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Updated 9/30/06


Player Team Date Ref Comments
Aboushdusha, Mandouh Rovers 1/25/03 Prevented goal with hand
Aguilar, Hector   Capote 8/19/06 Red Card (2 yellows, both for USB)
Anhielo, Alfredo Capote 3/16/02 Striking a player
Anhielo, Alfredo Capote 11/20/04 Player was ejected at half time for foul and abusive language.  He called the other referee a mother fucker 5 + times and threatened to strike him verbally; Trial Board suspension 2 games + 1 year probation; 1 game added to suspension for red card during probation.
Anhielo, Alfredo Capote 3/4/06 fighting but no red card given
Arevalo, Salvador Inca 6/14/03 Struck opponent with fist
Arrayae, German Capote 11/5/05 foul and abusive language towards the referee and pushed the referee.  Suspended 3 months + 1 year probation
Avalos, Moises Inca 9/7/02 foul & abusive language
Avalos, Moises Inca 4/16/05 Kicking an opponent; 4 games suspension & 6 months probation; Ok to play 5/21/05
Bevilancqua, Alessandro International 6/15/02 foul & abusive language towards referee
Bolanos, Alfredo Avanti 1/26/02 Serious foul play - ref had lots to say about Avanti
Caceda, Antonio Inca 1/11/03 Violent Conduct, ran after player kicked him; 3 game suspension
Caceda, Antonio Inca 5/14/05 Violent conduct - kicked a player during a dispute away from the play. 2 game suspension, 6 mos probation
Caceres, Pedro Inca 9/28/02 Two yellow cards = red
Campan, Ernesto Capote 7/13/02 abusive language towards referee
Carman, Neil Rovers 1/25/03 Prevented goal with hand
Casillas, Carlos Phoenix 5/20/06 Two yellows (Serious Foul Play on both) = red
Castro, Omar Milan 4/2/05 Violent conduct: during an altercation Mr Castro swung at opponent. 3 game suspension
Cedetto, Jaime OCW 2/23/02 Abusive language to the referee, tried to confront the ref Penalty = 3 weeks
Cedetto, Jaime OCW 4/20/02 Two yellow cards = red
Cedetto, Jaime OCW 12/10/05 Serious foul play
Chancelor, Daniel OCW 10/26/02 Violent conduct, punched an opponent
Chancelor, Daniel OCW 7/19/03 abusing and intimidating the Referee - 3 week suspension
Clemente, Rogelio Avanti 10/8/05 Using offensive, insultive, obusive language.
Coral, Luciano Belmont 3/27/04 GK handed the ball, outside the penalty area, preventing a goal
Delgado, Vinicio Belmont 9/28/02 Violent conduct Penalty = 6 games; penalty will be doubled each time for repeated violence
Delgado, Vinicio Avanti 2/22/03 Violent conduct Penalty = 6 games; 6 mos probation penalty will be doubled (12 weeks next time) each time for repeated violence during probation
Delgado, Vinicio Milan 4/16/05 Kicking an opponent; 6 months suspension &  Indefinite probation term; Ok to play 10/16/05
Duenas, Mario Avanti 3/9/02 Abusive language to the referee, threatened ref during and after the game.  Penalty = 3 weeks
Duenas, Mario Cal Gold 5/21/05 Kicked opponent after the foul had been called.  2 game suspension, 6 mos probation.
Emrich, Herb Milan 10/22/05 SFP (Serious Foul Play)
Escobar, Pedro Inca 7/10/04 Violent Conduct, threatened other player
Escobar, Pedro Inca 5/14/05 Yellow for foul, dissented the call, refused to leave field, received 2nd yellow then addressed the ref with foul and abusive language; 1 game suspension, 6 mos probation
Espadas, Jesus Phoenix 2/7/04 No ref report
Farfan, Boris Milan 12/8/01 Ejected for using abusive language
Figueroa, Lenny Avanti 9/14/02 foul & abusive language
Figueroa, Lenny Avanti 7/12/03 Caused a fight off the field and game stoppage while acting manager - 6 week suspension
Figueroa, Lenny Avanti 12/13/03 Protesting referee decision; calling referee names; After red card given called referee "mother fucker"; charged the referee and hit him in the chest with elbow.  Other team had to restrain him.  Report from Udo discounted ref report.  TB = probation for one year. During the probation period he will be suspended 3 games for any red card he gets.
Figueroa, Lenny Avanti 3/4/06 fighting but no red card given
Fiorentina, Elio Inca 10/9/04 (Intimidating the referee)
Gaitan, Humberto Milan 10/18/03 Attempted fighting.  Locked hands with opposing player resulting in abrasion on opposing player's face.  Abusive language towards referee.  Penalty = 1 game now pending further TB review.  1 week only.
Guerra, Jose Inca 11/17/01 Struck player, violent conduct
Guerra, Jose Inca 4/6/02 Violent Conduct; kicked a player on the ground with no intent to play the ball; 4 games suspension
Gutierrez, Jose Milan 12/11/04 1 game suspension for fighting
Huerta, Luis Rovers 1/29/05 Violent conduct.  Attacked opponent several times.  Also used threatening language.  2 game suspension.
Juarez, Jose Phoenix 1/12/02 No ref report
Kebir, Idris Rovers 5/17/02 Two yellow cards = red
Kebir, Idris Rovers 1/25/03 Foul & Abusive language
Kebir, Idris Rovers 6/14/03 Spitting on opponent after being struck
Kebir, Idris Rovers 5/22/04 Intimidating the ref; 3 games & 6 months probation
Kishimoto, Alferdo Inca 8/14/04 No ref report
Kishimoto, Alfredo Inca 6/7/03 Serious foul play
Kishimoto, Alfredo Inca 10/16/04 (violent play)
Kishimoto, Alfredo Inca 5/7/05 Violent conduct - elbowed an opponent after a foul had been called. 6 months suspension, last warning
Kovacs, George OCW 2/23/02 Abusive language to the referee
Kovacs, George OCW 3/23/02 Abusive language to the referee
Labanca, Yamando Capote 4/24/02 $200 bond, 1 year probation - if no fighting gets bond refund.
