Official Rocky Mountain 1000 Day Protest and Grievance Form

This form has been specially designed to streamline protests and grievances. It may be reproduced. One form per incident, please. Follow the simple steps and then mail to: Chair, Rocky Mountain 1000 Day Grievance Committee, Hole-In-The-Wall, Wyoming.

1) General nature of complaint (check item)

___Flagging ribbons leading to Finish were too bright

___Finish chute was too short to allow full development of kicking style

___Finish and Start banners were hung at different heights

___Punch patterns were unfamiliar and confusing

___Other competitors were faster than anticipated

___Too many competitors on course

___Insufficient climb on course

___Inadequate amounts of cactus on course

___Gookinade mixed too strong

___Gookinade mixed too weak

___Disappointed by the lack of: (as many as apply, 1 = somewhat disappointed, 2 = extremely disappointed, 3 = won't come back without being added next time) ___greenbriar, ___mountain laurel,___other thorns (please specify)________________, ___poison oak, ___poison ivy, ___other poisonous plants (please specify)_________________, ___stinging nettles, ___large snakes, ____killer bees, ___humidity, ____heat, ____snow/ice, ____precipitation, ___wind, ____angry landowners, ____biting ants

Note: we will work on adding the most popular items for 2004.

___Courses were too short and I had to expend considerable effort to extend them

___Controls were too visible

___Disliked (check all that apply; 1 = somewhat disliked, 2 = really disliked, 3 = intense loathing) ___bib number, ___control codes, ___map layout, ___punch card color, ___directional signs, ___name of the map

___Start whistle too loud

___Sizes of the map features were inappropriate for the available land area (aka the "too much white space" complaint). Please specify which additional features you would like to see crammed into the map and give GPS reference coordinate_______________________________________________

___Poor scheduling of the 1000 Day and Crystal Relay conflicted with my brother's wedding and therefore made me (check one): ___force brother to move wedding ____force brother to cancel wedding ____miss brother's wedding and pretend to feel bad about it.

2) Please state the primary reason that your grievance or protest should be ignored. Be specific, using many additional, attached pages.

3) Signatures: (this is a self-service form so please sign and date all lines)

Complaintant_____________________________________ Grievance denied by____________________________________


Reason for denial: See attached explanation