Video Qualities are rated as follows: DUD - Rubbish P - Poor F - Fair G - Good VG - Very Good Exc - Excellent Legend: TC = title change TAPE #1 (2 HOURS) ***MISSING WRESTLING GOLD VOLS. 1/2 1. Savage/Lanny Poffo - Rock 'n' Roll Express ***3/4 2. Jerry Lawler - Hulk Hogan(with Jimmy Hart) **1/2 3. Nick Bockwinkel - Manny Fernandez 4. The Sheik - Mark Lewin (Lewin Juices) **** 5. David/Kerry Von Erich - Gene Yates/Baron Krupp 6. Fabolous Ones - PYT Express ***3/4 7. Road Warriors - Lawler/Austin Idol 8. Cage: Savage - Lawler **** 9. Somoans - Ted DiBiase/Bob Roop 10. Sammartino/Dick Bruiser - Ernie Ladd/Baron Von Rashke 11. Tully Blanchard - Manny Fernandez 12. US Title: Rick Rude - Lawler **** 13. Bruiser/Crusher/Little Bruiser - Blackjacks/Bobby Heenan TAPE #2 (2 HOURS) AWA - 1989 BATTLE ROYALE VQ = VG 1. 20 Man Battle Royal to determine the NEW AWA World Champion. Participants include Tom Zenk, Zbyzsko, Sgt. Slaughter, Akio Sato, Destruction Crew, Wahoo McDaniel, Top Guns, Pat Tanaka, Ken Patera...etc. 2. Destruction Crew(aka Beverly Bros) - Top Guns 3. Tom Zenk/Ken Patera - Badd Company 4. Sgt. Slaughter - Col. DeBeers 5. interviews and other matches TAPE #3 (3 HOURS) AWA - SUPER CLASH 3 VQ = VG 1. Title for Title: Lawler(AWA Champion) - Kerry Von Erich(WCCW Champion) 2. Rock 'n' Roll Express - Stud Stable(Robert Fuller/Jimmy Golden) 3. Indian Strap: Wahoo McDaniel - Manny Fernandez 4. WCCW Tag Title: S.S.T. - Michael Hayes/Steve Cox 5. Boot Camp: Slaughter - DeBeers 6. POWW Girls Lingerie Street Fight Battle Royal 7. Int. TV Title: Ron Garvin - Greg Gagne 8. WCCW Lgt Hwt Title: Jeff Jarrett - Eric Embry 9. Texas Hwt Title: Ice Man Parsons - Brickhouse Brown 10. Cactus Jack/RPM - Guerrero Bros (Mondo/Chavo/Hector) TAPE #4 (4 HOURS) NWA/WCW, WWF & INDEPENDANT CUSTOM VQ = VG 1. Sting/Steiners - Vader/Mr Hughes/Cactus Jack 2. WCW Tag Title: Anderson/Zbyzsko - Windham/Steamboat 3. WCW US Tag Title: Simmons/Big Josh - Young Pistols *TC 4. Sting wins a squash and a brawl follows 5. Cactus Jack - Dustin Rhodes 6. Post-match party for New Champ Sting who is attacked by Rude 7. Sting attacked by Vader 8. Report on Rude-Steamboat feud 9. Rude/Anderson/Zbyzsko - Steamboat/Windham/Dustin 10. Bobby Eaton - Steamboat, Rude and co. destroy Steamboat with the big nose bleed job on the concrete floor. *Did he brake his nose?* 11. 60 Min Marathon Match for WWF Title: Bret Hart - Ric Flair (Bootleg, Boston, 9/1/93) 12. I Quit: Terry Funk - Eddie Gilbert ***** Double Juice, A great long match. (Bootleg, 23/1/93) 13. Match #1 of Best of 3 To Decide New US Champion: Rude - Dustin 14. Sting/Bulldog - Harlem Heat 15. Great interviews by Flair and Rude 16. Benoit/Eaton - Thunder & Lightbning TAPE #5 (3 HOURS) NWA/WCW, WWF & JAPAN CUSTOM VQ = VG 1-2. Hulk Hogan - Mr Perfect 3-6. Hart Foundation - Rockers 7. Four Horsemen - Sting/Pillman/Steiners ***3/4 20/1/91 8. Highlights: Ric Flair def. Sting for NWA Title on 11/1/91 9. Bret Hart - Ted DiBiase ***3/4 15/4/91 10. 