Home page of Brian Anthony Thomas "The House of B"
Welcome to the 
homepage of

Brian A. Thomas

Since 2/13/97 you are visitor

Email brian-thomas@yahoo.com

Take a look around

Where I graduated from college: Quincy University
My résumé
Classes I have taken at Q.U.
Where I live: Quincy, Illinois
Where I work: Walgreens
Where I graduated from high school: Quincy Notre Dame High School
Class of 1994
My music collection
Some cool and interesting links, including sports links
My home page @Beckworld
Those People I know and their e-mail addresses and home pages
My future business River City Enterprises?
Want to make money?
Steve and D.C. Show in the mornings

This page was born

October 24, 1996

B Logo

Brian A. Thomas and others, 1996-2004
B.A.T. Enterprises 1996-2004