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Recently Updated

Corus 2004

Anand's Calendar
AnandWatch Vol 3 #13

Anand On-line Chat
SIS-MH Masters 2003
Amber 2003
AnandWatch Vol 3 #9
AnandWatch Vol 3 #8
Linares 2003
Corus 2003

Photo © Pascal Villalba

Vishwanathan Anand Chess Pages
Ambigram of Anand
Ambigram copyright Punya Mishra , 1996. Used with Permission 

Jan 29th to Feb 2nd, Exhibition match
Anand's Next Tournament Appearance

Anand Headlines

Wijk Aan Zee: January 9-25, 2004
Round 13: Early draw with Sokolov 8.5/13

Mainz Chess Classic: August 14-17, 2003
Day 4: Anand beats Judit 2-0
No draws in all eight games!
Read my article A Sweet Dilemma at the ChessBase site.

June 10th, 2003
Online Chat with Anand
Brought to his fans courtesy of Chaturangam.com. Read the transcript

Vishwanathan Anand's Schedule
His upcoming, recent and past appearances. This are as up to date as I have information available. If you have more information, please send an email and it will be added here.  

A collection of biographical notes on Anand and his chess career. 

Vishy Anand links on the Web
A good collection of links that contain information on Anand and his chess. I have only included those links that I felt would be of value to anyone looking for information on Anand. 

Vishy Anand in the media
There are many, many articles on Anand and his interviews that appear on the web, but they also disappear all too soon. Here, we give them a permenant home and give the authors full credit. 

 Picture Gallery
Pictures, Icons and links to pictures of Vishwanathan Anand. 

A collection of different Interviews given by Anand.

AnandWatch: Updates by email
We have a free "updates by email" service. Check out some recent samples and see if you would like to receive updates in the future.

Corus 2004, Wijk Aan Zee
January 9-25, 2004
Anand, Kramnik and Peter Leko are joined by Svidler, Adams, Bologan, Topalov, Zhong, Sokolov and Timman.

Dortmund 2003, Germany
July 31st-August 10th
Anand, Kramnik and Peter Leko are joined by Bologan, Rajdabov, and Naiditsch in the six GM double round robin.

SIS-MH Masters 2003, Denmark
April 4th-6th
Anand faces some of Denmark's best GMs. Also included is a showdown as chess-playing celebrities face Anand.

Amber 2003, Monaco
March 15th-29th
12 SuperGMs in a combination of Blindfold and Rapid game each day. Anand is joined by Kramnik, Leko, Shirov, Morozevich and others

Linares 2003, Spain
February 19th-22nd March
7 of the world's very best, in a double round robin. This is a Category XX tournament. Anand is joined by Kasparov, Kramnik, Leko, Ponomariov, Radjabov, and Vallejo Pons.

CORUS 2003, Wijk Aan Zee 
January 11th-26th
14 of the world's top GMs battling it out in the chess-crazy city of Wijk Aan Zee. Anand is joined by Kramnik, a back-in-form Karpov, Ponomariov, Bareev and others.

Anand Career Stats
Statistics on Anand's performances against other top GMs and his rating. 

AnandBase - Chess Games
A compilation of Anand's games. All of his 1999 games are here. Most files are in PGN format, with a few game animations. 

Puzzles from Anand's Games
A small collection of Anand's wonderful combinations that earned !! by annotators. 

Site ofthe Month This site was selected as the 'Site of the month' for September '99 by Nørresundby Chess Club 
Site ofthe Month David Dunbar, the chess guide for chess.about.com calls this site "comprehensive and terrific." 

List of 2002 Tournaments
List of 2000 Tournaments
Complete List of 1999 Tournaments
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Copyright © 1998-2003 Ram Prasad