Sports Gaming Digest (2-2-98)

Greetings Sports Gamers!

Lots of numbers this week.  I have included the Bowl
Bound/Paydirt team power ratings list provided by Matt, and the
Bruce Jenner player chart for Decathlon.  To create the Jenner
chart I used basically the same method as for last week's Avilov
chart.  Let me know what you think.  

Jim Gordon
From: "Matt Floray" 


I would very much like to create new team charts for Paydirt for
the years
1973, 74, 75 and 94 and newer.  Also, I would like to do some
older years
from 1968 going back.  Do you have any knowledge of how the
Charts are
prepared?  Would you be interested helping?



     [I concur with your desire to see additional Paydirt charts,
to fill in the
missing years, and recreate older seasons.  I asked David Neft
original designer) about how the charts were designed and he
remember much since the last time he touched the game was 1973. 
He did
say that he was able to obtain play-by-play results information
from the
teams and the league, which sounds like a monumental feat in
     I've even tinkered with some ideas for developing a hybrid
version of the paydirt system that would individualizes the
actions by the
star players.  If you have any thoughts on how to procede, I
would be glad to 
hear them.--JCG]


I wish you the best in this project.
I have been searching for a site like this for years.

I have played sports games (table top and computer)
for over 30 years.

I began in the mid 60`s with APBA but quickly graduated to Strat
when they
incorporated the lefty/righty breakdowns.
As a kid I had...
all APBA board games
Strat football and baseball
Sports Illustrated Baseball, football and Decathlon

After a 20 year hiatus (to form a life and grow up), the computer
revived my
in board games. I currently play...
Strat Baseball, Hockey, Basketball
Lambourne Championship Boxing, Soccer Replay ( I own Centre Court
Tennis and
Ryder Cup golf)
Dynasty League Baseball
Apba basketball great teams set
Faceoff hockey

However, the games I keep coming back to are Strat baseball and
hockey due to
the playability and accuracy.

Faceoff hockey is more accurate but not as playable.
Dynasty league baseball is probably just as accurate as strat and
has a great
for the visualization of each play due to its intricate play
However, the print on the cards is so small and intricate that it
quite an effort in the 7th inning after squinting for 30 minutes
to find the
play result.

Is paydirt still available as I played SI as a kid. I find Strat
football an
impossible solitaire game.

     [Avalon Hill does still have some of the Paydirt seasons
charts available, although they don't advertise them, and if you
ask the wrong person they will say that the game is out of print.

I think 1993 was the last season published.--JCG} 

Never having played the Statis pro games, I am interested
in an opinion on Statis pro basketball?

     [Like all Statis Pro games the action is driven by the Fast
Action Cards.  The action is relatively fast although the full
game can take a while with keeping stats.  The system is oriented
toward statistical replay and overall I give it good marks for
statistical accuracy and recreation of relative capabilities for
players and teams.  The 1992 revision was an entensive overhaul
of the system and was a big improvement.  I'm working on a system
for using dice isntead of the cards because I don't like
shuffling the deck.--JCG]

Keep up the great work and please add me to the list.
Let me know if you need a contributor.

Jeff Sufrin


As I mentioned previously, I have played virtually all of the
sports boards
available over the last 30 years with an emphasis on the Strat
Recently, I have been purchasing many of the Lambourne games
which have good
playability, fair accuracy but few bells and whistles. However, I
Terry for venturing into sports that are unique to the table game
genre and
more often than not, succeeding.

You questioned Hockey in a previous post.
I have played Strat, Faceoff (board and pc) and APBA (board and
Without question, Faceoff is the most accurate.
However, the board version becomes a tedious exercise in
comparing math
without any semblance of the flow of real hockey.
Strat, although not as dead on accurate flows extremely well due
to a
combination of FAC`s, dice rolls and good visualization of what
is happening
on the ice.
It just feels like hockey!
Apba unfortunately is a lesser rip off of the faceoff game engine
w/o its
accuracy and w/o strats playability.

I strongly agree with the folks who think that Dynasty (formerly
ULTIMATE in table top baseball. Its ability to let you visualize
plays and the
and jam ratings given to top pitchers and hitters removes some of
the problem
the infamous 50-50 dice roll split ( 1/2 off the pitcher/hitter).
However, I still play mostly Strat baseball for 2 reasons.
1. The amount of past seasons in Advanced format allows me to
truly get as
close to 
Koufax pitching to Ruth is possible.
2. The print on the Dynasty cards is so small and dense in
spacing that it
becomes a chore to quickly find a result w/o squinting after a
few innings.
Has anyone else encountered this?

