P.O. BOX 13603 
50816 Kuala Lumpur 


Your Hosts: 

Kuala Lumpur 
- Hash House Harriers 
- Hash House Harriettes 
- Royal Selangor Club Hash 
- Full Moon Hash 

Petaling Jaya 
- Hash House Animales 
- Hash House Hazards 
- Hash House Harriettes 

- Hash House Harriers 

- Hash House Harriers 

-Irish & Oily Spanner


Latest KL situation - scroll down!!  

As an additional service, this section will post breaking news as we approach the BIG DAY.   

27th September update!!

Don't beleive any stories that you hear on CNN or any other news media about unrest in Kuala Lumpur. It is just as exagerated as last years stories about the famous haze. The Hash goes on running and the beer keeps flowing now as then.
We are gearing up to seeing you all over here in five days time!

The InterHash  '98 secretariat will move to the Merdeka Stadium  from 29th September. We will be retaining the same telephone numbers. 

    Tel : (603) 242 9798 
            (603) 242 9782
The Interhash '98 program below will also  be available in your bag of goodies when you register. 


Saturday 26 September    1000   Hash Exhibition opens at Merdeka Stadium 
                                        1100   InterHash Relay  flagged off by Minister 

Sun 27 Sep – Tue 29 Sep  1000-1300  Hash Exhibition open at Stadium 

Wed 30 Sep – Sun 4 Oct 1000-1700  Hash Exhibition open at Stadium 

Wednesday 30 September 0900-2100  Registration open at Stadium 
                                          0900-1300  Hashtofest Pub open at Stadium 

Thursday 1 October           0900-2100  Registration open at Stadium 
                                          0900-1300  Hashtofest Pub open at Stadium 

Friday 2 October               0900-2100  Registration open at Stadium 
                                         0900-1800  Hashtofest Pub open at Stadium 
                                         1800            InterHash ’98 Party Begins 
                                         1830   InterHash Relay Teams enter Stadium 
                                         1900   Malaysian Cultural Performance 
                                         1930   Malaysian Food Fest Begins 
                                         2030 Welcome Speech by InterHash ’98 Chairman 
                                         2030   Official Opening of Interhash ‘98 
                                         2100   Hash Acts – Local Chapters 
                                         2200   Piss and get cultured / Disco 
                                         2230   Late Night Special 
                                         0100   Good Night ! 

Saturday 3 October           0900-2100  Registration open at Stadium 
                                         0900-1800  Hashtofest Pub open at Stadium 
                                         1315   Buses leave Stadium for Ball Breaker Run 
                                         1445-1600  Buses leave Stadium  for all other Runs 
                                         1900   InterHash ‘98 Party Begins 
                                         1930   Malaysian Food Fest Begins 
                                         2030   Hash Cabaret Acts 
                                         2115   Down Down Competition 
                                         2145   Overseas Hash Acts 
                                         2230   Disco Time 
                                         2400   Late Night Show 
                                         0100   Bar & Disco close down 

Sunday 4 October            0900   Grand Hash Bazaar in the Car Park 
                                        0900-1800  Hashtofest Pub open at Stadium 
                                        1100   GM’s Meeting in Stadium 
                                        1445-1600  Buses leave Stadium for all Runs 
                                        1900   InterHash ’98 Party Begins 
                                        1900   Live Music Jam Sessions 
                                        1930   Malaysian Food Fest Begins 
                                        2100   Remaining Hash Acts 
                                        2130   InterHash 2000 Announcement 
                                        2145   Cabaret Show 
                                        2215   Disco & Live Music 
                                        2400   Closing Ceremony 
                                        0100   Piss off ~ till we meet again! 


PRE RAMBLE NO 1 SELETAR (SINGAPORE) 1000TH RUN     25TH - 27THSeptember  1998 

Registration will be held at Carlton Hotel 
Thursday 24th Sept. 1998 from  1.00 pm    to 10.00 pm 
Friday     25th Sept. 1998 from 12.00 noon to   4.30 pm 
Thereafter registration will continue at Echo Valley 

Transportation : Daily bus shuttle service will be provided to runsite (Echo Valley) from CARLTON HOTEL, NEW PARK HOTEL & at the carpark next to NEWTON MRT STATION. 

Day/Time : Friday    25th Sept.   from 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm 
                  Saturday 26th Sept    from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm 
       Sunday   27th Sept    from 9.30 am to 11.30 am 


Friday   25th September 98  - Welcoming Hash Bash 
           Commence : 7.30 pm 
           Dress code : Casual or hash attire 
Saturday 26th September 98 - 1000TH Run & Hash Bash 
           (6 Runs) 
Sunday   27th September 98 - Morning Run & Hash Bash 
           (2 Runs) 


The date for registration has been extended to September 15th 1998 at NO EXTRA CHARGE and DOUBLED after the date. 

PRE RAMBLE NO 2 - MALACCA  29th September (Tuesday) 1998 

1.  Those travelling from Singapore may take an express coach from Singapore to Malacca or fly to KL and travel by coach from KL to Malacca.. 
2.  Coaches from KL will depart at 1.00 pm sharp from the Shangrilla Hotel   and the Merdeka Stadium at 1.30 pm sharp. 
3.  Coaches leave the Grand Continental Hotel Malacca at 4.30 pm for the run and return at 12.00 pm. 
4.  Coaches will leave the Grand Continental Hotel Malacca at 2.00 pm on Wednesday the 30th 
     September for the Merdeka Stadium KL. 
5.  There will be a charge of US10 for the coach transfers. 