2/3 Falls: Tiger Mask(Satoru Sayama) - Dynamite Kid, ***** 23/4/83 Wrestling Observers Best 2nd Match of The 80's 11. Crush - Martet 12. High Energy/Natural Disasters - Money Inc/Beverly Bros. TAPE #6 (3 HOURS) JAPAN & NWA/WCW CUSTOM VQ = mainly VG and better Note: item 10 - 12 are Fair Quality 1-4. Tiger Mask - Dynamite Kid from 24/4/81, 1/1/82(MSG), 28/1/82 and 30/8/82 5. WWF Jr. Title: Black Tiger - Tiger Mask(wins Title) 26/5/82 6-7. Cactus Jack - Vader in 2 of the most brutal matches ever seen on WCW TV. After the 1st Cactus Jack requires 22 stiches, after the 2nd Jack is almost paralysed. 8. Hollywood Blondes - Scott Steiner/Bagwell, Scott attacks Bagwell 9. WCW TV Title: Steamboat - Scott Steiner (wins Title) *** 10. Terry Funk challenging Dusty Rhodes for a Texas Chain Match/Interview 11. Interviews and previews on Flair, Piper and other wrestlers from early 80's 12. Piper (NWA TV Champion) - Flair(NWA US Champion) *Piper wins US Title 13. Dan Kroffat/Doug Furnas - Kobashi/Kikuchi 31/5/92 ***** Best Japanese Match of 1992 14. Womens Title: Kyoko Inoue - Manami Toyota ***** Voted one of the greatest womens bout of all time. TAPE #7 (4 HOURS) WWF MSG, BEST OF THE WWF VOL. 3, WWF & NWA CUSTOM VQ = VG to G, check individual sections A)WWF MSG: 31/1/92, VQ = close to VG 1. Bret Hart - Undertaker ***3/4 Bret Gets Pinned!!! 2. Repo - Virgil ** 3. Savage - Jake Roberts ***3/4 B)Best of The WWF Vol. 3, VQ = G 1. Hart Foundation - British Bulldogs 1986 ***3/4 2. George Steel/Windham/Rotundo - Studd/Adonis/Heenan 3. Bruno/David Sammartino - Brutes/Johnny Valiant 4. 18 Man Battle Royal for $30,000. Wrestlers: Hogan, Studd, Andre, Orndorff, Mil Mascaras, Fuji, Murdoch, Atlas...etc C)WWF & NWA Custom, VQ = VG 1. Ric Flair(NWA Champion) - Great Muta 16/11/89 2. Bret Hart - Mr Perfect 3/6/89 **** 3. Documentary: Living Legend Bruno Sammartino (Great) 4. Big Boss Man - Tito Santana who gets beaten up with a night-stick 5. Clip: Demolition def. Brain Busters for WWF Tag Titles 6. Terry Funk - Steamboat from CLASH 7. Tim Horner - Barry Horowitz 2/10/89 8. Interview: Bret Hart 2/10/89 9. Bret Hart - Mr Perfect 2/10/89 Great Match **** TAPE #8 (3 HOURS) BEST OF TH WWF VOL. 17 & WWF/NWA CUTOM A)Best of The WWF Vol. 17 1. Dino Bravo - Ken Patera 2. Big Boss Man - Sam Houston 23/7/88 3. British Bulldogs - Bulsheviks 23/7/88 4. Rockers - Fabolous Rougeaus 25/7/88 5. I-C Title: Honky Tonk Man - Brutes 6. WWF Tag Title: Demolition - Strike Force 7. Lumberjack: Andre - Duggan B)WWF/NWA Custom 1. Bret - Doink