I have always found Strat football difficult at best to play
solitaire so my
interest was sparked when I read about an old favorite of mine in
your journal
Paydirt (when I got 
my first copy in 1971 it was simply SI football).
I found a hobby store that had a copy with the `93 charts and I
was up all
calling plays and using the solitaire system that I believe
Nicely wrote for
the game.
(it was included). The elegant simplicity of this game is
unmatched on
gridirons. I thank you for reminding me of an old flame.
Someone had mentioned that the 90`s charts were somewhat lacking?
I found the
results and the gameplay to be right on. Any comments?

You mentioned ASG baseball in one comment with Tom Gerbasi.
I believe this game is the forerunner of Chris Klugs Diamond
Dreams computer
baseball game. You may want to ask Dennis Nicholson who I have
seen in your
journal as he is one of the partners in that venture. 
I would love to find out where Tom got the board game?

I played Decathlon as a kid and seeing it written about prompted
me to call AH
and order a copy along with Title Bout and SI allstar baseball.

     [Did Avalon Hill actually HAVE SI ATAS baseball available? 
If so, that's news!--JCG]

Please keep me informed on your progress with Decathlon.

The best Basketball game I have played is Strat Bball.
It plays fast (fac`s and dice) and the accuracy is fairly good.
(Rodman gets
his 15 rebounds, Jordan will score his 30 points and Stockton
will get his 12
However, they do not offer past seasons so I purchased APBA great
version of there board bball.
This game boils down to a series of tedious rolls to find a
shooter by shot
and then rolling for a shot attempt based on each players field
goal %.
Here again it just does not feel like bball. There is no
discernible flow.
Wheres with 
Strat, players pass, fastbreak  and rebound with accuracy,
visualization of
the play and game flow. However even Strat does seem to lack
spark until the
last few minutes of a tight game. (This may be inherent to
bball). The beauty
of bball is watching these great athletes do there thing and I
believe that
does not translate well to cards and dice.
I know you pay Statis pro bball. I have never played that game.
How would you
compare it? Is it fairly fast and is the playability good?

Keep up the great work, we need a site like this.

Jeff Sufrin        
From: "Matt Floray" 

BOWL BOUND Power Rating Chart

Team                Power Rating             Yardage Factor
                                        Compensation Rating

