and someone will show you around. On other days, if we know someone is coming, we can probably arrange for a local member to attend to visitors.

Working Bee dates - as at February 2004:<

13 November 2004 - Working Bee

11 December 2004 - Working Bee & AGM


19 February 2005 - Art Deco Weekend - 'Pea, Pie & Spud Run' steamtrain excursion

the rest of our dates to come...


Last Updated: 10/11/2004

Background Set: Shawna's Graphics