Please print out the form (or dowload it as a Word document) and complete in BLOCK CAPITALS
Name:- _________________________________________________ Sex:-__________
Country:- ______________________________________________________________
Phone:-________________ Fax:-________________ E-mail:-__________________
Nationality:-________ Passport No:-__________ Date of Birth:- _______
Home Hash:-________________________ Hash Name:- ________________________
Does your Hash wish to contribute a Hash act?
( )1st Night ( )2nd Night ( )3rd Night
Are you the Voting GM of your Hash, for the Interhash '98 Delegates Meeting?
Yes / No (Circle)
Circle previous Interhashes attended ...
'78/ '80 / '82 / '84 / '86 / '88 / '90 / '92 / '94 / '96
Circle T shirt size 38", 40", 42", 44", 46", 48", 50" ...
Circle preferred run length S(45 min), M(1 hr. 15 min.), L(2 hrs.)
Registration Fees:-
For registrations received between January 1st 1997 and December 31st 1997
Personal Cheque US$157 Bank Draft Money Order US$150
For registrations received between January 1st 1998 and August 31st 1998
Personal Cheque US$210 Bank Draft Money Order US$200
For registrations received on or after September 1st 1998
Personal Cheque US$262 Bank Draft Money Order US$250
I enclose my Bank Cheque / Bank Draft / International Money Order*,
made payable to INTERHASH '98
No _______________ for US$_________________ Dated___________________
Please debit my Master Card A/C (only Master Card Cards Accepted)
Issuing Bank ____________________________________
No. | | | | |x| | | | | |x| | | | | |x| | | | | |
For US$______________ Expiry Date:______________
Please note that we will take the usual strict line with late, or incomplete registrations.
I understand that my consent to these provisions is given in consideration for being permitted to participate in this event. I am aware of, and voluntarily assume the risks of coming to this event. If I am injured, I agree that I will not sue, or otherwise hold responsible,The Interhash '98 Organising Committee,or any affiliated individuals,or any run sponsor and/or their employees. In other words, I take responsibility for my own actions and I will not try to screw anybody connected with this event-and maybe, for the first time in my life,I will be responsible for myself and my actions.
Signature_______________________ Date______________
(Please not that this form is not valid without a signature
and a date, and full payment of registration fees)
For Official Use only:
Date received_____________ Date entered________ Reg. No:____________
Remarks: ___________________________________________________________
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