1970 Air Force      187.5     +2             114.5     +8
1966 Alabama        200.0     +2             108.0     +8
1978 Alabama        200.0     +2              99.0     +8
1979 Alabama        200.0     +2              90.0     +8
1975 Arizona St.    200.0     +2              54.5     +8
1986 Arizona St.    197.0     +2              70.0     +8
1969 Arkansas       194.0     +2              92.0     +8
1977 Arkansas       198.0     +2             113.0     +8
1945 Army           200.0     +2              72.5     +8
1966 Army           185.0     +2              61.5     +8
1957 Auburn         200.0     +2              97.0     +8
1983 Auburn         198.0     +2              90.0     +8
1984 Brigham Young  200.0     +2              70.0     +8
1978 Clemson        195.0     +2              58.0     +8
1981 Clemson        200.0     +2              80.0     +8
1970 Dartmouth      180.0     +2               9.5     +8
1969 Florida        190.0     +2             117.5     +8
1984 Florida        198.0     +2              80.0     +8
1987 Florida State  199.0     +2              70.0     +8
1968 Georgia        193.0     +2             107.0     +8
1980 Georgia        200.0     +2              95.0     +8
1952 Georgia Tech   200.0     +2              93.5     +8
1966 Georgia Tech   191.0     +2             114.0     +8
1979 Houston        196.0     +2              60.0     +8
1977 Kentucky       195.0     +2              59.5     +8
1958 Louisiana St.  200.0     +2             136.5     +8
1969 Louisiana St.  194.0     +2              95.0     +8
1951 Maryland       200.0     +2             116.0     +8
1987 Miami          200.0     +2              90.0     +8
1947 Michigan       200.0     +2              84.5     +8
1969 Michigan       192.0     +2             108.5     +8
1985 Michigan       199.0     +2              85.0     +8
1952 Michigan St.   200.0     +2              73.5     +8
1966 Michigan St.   200.0     +2              91.0     +8
1960 Minnesota      197.0     +2             131.0     +8
1961 Mississippi    196.0     +2             146.5     +8
1969 Missouri       195.0     +2              78.5     +8
1963 Navy           196.0     +2             100.5     +8
1970 Nebraska       200.0     +2             139.5     +8
1971 Nebraska       200.0     +2              78.5     +8
1983 Nebraska       199.0     +2              70.0     +8
1970 Northwestern   184.5     +2              34.5     +8
1966 Notre Dame     200.0     +2              97.5     +8
1973 Notre Dame     200.0     +2              92.0     +8
1988 Notre Dame     200.0     +2              85.0     +8
1954 Ohio St.       200.0     +2             119.5     +8
1968 Ohio St.       200.0     +2             100.0     +8
1955 Oklahoma       200.0     +2              97.0     +8
1967 Oklahoma       199.0     +2             155.5     +8
1969 Penn St.       200.0     +2             104.5     +8
1973 Penn St.       200.0     +2              64.0     +8
1986 Penn St.       200.0     +2              90.0     +8
1976 Pittsburgh     200.0     +2              80.0     +8
1980 Pittsburgh     199.0     +2              80.0     +8
1964 Princeton      180.0     +2              36.0     +8
1966 Purdue         195.0     +2             127.0     +8
1967 So. California 200.0     +2             109.0     +8
1972 So. California 200.0     +2              96.0     +8
1979 So. California 199.0     +2              80.0     +8
1982 So. Methodist  199.0     +2              80.0     +8
1940 Stanford       200.0     +2             105.5     +8
1970 Stanford       193.0     +2             117.5     +8
1959 Syracuse       200.0     +2              89.5     +8
1966 Syracuse       186.5     +2             105.5     +8
1951 Tennessee      199.0     +2             118.5     +8
1970 Tennessee      197.0     +2             157.5     +8
1985 Tennessee      197.0     +2              77.0     +8
1969 Texas          200.0     +2             121.0     +8
1977 Texas          197.0     +2              71.5     +8
1983 Texas          196.0     +2             100.0     +8
1985 Texas A&M      197.0     +2              94.5     +8
1954 UCLA           200.0     +2              52.5     +8
1965 UCLA           197.0     +2             124.0     +8
1982 UCLA           196.0     +2              75.0     +8
1960 Washington     200.0     +2             135.5     +8
1984 Washington     199.0     +2              90.0     +8
1962 Wisconsin      199.0     +2             140.5     +8
1968 Yale           180.0     +2              41.5     +8

The principle figures are for neutral-field play.  For the home
team, add the amounts indicated; for the visiting team, subtract
the indicated amounts.

The power rating differential determines the spot (point spread).

Please note that the power ratings intentionally do not include
any adjustment for the (presumed) improvement in the level of
play (due to the increased size, speed, quickness and training of
the athletes) over the years, since the existence and magnitude
of any such adjustment is a highly controversial matter.  If you
wish to downgrade the power ratings of older teams to simulate
this effect, decreasing the power rating by one (1) point, and
the yardage factor compensation rating by four (4) points, should
cause the team to play one point weaker per game; thus, if you
judge 1940 Stanford to be 14 points weaker solely due to the era
in which they played, this can be simulated by decreasing their
power rating by 14 points and their yardage factor compensation
rating by 56 points. 

The yardage factor compensation differential determines the
initial yardage factor (percentage) advantage (IYFA) granted to
one team over the other.  A team's YF advantage is reduced by 3%
for each point they are in the lead; alternatively, a team's YF
disadvantage is increased by 3% for each point they are in the

EXAMPLE:  1966 Notre Dame at 1940 Stanford.  Adjusted power
ratings are Notre Dame 198 and Stanford 202; thus, Stanford is a
4-point favorite. Adjusted yardage factor compensation ratings
are Notre Dame 89.5 and Stanford 113.5.  Thus, at the beginning
of the game, Stanford receives a 124% YF and Notre Dame receives
100 .  Now suppose Notre Dame takes a 7-0 lead.  Then Stanford
receives an additional 7*3=21% YF advantage (145% for Stanford 
and 100% for Notre Dame). On the other hand, if Stanford takes a
10-0 lead, their YF advantage becomes 24% - 10*3 % =-6%, or a 6%
disadvantage (Stanford 100%, Notre Dame 106%).

The general scoring level can be adjusted (if desired) by
changing the base yardage factor from 100% to a higher value (for
more scoring) or a lower value (for less scoring).  A second
method for reducing the scoring level is to use part of the
yardage factor differential to reduce the disadvantaged team's
yardage factor below the base yardage factor; for example, some
groups like to use 30% of the differential for this purpose.  At
the beginning of the game in the example above, under this
scheme, Stanford would receive 116.8% (Base + 0.7*Differential),
while Notre Dame would receive 92.8% (Base - 0.3*Differential). 