Summerslam 93 2. Bret - Lawler Summerslam 93 3. Dog Collar: Piper - Valentine 4. Highlights: Lawler - Bill Dundee 5. Highlights: NWA Title in Cage: Harley Race - Flair 6. Von Erichs - Freebirds(Hayes/Gordy/Roberts) 7. NWA Title: Flair - Kerry Von Erich who wins Title 8. Road Warriors - Fabolous Ones 9. Boot Camp: Iron Sheik - Sgt. Slaughter 10. WWF and other promotions' music videos 11. Bushwackers/Duggan - Beverly Bros/Repo WWF TV 12. Crush - Kato WWF TV 13. Andre - Masked Superstar TAPE #9 (3 HOURS) FLAIR IN MID-ATLANTIC AREA & NWA DANGER ZONE A)Flair in... from 8mm film(Late 70's) *NO SOUND ONLY PICTURE* RARE 1. Flair/Greg Valentine - Wahoo McDaniel/Ole Anderson 2. Flair/Valentine - Ole/Gene Anderson 3. Flair/Valentine - Orndorff/Snuka 4. Ole/Gene Anderson - Orndorff/Snuka 5. Flair - Snuka 6. Flair - Paul Jones 7. 4 X Flair - Steamboat matches 8. Harley Race - Paul Jones B)NWA Danger Zone Commercial Tape With interviews and match highlights from the mid 80's including Flair, Windham, Road Warriors, Luger, Nikita Koloff, Magnum TA, Dusty and more. TAPE #10 (3 HOURS) WWF/JAPAN CUSTOM VQ = VG 1. WWF Title in Cage: Savage - DiBiase, A Fan climbs teh cage and gets hammered down by Virgil/DiBiase 2. Dark Match: Hogan(WWF Champion) - Savage 3. Hogan/Tenryu - Road Warriors in Japan 4. WWF Tag Title: Demolition - Andre/Haku who win Title 5. Muto - Hiroshi Hase, Bloodbath ***** 6. IWGP Jr Title: Naiko Sano - Jushin Thunder Riger who regains his title ***** 7. Hase/Sasaki - Muto/Masahiro Chono **** 8. IWGP Tag Title: Bigelow/Vader - Steiners(WCW Tag Champions) *TitleChange TAPE #11 (3 HOURS) NWA/WCW, WWF & JAPAN CUSTOM VOL. 2 A)Matches From Clash of Champions 1. NWA Title: Steamboat - Flair , 2nd half from Clash 6 2. Flair - Luger(US Champion), Clash 12 3. TV Title: Lord Steven Regal - Dustin, Clash 26: 21/1/94 4. WCW Tag Title: Nasty Boys - Cactus Jack/Max Payne, Clash 26 B)Tiger Mask(Misawa) Profile 1. NWA Title: Steamboat - Tiger Mask, 8/3/89 **** 2. Tiger Mask/Magic Dragon - British Bulldogs, 2/6/85 3. Tiger Mask/Terry Funk/Dory Funk Jr - Billy Robinson/Chavo Guerrero/Terry Gordy 4. PWF Tag Title: Tiger Mask/Jumbo Tsuruta - Hansen/DiBiase, 11/7/87 *TC 5. Tiger Mask - Flair, 9/3/87 C)WWF 1. Streef Fight: Piper - Orndorff, SNME: 1985 2. I-C Title: Honky - Savage, with guitar angle and formation of the Mega Powers, SNME: 10/87 TAPE #12 (2 HOURS) WWF KING OF THE RING 1991, PROVINCE, RI, 7/9/91, Handheld VQ = VG 1. Jerry Saggs - LOD Hawk 2. DiBiase - Steamboat 3. Brian Knobs - Duggan 4. Berzerker - IRS 5. Bret Hart - Pete Doherty 6. Skinner - Virgil 7. Sid - Warlord 8. Undertaker - LOD Animal 9. IRS - Duggan 10. Bret Hart - Skinner 11. Undertaker - Sid 12. Jerry Saggs - IRS 13. FINAL: Bret Hart - IRS TAPE #13 (3 HOURS) BEST OF WCW/WWF TV AUGUST 93 1. Lumberjack: Vader - Steamboat, Sat Nite 2. WWF Tag Title Change: Steiners - Quebecers, RAW 3. Match #3 of Best of 3 To Decide New WCW US Champion: Rude - Dustin, Sat Nite sees World Hwt Champ Flair help Dustin win the US Title!!! 