
Movement Across the Curriculum - Wonderful article on integrating curriculum by Rae Pica.

Moving and Learning Site by movement specialists Rae Pica and Richard Gardzina. Offers Curriculum packages, Supplemental books, Music packages, Newsletters and more.

Association for Kinesensory Teaching - AKT (pronounced as "act") offers a variety of programs specifically targeted toward kinesthetic development and holds workshops dedicated to teaching these techniques and certifying people in the various programs.

Should Gymnastics be Excluded from K-12 Physical Education Curriculum? - This article by Jeff Lulla poses the following question to its readers; "because of liability concerns, should gymnastics be excluded from the K-12 physical education curriculum?"

PE Digest - Great for teachers, coaches and athletes. Contains many illustrated articles for improving sports techniques, fitness and PE classes. Also download (for free) a complete issue, posters, charts and reproducible material, an 11-year index and links to other PE & sports sites.

NASPE - National Association of Sport and Physical Education. Can order booklets and pamphlets on developmentally appropriate physical education.

P E Central - The ultimate physical education site from Va. Tech. You name it - it's here. Job openings, lesson plans, instant activities, links, assessments, and discounts on equipment and books.

PE-Talk - Talk With over 3,000 Physical Educators in the World's Largest Internet Community and Search the Professions Most Comprehensive Physical Education Data Base.

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