To emphasize the effect of the yardage factors, always round
fractional yards toward the 50 yard line.  EXAXPLE: Team A is
receiving a 99% yardage factor, has 4th and goal at B's 1, and
rolls a l-yard gain.  The gain converts to 0.99 yards, placing
the ball at B's 0.01, between the goal and the 1.  The ball is
spotted at the 1 and B takes over on downs.

The yardage factor compensation ratings may be adjusted to
reflect the style of play of your particular group.

@ Copyright 1991 T. R. Nicely. A11 rights reserved.

PAYDIRT Power Rating Chart


SEASON         1969      1970      1971      1972
COPYRIGHT      1970      1971      1972      1973,
DATE                                         1974

YDG FACTORS %  120/100   120/100   120/100   120/100

Atlanta        218.5     216.5     221       220
Baltimore      222.5     235.5     228       216.5
Buffalo        215       214       209.5     215.5
Chicago        209.5     218.5     218.5     215.5
Cincinnati     215.5     223.5     215       221.5
Cleveland      229       220       225.5     226
Dallas         229.5     229       235       228
Denver         217.5     217.5     215.5     216.5
Detroit        224.5     226       221       222.5
Green Bay      221.5     218.5     216.5     227
Houston        221       214       215.5     209.5
Kansas City    235       221.5     228       221.5
Los Angeles    229       224.5     222.5     219
Miami          214       226       230       240  
Minnesota      232.5     230.5     229       220
New England    215       211.5     218.5     213
New Orleans    216.5     212.5     216.5     212.5
N Y Giants     218.5     223.5     215       221.5
N Y Jets       227       215       218.5     220
Oakland        232.5     226.5     223.5     228
Philadelphia   215.5     214       219       212.5
Pittsburgh     209.5     216.5     218.5     230
San Diego      221.5     219       218.5     215.5
San Francisco  216.5     229       226.5     224.5
Seattle        ---       ---       ---       ---
St. Louis      215.5     222.5     215.5     215 5
Tampa Bay      ---       ---       ---       ---
Washington     221.5     218.5     225.5     231

SEASON         1976      1977      1978      1979
COPYRIGHT      1977      1978      1979      1980

YDG FACTORS %  90/70     90/70     100/80    100/80

Atlanta        215       220       223.5     217
Baltimore      229       227       215.5     215.5
Buffalo        211.5     213       215.5     218.5
Chicago        220       224.5     218.5     224
Cincinnati     225       221.5     214       214
Cleveland      223.5     218.5     220       221.5
Dallas         229       236.5     230       226.5
Denver         223.5     232.5     225       224
Detroit        218.5     218.5     218.5     211
Green Bay      216.5     215       221       215.5
Houston        216.5     221.5     226       227.5
Kansas City    216.5     211.5     214       218.5
Los Angeles    229       227       229       225.5
Miami          218.5     225       225.5     225
Minnesota      231.5     226.5     223       218.5
New England    228       223.5     226.5     221.5
New Orleans    215       213       218.5     220
N Y Giants     213       216.5     217       217
N Y Jets       213       213       220       220
Oakland        238.5     230       221.5     221.5
Philadelphia   215       216.5     222.5     226.5
Pittsburgh     228       225.5     237       234
San Diego      218.5     220       221.5     228
San Francisco  221.5     216.5     211       211
Seattle        211.5     216.5     221.5     221.5
St. Louis      225       220       217       215.5
Tampa Bay      208       211.5     215.5     226
Washington     226*      223.5     220       223

*Is entitled to the Free Block Option.

The above listing Includes all teams for which PAYDIRT! charts
were prepared and copyrighted prior to 1981. Charts copyrighted
1981 or later have the Power Rating printed in the upper right
corner of the Offensive Team Chart and have Yardage Factors of
Bruce Jenner Player Chart

