BWAA Policy and Procedure Manuals




Committee Task:


Make selection of candidates for Bowlers of the Year.  Determine the type of award to be presented.




Male and Female professional and amateur bowlers are eligible.


Chairman’s Duties:


Notify committee members of deadline for submitting names for national ballot and advise information required.


After candidates received from committee, verify titles, earnings and average information with appropriate groups.


Poll committee for selection of candidates to be included on ballot.  Candidate must receive

 vote of majority of committee to be placed on the ballot.  A maximum of 10 men and 10

 women may be included on the ballot.


Prepare ballot and distribute to regular and life members by December 31st.  Ballot should

 include information

on each nominee and instructions to the elector to vote for a maximum of three candidates

postmarked by a date set by the Chairman.


Tally all returned ballots which are signed and postmarked no later than cut-off date.  Unsigned ballots or those postmarked after the voting deadline shall be declared invalid.


Points shall be awarded as follows:


First place                          5 points

Second place                    2 points

Third  1                              1 point


Nominee receiving the most points in each category shall be declared Bowlers of the Year.


The Executive Director shall make every effort to notify the winners, in secrecy, in advance of

the respective news release.


Award Presentation:


An award selected by the committee, shall be presented to the respective winners at an appropriate time selected by the President.  If the President is unable to make the presentation, he/she may appoint a representative to make the presentation.


The association may work with a sponsor for the Bowlers of the Year awards.



Copies of all committee correspondence shall be sent to the President and Executive Director.


Committee members may keep track of out-of pocket expenses (postage and telephone) and

send them to the chairman who will forward them to the Executive Director for reimbursement.


The chairman should keep a file of procedures and correspondence and pass it on when a

new chairman is appointed.






Committee Task:


To select a male and female Collegiate Bowler of the year and four runner-ups in each division.



ABC/WIBC sanctioned intercollegiate eligibilitey requirements:

Male and female bowlers who meet the ABC/WIBC intercollegiate competition.

Conference and tournament competition between August 1 and the Sunday 15 days prior to

selection meeting, is eligible for consideration.


Chairman’s Duties:


March - July        


Confirm sponsorship arrangements with current sponsor.  If new sponsor is needed,

negotiation are handled by the Executive Director.


Current sponsors are Ebonite & Columbia - $3,000 each ($1,00 to winner and $500 each to



July             Prepare nomination form and cover letter.  Have 2000 forms and letter printed. (see samples)


Cover letter should include sponsor name, amount of scholarships available,

                     submission deadline, who and when selection made, verification of college registration.



August       Send copy of committee procedures, previous year’s press release and previous committee meeting minutes.


 Provide 700 application forms to the Collegiate Department to include in mailings to Collegiate Tournament managers and Collegiate Conference secretaries.

Provide 50 application forms to BWAA Executive Director to include in mailings to membership and requests received at BWAA office.


September  Provide 25 application forms to Collegiate Regional representatives and

                      NCBCA Regional directors to distribute if tournament directors do

                     not distribute.


Provide application forms to each collegiate tournament director.  List

of scheduled tournaments and previous number of  entrants can be

obtained from the ABC/WIBC Collegiate department.  Send by first class

mail two weeks prior to tournament date.  If large tournament, send 3rd

class five to six weeks prior to tournament.  Provide 15 application forms

to each conference secretary.


October       Advise committee members of distribution of applications and sponsor

                    confirmation. Request committee members publicize award through

                    columns, etc.


February    Verify eligibility with ABC/WIBC Collegiate department.



March          Forward application forms and meeting information to committee by

                    priority mail.


Prepare material for convention.  Prepare report for Board of Directors

meeting. At convention site - contact winners after committee meets and

make announcement at time and place decided by chairman, president

and executive director.


Send cover letter to coaches asking them to provide release to local media

including their school paper (unless release is mailed separately to school

paper. Send coaches at least 3 copies of release. Use BWAA directory for

other local media and also, send to major daily paper serving each college’s

town and winner’s hometown.


April          Send confirmation letter to winners and advise runner-ups.  Advise winners

                   of presentation arrangements.


Find out if seniors and graduate students will be in college next year

(also sophomores at two-year colleges) before issuing scholarship checks.


Send winners’ names, social security numbers and addresses of colleges to

sponsors for issuing scholarship checks.  (Copy should be sent to Executive

Director). Request checks be sent to Executive Director.

Scholarship checks should be made payable to school “and” student.

Write letters to winner’s school and send to Executive ‘Director to send with

scholarship checks.  Send to Financial Aid Office of each college with a cover

letter.  In the case of students who will not be in school next year, money is

donated to school’s bowling program.


Selection Process:


Go through nominees without discussion.  Members may vote “in” (keep for

next round) or “out” (drop from further consideration). One “in” vote (regardless

of number of  “out’” votes) keeps the nominee in or the second round.

Go through nominees with discussion.  Members vote “in” or “out” with a

majority “in” vote required for further consideration. Repeat round 2, as needed,

to reduce number of nominees to 7 or 8.

