- Dominique is a libra?
- Dominique is the spokesperson
for the John Hancock Financial services?
- Dominique owns 2 electric guitars?
(From Rock and Roll Competitions)
- Dominique's shoe size at the
Olympics were the smallest in the whole olympics at size 5 1/2?
- Her Olympic number was 343?
- Dominique's stress fracture was 4 cm long?
- She was born on a Wednesday?
- Her lucky number is 7?
- Dominque earned 3,600 dollars for the 1995 Reese's Cup?
- Dominique has 7 lucky angel pins on her gym bag that watch over her?
- Dominique went from level 5 to elite in 2 years?
- Dominique got paid $302,500 for the John Hancock Tour of Olympic Champions?