               Long Jump           Shot Put       
     100m Safe Avg  AOut HJ   Safe Avg  AOut 400m
10   inj  22'0 inj  24'3 42'0 inj  inj  inj  11.8
11   10.7 21'6 inj  21'3 42'0 inj  inj  ng   11.8
12   10.9 22'0 24'0 22'0 42'6 44'6 44'9 6'9  11.8
13   10.7 22'0 23'9 22'3 40'6 46'0 inj  6'3  11.8
14   10.9 22'3 23'0 21'3 43'9 46'3 45'9 6'2  11.8
15   10.9 22'3 23'0 24'0 43'6 46'0 45'6 6'2  11.8
16   11.2 21'9 23'9 24'6 42'9 48'0 51'0 6'7  11.8
17   11.2 21'9 22'6 23'9 42'3 44'6 51'3 6'6  11.8
18   10.2 21'6 23'0 24'0 42'6 43'6 51'6 6'9  12.4
19   11.1 21'6 24'0 24'6 42'9 48'0 51'9 6'9  inj
20   10.8 21'9 22'6 24'3 44'3 47'0 50'3 6'0  12.0
21   11.5 21'3 21'9 21'9 43'3 47'9 45'3 6'8  12.0
22   11.7 21'3 23'6 21'0 44'3 45'9 46'3 5'6  12.0
23   11.1 21'3 23'3 inj  44'3 45'6 46'6 6'4  12.0
24   11.2 21'3 22'9 foul 45'3 46'0 47'0 6'2  12.0
25   11.2 21'0 22'9 foul 44'9 44'9 46'9 5'8  12.4
26   10.7 21'0 21'3 21'6 45'0 45'0 46'0 6'4  12.4
27   11.4 22'3 22'3 22'0 44'0 46'0 45'0 6'7  12.0
28   11.4 21'6 23'3 21'9 45'3 42'9 44'6 5'8  12.0
29   11.0 21'6 22'9 21'6 44'0 44'9 52'0 6'3  12.0
30   11.0 22'3 22'3 22'3 44'0 45'3 50'6 6'7  12.0
31   11.0 20'9 22'9 foul 44'6 44'0 foul 6'6  12.2
32   11.4 20'3 foul foul 41'0 47'0 foul 6'0  12.2
33   11.4 20'6 foul foul 41'3 foul foul 6'4  12.2
34   11.0 21'0 foul foul 41'9 foul foul 6'3  12.2
35   11.0 20'9 foul foul 41'6 foul foul 6'3  12.2
36   11.1 20'0 21'6 foul 40'9 43'6 foul 6'6  12.4
37   11.3 19'6 23'9 foul 44'0 42'0 foul 6'6  12.4
38   11.1 19'3 22'6 foul 43'0 47'0 foul 6'3  12.4
39   11.3 19'0 21'0 foul 42'3 42'9 foul 6'9  12.2

               Discus              Javelin   
     110h Safe Avg  AOut PV   Safe Avg  AOut 1500m
10   inj  140  160  139  inj  181  206  176  6
11   inj  137  inj  143  13'8 177  inj  177  6
12   inj  144  166  143  nh   190  228  179  6
13   14.8 147  163  138  14'4 180  210  181  5
14   15.6 145  158  140  15'8 183  208  186  6B
15   14.6 136  150  170  nh   179  207  229  6B
16   15.4 143  167  171  13'0 189  225  233  6B
17   14.2 138  139  172  13'8 175  227  229  7B
18   14.6 141  138  174  15'0 176  182  236  6B
19   14.7 136  170  175  15'4 179  225  238  inj
20   15.1 142  165  169  15'8 187  217  228  7B
21   15.7 136  142  142  14'4 175  192  185  6B
22   15.0 137  143  145  13'4 174  194  188  6
23   15.6 138  162  146  14'0 172  210  191  6
24   14.5 148  161  148  13'4 171  207  foul 5
25   14.7 147  149  147  14'4 170  196  foul 6C
26   15.3 137  151  144  14'8 174  198  188  6C
27   15.1 138  155  141  15'4 187  180  182  6C
28   14.5 139  159  139  13'0 184  205  178  6C
29   15.2 140  139  173  13'8 183  218  234  6C
30   15.2 136  141  inj  15'8 185  198  inj  6C
31   14.3 130  144  foul 15'4 164  183  foul 6C
32   14.9 132  147  foul 15'0 166  foul foul 6C
33   15.3 133  148  foul 15'0 167  foul foul 5A
34   14.7 135  foul foul 15'0 168  foul foul 5
35   15.0 134  foul foul 14'8 169  foul foul 5
36   15.4 131  146  foul 14'8 165  195  foul 5
37   15.5 129  145  foul 14'8 163  178  foul 6
38   14.4 128  140  foul 14'0 162  200  foul 6B
39   14.9 127  164  foul 13'4 161  212  foul 6

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