Members vote by secret ballot. Members select up to three. Ballots are tabulated

based on 6-4-3-2-1 point system.  Point totals determine results.  In the case of

a tie for 1st or 5th place, a tie-breaker ballot is used on which each member votes

for 1 person. If tie still exists, tie is left unbroken and scholarship money is split.


Award and Presentation:


Symbolic awards should be in $50 - $70 each price range, with engraving/inscription

that includes sponsor name.  Presentation is at Intercollegiate Bowling Championships

awards dinner if winners are competing.  Others will be presented at a time and place

selected by the Chairman, president and/or Executive director




Copies of all committee correspondence shall be sent to the President and Executive



Committee members may keep track of out-of pocket expenses (postage and telephone)

and send them to the chairman who will forward them to the Executive Director for



The chairman should keep a file of procedures and correspondence and pass it on when

a new chairman is appointed.







Committee Task:


To write and distribute news releases before and after annual convention.


Chairman’s Duties:


January    Contact Co-chairman, Executive Director and Seminar chairman

to get details on events, speakers, awards, etc. for the March convention.


Prepare a news release and forward to Executive Director for distribution approximately

three weeks prior to event.


March        Write and distribute through the Executive Director, follow-up news

                   release on convention. Release should include the following information:


Award winners, new officers, ABC and PBA writing contest winners, Bowling Writer

of the Year and Humanitarian awards from Murrey

International and DBA Products, sponsored events and any news resulting from

convention seminars.



Copies of all committee correspondence shall be sent to the President and Executive Director.


Committee members may keep track of out-of pocket expenses (postage and telephone) and

send them to the chairman who will forward them to the Executive Director for reimbursement.


The chairman should keep a file of procedures and correspondence and pass it

on when a new chairman is appointed.





Committee Task:

To research candidates and select winner(s) of Senior Bowler(s) of the Year Award.  A man

or a woman of both a man and a woman may be selected.




Male or female bowlers who are 50 years of age as of January 1st in the year of competition.

Chairman’ Duties:

September             The chairman shall provide each committee member with a description of

 the selection process and procedures.


The chairman shall develop a list of five or more candidates from statistics provided by professional national tournament tours and major national and international bowling organizations and forward to committee with request to add additional candidates.  “Statistical information should be included.

Provide a return date for additional candidates to be submitted.


The committee shall decide whether a man and a woman shall be honored

based on the strength of the candidates.


November              Prepare a ballot to include all candidates submitted and instruct committee

to vote for up to five in each division (if two awards are to be presented).

Provide a return date for ballot.


December              The chairman prepares a ballot when the final list of five candidates has been completed      by the committee and statistical information updated. Candidates

should receive the support of the majority of the committee to be placed

on the ballot.


The chairman distributes the ballots to the Committee, BWAA Board of Directors and

Past President’s with instructions to vote for up to three.

Ballots shall include a return date of late December or early January.


January               The chairman tabulates the votes using the following point system:


                                                First                        5 points

                                                Second                   2 points

                                                Third                      1 point


The winner shall be the bowler(s) with the most points.


Copies of all committee correspondence shall be sent to the President and Executive Director.

Committee members may keep track of out-of pocket expenses (postage and telephone)

and send them to the chairman who will forward them to the Executive Director for reimbursement.


The chairman should keep a file of procedures and correspondence and pass it on when

a new chairman is appointed.





Committee Task:

To research and select eligible candidates for a national ballot who have devoted time, energy and

talent for the betterment of the sport of bowling.


Candidate Eligibility:

Nominees may be individuals, industries or organizations.  BWAA members are not eligible for this award.


Chairman’s Duties:


June/July            Write to committee outlining committee function (for benefit of new members). Send list of candidates from previous national ballots.  Request additional proposed candidates from committee members by mid August.

Sept. 1st Deadline for receiving nominations.

Early Sept.            Provide committee members with a ballot listing all candidates and instructions to vote for the 5 to

be included on the national ballot.  All candidates receiving a majority vote of the committee, up to 8,   will be included on the national ballot.  A summary of each candidates biography should be included.  Instruct committee members to return ballot within 10 days.


Mid Sept.               Follow-up by phone or mail, ballots not returned.

If more than 8 candidates receive votes from a majority of committee, send new ballot to determine final 8 for national ballot.

Oct. 15                 Prepare the national ballot and send to BWAA Executive Director by November 1st. Copy

committee members.

National Ballot:

Shall be distributed by Executive Director to all Regular and Life members.  Voters will select three (3) and indicate position placement by 1, 2, or 3.  Points will be awarded as follows: First - 4 points, Second - 2 points, Third - 1 point. Nominee who receives the most points will be declared recipient of the award. 

Award Presentation:

The award shall be presented by the Committee Chairman at the ABC Press Party held during the

BWAA Convention.  Notification of the winner shall be at the discretion of the chairman and the Executive Director.


Copies of all committee correspondence shall be sent to the President and Executive Director.

Committee members may keep track of out-of pocket expenses (postage and telephone) and send them to the chairman who will forward them to the Executive Director for reimbursement.


