Fee Code |
37 CFR |
Description |
Fee |
Trademark Processing Fees |
361 |
2.6(a)(1) |
Application for registration, per class |
325.00 |
362 |
2.6(a)(2) |
Filing an Amendment to Allege Use under § 1(c), per class |
100.00 |
363 |
2.6(a)(3) |
Filing a Statement of Use under § 1(d)(1), per class |
100.00 |
364 |
2.6(a)(4) |
Filing a Request for a Six-month Extension of Time for Filing a Statement
of Use
under § 1(d)(1), per class |
150.00 |
365 |
2.6(a)(5) |
Application for renewal, per class |
400.00 |
366 |
2.6(a)(6) |
Additional fee for late renewal, per class |
100.00 |
380 |
2.6(a)(21) |
Correcting a deficiency in a renewal application |
100.00 |
367 |
2.6(a)(7) |
Publication of mark under § 12(c), per class |
100.00 |
368 |
2.6(a)(8) |
Issuing new certificate of registration |
100.00 |
369 |
2.6(a)(9) |
Certificate of correction, registrants error |
100.00 |
370 |
2.6(a)(10) |
Filing disclaimer to registration |
100.00 |
371 |
2.6(a)(11) |
Filing amendment to registration |
100.00 |
372 |
2.6(a)(12) |
Filing § 8 affidavit, per class |
100.00 |
381 |
2.6(a)(14) |
Additional fee for filing § 8 affidavit during grace period, per class |
100.00 |
382 |
2.6(a)(20) |
Correcting a deficiency in a § 8 affidavit |
100.00 |
373 |
2.6(a)(13) |
Filing § 15 affidavit, per class |
200.00 |
375 |
2.6(a)(15) |
Petition to the Commissioner |
100.00 |
376 |
2.6(a)(16) |
Petition for cancellation, per class |
300.00 |
377 |
2.6(a)(17) |
Notice of opposition, per class |
300.00 |
378 |
2.6(a)(18) |
Ex parte appeal, per class |
100.00 |
379 |
2.6(a)(19) |
Dividing an application, per new application (file wrapper) created |
100.00 |
Trademark Service Fees |
461 |
2.6(b)(1)(i) |
Printed copy of each registered mark, regular service, dely. by USPS,
fax, or PTO Box |
3.00 |
462 |
2.6(b)(1)(ii) |
Printed copy of each registered mark, next bus. day dely. to PTO Box or
fax dely. |
6.00 |
464 |
2.6(b)(4)(i) |
Certified copy of registered mark, with title and/or status, regular service |
15.00 |
465 |
2.6(b)(4)(ii) |
Certified copy of registered mark, with title and/or status, expedited
local service |
30.00 |
466 |
2.6(b)(2)(i) |
Certified copy of trademark application as filed, regular service |
15.00 |
467 |
2.6(b)(2)(ii) |
Certified copy of trademark application as filed, expedited local service |
30.00 |
468 |
2.6(b)(3) |
Certified or uncertified copy of trademark-related file wrapper and contents |
50.00 |
469 |
2.6(b)(5) |
Certified or uncertified copy of trademark document, unless otherwise
provided |
25.00 |
470 |
2.6(b)(7) |
For assignment records, abstracts of title and certification per registration |
25.00 |
480 |
2.6(b)(9) |
Self-service copy charge, per page |
0.25 |
481 |
2.6(b)(6) |
Recording trademark assignment, agreement or other paper, first mark per
document |
40.00 |
482 |
2.6(b)(6) |
For second and subsequent marks in the same document |
25.00 |
484 |
2.6(b)(10) |
Labor charges for services, per hour or fraction thereof |
40.00 |
485 |
2.6(b)(11) |
Unspecified other services, excluding labor |
488 |
2.6(b)(8) |
X-SEARCH terminal session time, per hour |
40.00 |
Fastener Quality Act Fees |
650 |
2.7(a) |
Recordal application fee |
20.00 |
651 |
2.7(b) |
Renewal application fee |
20.00 |
652 |
2.7(c) |
Late fee for renewal application |
20.00 |