4. Rude/Sid - Flair/Dustin, Sat Nite 5. Scott Steiner - Pierre, RAW 6. In Ring Interview: Bret Hart , RAW 7. Regal(TV Champion) - Steamboat, Sat Nite 8. Harlem Heat - Dustin/Sting, Sat Nite 9. WWF Tag Title: Quebecers - 1.2.3 Kid/Barry Horowitz, RAW 10. 20 Man Battle Royal to decide who will contest for the Vacant I-C Title. Last two wrestlers wrestle a week later to crown the champion. Featuring Razor Ramon, Savage, Martel, Adam Bomb, Diesel, Perfect, Quebecers, Owen, Giant Gonzales, 1.2.3 Kid, Tatanka, Mable, IRS, Bigelow, Booger, Snuka, Marty, Backlund and MVP. RAW 11. 1.2.3 Kid - Marty Janetty, RAW ***1/2 12. Scott Steiner - Lud Vig Borga, RAW 13. Flair/Anderson - Pillman/Eaton, Main Event Tape #14 (4 HOURS) Battle of The Titans Vol. 1 1. Orndorff - Rude, WWF 2. Bret Hart - Bad News Brown, MSG: 25/4/88 3. Austin/Pillman/B.Windham - Flair/A.Anderson/Paul Roma, WCW Sat Nite 4. WWF Tag Title: Hart Foundation - Earthquake/Bravo, MSG 5. Feature: Savage 6. Savage interview in USWA 7. First Lawler - Savage confrontation in USWA, Memphis (great) 8. Lawler - Brian Christopher, USWA 9. USWA World Unified Title: Papa Shango - Owen Hart, Owen's Title Win! 10. Owen Hart - Lawler, USWA 11. CAGE: Bret Hart (heel) - Lawler (face), USWA: 9/93 12. Jeff Jarrett - Brian Christopher, USWA 13. Pose-down between Orndorff and Rude in WWF 14. WWF Tag Title: Hart Foundation - Roma/Powers with guest ref Mr T 15. WWF Title: Savage - DiBiease, MSG 16. Road Warriors - Sting/Luger 17. Bret Hart receives Wrestler of The Year Award, 1992 18. Luger - Ramon, WWF extended highlights 19. WWF I-C TM: Shawn Michaels - 1-2-3 Kid, RAW, tremendous heat! 20. WWF Title: Bret - Owen, WMA Revenge Tour, MSG: 20/5/94, Handheld ****1/2 21. WWF Title: Bret - Berzerker 22. Interviews: Bret and Virgil on WWF Superstars 23. WWF Title: Bret - Virgil, Superstars 24. Interview: Quebeccers and Polo 25. WWF Tag Title: Quebeccers - Marty Jannetty/1-2-3 Kid, RAW 26. Marty - Polo, RAW 27. WWF Title: Flair - Ultimate Warrior, 9/92, Handheld 28. WWF Title: Bret - Flair, Handheld Tape (4 HOURS) WCW Clash 18, WWF SNME, WCW and Japan VQ = around VG A)Clash 18 1. Steiners - Vader/Hughes 2. Pillman/Bagwell - Taylor/Tracy Smothers 3. Johnny B. Badd - Morton 4. Page - P N News 5. Falls Count Anywhere: Cactus Jack - Van Hammer 6. Freebirds - Armstrong/Big Josh 7. Vinni Vegas(aka Kevin Nash) - Rich 8. B.Windham/Steamboat/Dustin - Eaton/Anderson/Zbyszko 9. Austin/Rude - Sting/Steamboat B)WWF SNME: 2/92 1. I-C Title: Piper - Mountie 