The chairman should keep a file of procedures and correspondence and pass it on when a new

 chairman is appointed.





Committee Task:

To research and select for a national ballot eligible candidates who have made distinguished contributions to print, broadcast, telecast or photographic coverage of bowling.


Candidate Eligibility:


Nominees must be living at the time of nomination.


Chairman’s Duties:

June/July              Write to committee outlining committee function (for benefit of new members).  Send list

 of candidates from previous national ballots. Request additional proposed candidates from committee members by mid August.


Sept. 1                    Deadline for receiving nominations.


Early Sept.            Provide committee members with a ballot listing all candidates and instructions to vote for the

 5 to be included on the national ballot.  All candidates receiving a majority vote of the committee, up to 8, will be included on the national ballot. A summary of each candidate’s biography  should be included.  Instruct committee members to return ballot within 10 days.


Mid Sept.               Follow-up by phone or mail, ballots not returned.


If more than 8 candidates receive votes from a majority of committee, send new ballot to determine final 8 for national ballot.


Oct. 15                   Prepare the national ballot and send to BWAA Executive Director by November 1st.  Copy committee members.


National Ballot:

Shall be distributed by Executive Director to all Regular and Life members.  Voters will select three (3) and indicate position placement by 1, 2, or 3.  Points will be awarded as follows:  First - 4 points, Second - 2 points, Third - 1 point.  Nominee who receives the most points will be declared recipient of the award.


Award Presentation:

The award shall be presented by the Committee Chairman at the ABC Press Party held during the BWAA Convention.  Notification of the winner shall be at the discretion of the chairman and the Executive Director.




Copies of all committee correspondence shall be sent to the President and Executive Director.


Committee members may keep track of out-of pocket expenses (postage and telephone)

and send  them to the chairman who will forward them to the Executive Director for reimbursement.

The chairman should keep a file of procedures and correspondence and pass it on when a new Chairman is appointed.





Committee Task:

To research candidates and select Amateur Bowlers of the Year.



Male and female bowlers who meet the FIQ amateur standards.

Chairman’s Duties:

Chair creates and updates throughout the year a list of tournament results.  Additional

Information can be obtained from the American Bowling Congress, Women's International Bowling

Congress and USA Bowling.  Amateur status should be verified with PBA / PWBA.


January      First ballot is sent to committee members with tournament listings to vote for

 up to 10 people in each category by specified deadline.


February   Second ballot is sent to committee members to vote for up to five in each

 category and indicate order - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 by specified deadline.


March        Ballots are counted using the following point system:

First                        8 points

Second                   5 points

Third                      3 points

Fourth                    2 points

Fifth                        1 point


Male and Female with highest number of points are declared winners.


Provide sponsor with names and presentation site and time.


Notify winners by phone and mail, advising of presentation site and time.


Award Presentation:

Winners are announced and awards presented at a time and site agreed upon by Chairman

and sponsor.



Copies of all correspondence shall be sent to the President and Executive Director.

Committee members may keep track of out-of-pocket expenses and forward them to the

chairman who will forward them to the Executive Director for reimbursement.


The chairman shall keep a file of procedures and correspondence and pass it on when a new

chairman is appointed.                                                                                                                                    2/00





Committee Task :


To research and recommend to the membership candidates for Honorary Membership in the BWAA.


Chairman’s Duties:


October     Provide committee members with selection procedures


Provide committee members with candidates which are presently on file and request additional candidates with profiles, by December 1st.


January      Prepare ballot with all submitted candidates and instruct committee to vote for up to three                   candidates. Advise date for return of ballots.  The three candidates with the most votes will be included on the final ballot.


February   Tally votes and prepare final ballot to include the three candidates with the highest vote. Instruct committee to vote for two candidates.  Advise deadline for returning ballot.

                    Tally votes and forward name of highest vote- President and getter to Executive Director

for presentation to Board of Directors and Membership.



Honorary members will not pay convention registration fees unless they attend all convention functions.


Copies of all committee correspondence shall be sent to the President and Executive Director.


Committee members may keep track of out-of pocket expenses (postage and telephone) and

send them to the chairman who will forward them to the Executive Director for reimbursement.


The chairman should keep a file of procedures and correspondence and pass it on when a new   chairman is appointed.





Committee Task:


To write and distribute news releases before and after annual convention.


Chairman’s Duties:


January    Contact Co-chairman, Executive Director and Seminar chairman to get details on events, speakers,

awards, etc. for the March convention.


Prepare a news release and forward to Executive Director for

distribution approximately three weeks prior to event.


March        Write and distribute through the Executive Director, follow-up news release on convention.

Release should include the following information:


Award winners, new officers, ABC and PBA writing contest winners, Bowling Writer of the Year and Humanitarian awards from Murrey  International and DBA Products, sponsored events and

any news resulting from convention seminars.



Copies of all committee correspondence shall be sent to the President and Executive Director.


Committee members may keep track of out-of pocket expenses (postage and telephone) and send them to the chairman who will forward them to the Executive Director for reimbursement.


The chairman should keep a file of procedures and correspondence and pass it on when a new chairman is appointed.