Colleen's Kevin Elster Links

Here are some great places to visit for more information on My Favorite Ranger!


This is one of my favorite photos of Kevin Elster! If you click on the photo you can see a full-size picture. I simply love the look of jeans, t-shirt, and a blazer on a man. You can see more like this, plus a whole bunch of other fun stuff at Kevin's own Official Website! It's brand new and is really something special. Just follow this link:

If it's Kevin's up-to-the-minute statistics you need to see, I can think of no better place than ESPN's SportsZone! Click here to go straight to Kevin's page:

Kevin Elster on SportsZone

I got this youthful photo of Kevin Elster in his first major league season with the New York Mets from QuesoNacho's home page. She's got some fantastic photos of Kevin on her home page, so you ladies can't miss it! Please visit:


Kevin Elster on Gloria's Homepage

Another fan page worth a visit is Jennifer's Kevin Elster Page.

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