Jason Herman's Web Page

What's New and Exciting.....

New Photos and Life Stories.........

12/9/1999    I have to say, I thought it would never happen.  I needed a break from cycling.  Between a broken ankle, reoccurring knee tendonitis, and Tour de France burnout, I needed to take a step back for a while.  Apologies to all of those who come to my web site looking for updates.  I got the kick in the butt I needed so hopefully before going out of town on business I can update the web site a little more.  Thanks for your patience.

7/5/1999      I did not realize the amount of work that goes into assembling 30+ rolls into a web able format.  For all of you who think it is easy try it... it isn't easy.  I had to do it now because I am off to the Tour de France in just a few short days.  I also hit the 10 MB + mark.  I have lots of images here.

6/20/1999    I just got back from New York City where I attended my 10th Year High School Reunion from Stuyvesant High School.  I had an absolutely amazing time.  It is amazing how many amazing people I went to school with... and more importantly what incredible people they have become.  It's not necessarily who you were (although my memories are fond of them in High School) but who you have become.

6/14/1999    A day that I will not soon forget.  I forget my umbrella at a restaurant.  As I run back to the restaurant I trip and receive a 3rd degree tear of ankle ligaments.  I suppose this means no bike at the Tour de France.  Three weeks to get in shape to ride up Alpe D'Huez, a lifelong dream of mine.  I suppose I will hobble up it now. ::{

7/5/1999    I have been updating this site regularly over the past week or so.  You will find updates to the Lance Armstrong Ride for the Roses, Trenton, Lancaster, and USPRO Championship.  I hope you enjoy.

6/6/1999    I just got home from the USPRO Championship.  A big CONGRATULATIONS goes out to Postal Guy MARTY JEMISON.  Like all my other photos, they will be online in about 2 weeks.  While you are waiting you can find some good photos of Marty at the 1999 Clarendon Cup

6/4/1999    It is with deep regret that I have to inform you that my Ride for the Roses photos will be delayed.
I am in negotiations with my photo shop to have all 20 ROLLS of my photos done at a reduced price.
I am also going to be away on business until June 20th.  The end result is you will see the photos in about 2 weeks.
The photos will be available soon enough. I can't wait for you to see them (especially you Kelly!).
I only had a chance to put this together before I went away on business.
6/2/1999     I just got back from Austin, Texas, where I attended Lance Armstrong's 1999 Ride for the Roses.
It was one of the most spectacular weekends of my life.
I highly encourage you to become a Peleton Project Member.  It is through people like you and I that we can make a difference in the fight against cancer!  Make a difference!  I wanted to take a second to say to all the Project Members and LAF staff... I miss you already!!!  To find out more how you can be a Peleton Project member click here!

None... but they are coming... I promise!