Labanca, Yamando Capote 4/26/03 Two yellows = red; 1st yellow for kicking opponent; 2nd yellow for dissent
Labanca, Yamando Capote 7/12/03 Caused a fight off the field and game stoppage - 6 week suspension
Labanca, Yamando Capote 12/11/04 1 game suspension for screaming obscenities and losing control
Liporaci, Juan Capote 1/4/03 Last man foul
Lowangn, Phillipe OCW 5/17/02 a yellow and a red for touching the referee, suspended for two games
Lucero, Federico Cal Gold 7/22/06 2 yellows, red, Dissent
Ludena, Luis Capote 12/11/04 Struck a Milan player after the game. 6 months suspension (6/11/05) + 6 (12/11/05) months probation.
Martinez, Cesar Phoenix 10/11/03 Foul & abusive language towards opponent
Mastangelo, Miguel Capote 1/10/04 Protesting referee decision
Messina, Roberto Milan 12/29/01 Two yellow cards = red
Messina, Roberto Milan 10/12/02 Serious foul play
Mestre, Jose Capote 7/17/04 Both players were sent off for using foul or abusive language toward an official
Mestre, Jose Capote 12/11/04 1 game suspension for fighting
Mirzadeh, Cyrus Phoenix 8/3/02 Two yellow cards = red
Mirzadeh, Cyrus Phoenix 9/14/02 fighting
Mora, Julio Belmont 10/2/04 (Insulting the referee)
Morante, Alfredo Avanti 4/27/02 Two yellow cards = red
Munoz, Carlos International 10/18/03 Violent conduct; kicked opponent during match; Penalty = 1 game
Obando, Mauel Inca 12/10/05 Retaliation after receiving serious foul
Obando, Mauel Inca 9/23/06 2 yellows = red
Ora, Osualdo ???? Capote 10/26/02 Violent conduct, punched an opponent
Orizaba, Armando International 10/11/03 Violent conduct; punching at an opponent with a fist. Penalty = 1 game.
Panasitti, Mike Capote 10/26/02 Foul and abusive language
Panasitti, Mike Capote 9/6/03 Violent conduct toward referee; kicked ball into referee knees. Penalty = 3 games
Perez, Fidel International 4/30/05 2 yellows = red
Pocasangre, Omar OCW 7/17/04 Both players were sent off for using foul or abusive language toward an official
Ramirez, Oscar Capote 7/12/03 Involved in a fight off the field - 6 weeks suspension
Requena, Juan International 10/16/04 (violent play)
Revolorio, Lazaro Avanti 2/4/06 2nd caution
Revolorio, Lazaro Avanti 3/25/06 Foul language toward the referee
Rodriguez, Eugenio Avanti 8/23/03 Language
Rodriguez, Henry OCW 11/22/03 Foul language
Rodriguez, Henry OCW 4/9/05 Conducta violenta, agracion con patada aun contrario;Aggression to an opponent by kicking him. 3 game suspension
Rodrique, Miguel Avanti 6/14/03 Serious foul play; tackle from behind - no ball
Sanchez, Raual Inca 5/10/03 Spitting at opponent
Sandoval, Ramon Capote 1/12/02 Two yellow cards = red
Sandoval, Ramon Capote 3/16/02 Attempt to strike a player
Sandoval, Ramon Capote 4/13/02 Violent conduct; kicked player with no ball around; 4 games suspension plus a 6 months probation
Sandoval, Ramon Capote 1/25/03 Two yellow cards = red; after red ran toward ref cursing, restrained by team mates with out referee contact; Penalty = 5 games and 6 months probation ending 9/22/03; if any red card during probation then 10 game suspension.
Shehad, Elias International 5/21/05 Foul & abusive language toward opponent; spit at opponent - 1 game
Sowa, Luis Avanti 12/22/01 unsporting behavior and abusive language
Tadia, Samuel Avanti 5/14/05 Foul and abusive language
Tadia, Smauel Avanti 11/15/03 Prevented goal with hand
Taormina, Jim Belmont 11/15/03 Last man foul
Toledo, Jose Cal Gold 1/10/04 Two yellows = red
Toledo, Jose Cal Gold 5/14/05 Violent conduct - kicked a player during a dispute away from the play.  2 game suspension, 6 mos probation
Tran, Anh OCW 9/20/03 Committed a foul that prevented a goal.
Tutlugdzija, Rade International 3/2/02 Abusive language to the referee
Van Broekhuizen, Ray Rovers 3/13/04 Two yellows = red
Van Broekhuizen, Ray Rovers 5/8/04 Two yellows = red
Vargas, Guillermo Inca 10/18/03 Struck player in the face while play was stopped.  After red card kicked same player. 12 week suspension + $100 fine & 6 month probation
Vianna, Francisco International 1/24/04 Violent conduct, punched an opponent; Hilmer reported no punches thrown; decision was 1 game suspension.
Vilte, Juan Capote 5/21/05 Serious foul play - kick and push opponent - 1 game
Williams, R Belmont 7/13/02 Slapped opponent
Yankov, Ilia Rovers 10/18/03 Attempted fighting.  Locked hands with opposing player resulting in abrasion on his face  Sent off for retaliating. Penalty = 1 game