2. Hogan/Sid - Flair/Undertaker 3. Savage - Jake Roberts 4. Beverly Bros - Slaughter/Duggan C)WCW and Japan 1. WCW US Title: Rude - Bagwell 2. Manami Toyota/Yamada - Aja Kong/Bison Kimura, AJW: 20/4/92 ONE OF THE BEST WOMEN TAG MATCHES OF ALL TIME ***** 3. El Samurai - Liger, NJ TV: 9/5/92, ***** TAPE (4 HOURS) WCW Clash 25 and WWF Survivors Showdown 93 VQ = VG A)WCW Clash 25 1. International Title: Rude - Hawk 2. Equaliser - Shock Master 3. Austin - Pillman 4. TV Title: Regal - Johnny B Badd 5. US Title: Dustin - Orndorff 6. Tag Title: Nasty Boys - Sting/British Bulldog 7. WCW Title: Vader - Flair, TC B)WWF Survivors Showdown 11/93 1. Highlights of Bret - IRS 2. Bastion Booger - Doink 3. Virgil - Crush 4. I-C Title: Ramon - Martel, Highlights 5. IRS - Marty 6. WWF Title: Yokozuna - Bret, very good TAPE (90mins) WWF Inside The Steel Cage VQ = VG 1. Andre - Big John Studd, 7/83, Andre jumps off the top rope! 2. Andre - Kamala, Andre jumps off the top rope again! 3. I-C Title: Morocco - Snuka, Great! 4. Bruno Sammortino/Santana - Savage/Adonis, 12/7/86 5. WWF Title: Bruno - George Steele 6. Bruno - Piper 7. WWF Title: Bob Backlund - I-C Champion Pat Patterson 8. WWF Title: Hogan - Bundy, WMA 2 TAPE #98 (2 HOURS) WWF GRUDGES, GRIPES AND GRUNTS VQ = VG 1. Flair - Tatanka 2. Hogan/Beefcake(Mega Maniacs) - Beverly Bros 3. Feature: Bigelow/Luna 4. Mr Perfect - Papa Shango 5. Undertaker - Repo Man 6. Beverly Bros/Little Louie - Bushwackers/Tiger Jackson, full of comedy 7. Wrestling lessons with Steiners 8. WWF Tag Title: Money Inc - Natural Disasters, TC 9. Bret(I-C Champ)/Savage(WWF Champ) - Michaels/Flair, Great match TAPE #99 (4 HOURS) WWF SNME: 27/10/92 AND WWF/WCW CUSTOM A)WWF SNME: 27/10/92, VQ = G 1. WWF Tag Title: Money Inc - Savage/Warrior 2. Music Video: WWF Champion Bret Hart 3. I-C Title: British Bulldog - Shawn Michaels, TC 4. WWF Title: Bret - Papa Shango, Bret's first title defence on TV 5. Funeral Parlour: guest is Undertaker B)WWF/WCW Custom VQ = mostly VG 1. Bret - Savage, SNME: 25/11/87 2. WWF Tag Title: British Bulldogs - Hart Foundation, 8/87, TC 3. Bret (co-holder WWF Tag Title) - Davey Boy Smith 4. 2/3 Falls: Hart Foundation - Bulldogs, poor picture 5. Hogan - Rude, poor picture 6. March to Wrestlemania: Savage - Yoko 7. Bodybag Match: Undertaker - Warrior, MSG 8. Vince McMahon interviews Terry Funk 9. WWF Title: Hogan - Funk, Denver, Winter 85, highlights of first ever match 10. WWF Title: Hogan - Funk 11. Interview with Bret and four man brawl Bret-Perfect-Flair-Ramon 12. NWA Title: Flair - Barry Windham(co-holder US Tag Title) #15 in the Observer's best 100 matches of the 80's, Fayetteville, NC, 20/1/87, ***** 13. Loser Leaves WWF: Flair - Perfect, RAW 14. Interviews: Studd, Hogan, Andre 15. Andre/Hogan - Studd/Bundy 16. Vacant I-C Title: Ramon - Martel, RAW, TC 17. Bret - Bigelow, RAW, Bret is counted out as Jerry Lawler teases Bret's parents in the crowd TAPE #100 WWF BRET HART'S GREATEST HITS VQ = VG 1. WWF Title: Bret - Bigelow 2. Music video 3. I-C Title: Bret - Skinner 4. Bret - Blake Beverly 5. Bret - Lex Luger, a must see, Ramon comes to aid Lex but KO's him to start a fued 6. WWF Title: Bret - Yoko, not Wrestlemania 7. WWF Title: Flair - Bret 8. Ladder Match For I-C Title: Bret - Michaels TAPE #101 (4 HOURS) Best of WWF RAW: March - April 1994 VQ = VG 1. WWF Tag Title: Quebeccers - Bushwackers 2. Double J - Koko B Ware 3. Double J - Savage 4. DiBiase buying out a few fans for their seats 5. Luger - Martel 6. Owen Hart in training 7. 1-2-3 Kid - Black Phantom 8. Double J/Martel/IRS/Head Shrinkers - Tatanka/1-2-3 Kid/Sparky Plug/Smoking Guns 9. Charles Barkley's first Right Guard commercial 10. The FIRST Heart Break Hotel show 11. Virgil - Dies 12. Lawler taking a fall while carried to the ring by a throne SUPER FUNNY! 13. King's Court Segment with Lex Luger 14. WWF Tag Title: Quebeccers - Men On A Mission 15. WWF at the White House 16. Tax Advice: IRS 17. many more TAPE #102 (over 2 HOURS) WWF MSG: 12/6/93, Handheld VQ = VG 1. Shango - Santana 2. I-C Title: Michaels - Razor Ramon, A Very Good Match 3. Bret Hart - Bob Backlund, Excellent match covered in The Main Event magazine. 4. Giant Gonzalez - Undertaker 5. Bigelow - Tatanka 6. Smoking Guns/Kamala - Head Shrinkers/Afa 7. Luger - Mr Perfect (Fair Picture for this match) TAPE #103 (2 HOURS) WWF European Tour, 13/4/92, UK VQ = G 1. Santana - Repo Man 2. LOD - Nasty Boys 3. Sgt Slaughter - Mustafa (aka Iron Sheik) 4. I-C Titde: Bret Hart - Michaels, A Very Good Match 5. Dino Bravo - Duggan 6. Davey Boy - Flair, Davey Pins Flair!!! TAPE (3 HOURS 25 Mins) AWF WrestleRiot 2, WWF World Tour 1991 A)AWF WrestleRiot 2, 25/6/93, Melbourne, Australia, Handheld, VQ = VG - Exc 1. Max Moon - Akira Nogami, just winner shown 2. Smash - Mario Milano angle 3. Smash - LOD Hawk 4. Nailz - Big Boss Man, the Ring Ropes fall apart! B)WWF World Tour 1991, VQ = Exc 1. Rockers - Orient Express, London Arena, UK 2. Anvil - Warlord 3. Savage - Martel 4. Piper - DiBiase 5. Jake Roberts - Earthquake 6. Mr Perfect - Rocker Shawn Michaels 7. Kendo Nagasaki - Duggan, SWS-WWF Tokyo Dome Show 8. Hogan/Warrior - Undertaker/Slaughter/Adnan C)NWA/WWF Custom VQ = G - VG 1. NWA World Title: Flair - Windham(co-holder US Tag), Fayetteville, NC, 20/1/87, ***** 30min draw, one of the Best Matches of The 1980's 2. WWF Tag Title(Re-match): Strike Force - Hart Foundation, Boston Gardens TC 3. WWF I-C Title: Honky - Savage, MSG 4. WWF I-C Title: Honky - Savage, SNME 5. WWF Title: Hogan - Andre, SNME TC