PRE RAMBLE NO 3 - P.J. HAZARDS/P.J.HARRIETTES 1st October 1998 (Thursday) 

1.  Coach transfers would be provided free of charge from the Merdeka Stadium to run site and back. 
2.  Coaches leave for run site at 3.30 pm and return between 12.00 pm and 1.00 am. 
 POST RAMBLE NO 1 - REDANG ISLAND RESORT 5th - 7th October 1998  

1.  Flights leave Kuala Lumpur for Kuala Terengganu on Mondays at 7.30 am, 10.25 am, 1.20 pm and 3.40 pm 
    Daily Flights from Kuala Terengganu are at 9.30 am, 12.30 pm, 5.45 pm, 7.55 pm and 9.30 pm. 

2.  For ease of transfers from Kuala Terengganu to jetty and to the Island resort please use the 10.25 am and 1.20 pm flights from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Terengganu. 
3.  The package of US160 is for 2 nights and three days i.e. check in on the 5th of October and check out at noon on the 7th of October.  You may extend your stay by private arrangement with the resort. 

POST RAMBLE NO 2 - P.J. ANIMALES 5th October 1998 (Monday)  

1.  Coach transfers would be provided free of charge from the Merdeka Stadium to run site and back. 
2.  Coaches leave for run site at 3.30 pm for runs at 5.30 pm. 


1.  You may travel by air, rail or coach to Ipoh. 
2.  From Kuala Lumpur Pudu bus terminal there is a regular hourly express bus service to Ipoh. 
3.  The train service schedule is as follows : 

7.35  am (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) 
2.30  pm daily 
9.15  pm daily 

4.  Coach transfers from the Heritage Hotel. Jalan Tambun to run site and back will be provided free of charge. 
5.  Coaches leave the Heritage Hotel at 4.30 pm and run starts at 5.30 pm. 

POST RAMBLE NO 4 - PENANG 8th and 9th of October 1998   

1.  From KL and Ipoh there are regular air, rail and express bus service to Penang. 
2.  The ball will be at the Bay View Beach Hotel and starts at 7.30 pm 8th October 1998.  This is a dinner and dance and attire is “Hash Smart”. 
3.  Coaches leave Bay View Beach Hotel for run site - Youth Park, Off Waterfall Gardens, Western Road at 3.30 pm.  Run starts at 5.00 pm. 
4.  The run fee is US40/- (for 2 days 8th and 9th) and not US20 as printed in the booking form . Those who paid US20 only can pay the balance when you arrive. 

POST RAMBLE NO 5 - LANGKAWI 10th October 1998  

1.  From KL there are regular flights to Langkawi and those travelling from Penang could either fly or take a ferry which leaves Georgetown at 7.30 am in the morning. 
2.  Coaches depart Awana Beach Hotel for run site at 4.30 p.m. 
3.  Optional Sailing Cruise on Sunday October 11th 1998 from 11.00 am to 5.00 pm. 

From Awana Jetty 
i)  Price RM210 (approx. US52 dollars) 
ii)  Price includes open bar drinks on board and at beach, deluxe BBQ lunch and party at deserted beach. 
iii)  Further information - email : 
                    Website : 
iv)  Payment for cruise to be made to “Perspektif Asia Sdn. Bhd. and posted to PO Box 25, Kuah, 07000 Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia. 

POST RAMBLE NO 6 KOTA KINABALU Api Api Hash 9th and 10th October 1998  

1.  Welcome dinner is at the Sri Rafflesia Restaurant and transfers would be provided from Deletton Hotel (in the heart of Kota Kinabalu City) and back. 
2.  Coaches leave Hotel Delethon, Kota Kinabalu to run site at 2.00 pm and runs start at 4.00 pm. 

POST RAMBLE NO 7 - MIRI SARAWAK  14th October 1998  

1.  Buses leave Righa Royal Hotel for runs site at 4.15 pm and runs starts at 5.15 pm. 
2.  Trips to Mulu Caves can be arranged.  Please contact Miri H3 at the haspitality desk at Merdeka Stadium. 

POST RAMBLE NO 8 - KUCHING SARAWAK 17th October 1998  

Details not available as yet.  Participants will be advised of details individually. 

Additional Notes : 

1.  There will be hospitality desk for pre and post rambles at the Merdeka Stadium (main venue).  Report there and make a nuisance of yourself. 
2.  Run charges cover cost of local transfers from hotel to run sites and back. T-shirts and other freebies, beers and meals. 
3.  Payment for hotels can be made when you arrive. 
4.  For those registering at the eleventh hours there is no promise of freebies 

27th September update 


We know  there are concerns about the situation in Malaysia following several demonstrations in the city. This is a new phenomenon. The protests are non-violent. The demonstrations you see on news media have been confined to a small section of the city and will not impact our InterHash 98 activity.  As far as the InterHash '98 secretariat is concern it is business as usual. See you soon! On! On! 


This page has been missmanaged by "Oily Spanner" and "Irish" of the Petaling Jaya Hash House Hazards
Interhash '98 main sponsors 
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