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As you may know, Apple Ibooks with a G3 processor (till approx. 900MHz) have the possibility to install an internal "Airport card", also know as "802.11b Wireless 11Mbs" The connector for this Airport card is the same as the (for laptops common) PCMCIA connnector.
After Apple upgraded their Ibooks with G4 processors, they also upgraded to "Airport Extreme cards", also know as "802.11g Wireless 54Mbs"which has a different type connector. From that moment on, Apple stopped producing "old" Airport cards. Current prices for these Airport cards are new (if avalable) about 150 Euro and 2nd-hand between 70 and 100 Euro.
Because Ibooks don’t have a normal PCMCIA connector (like powerbooks or many PC laptops) somebody thought "If I take away the antenne from a cheap PCMCIA wifi 802.11b card from brand X (2nd hand price from 10 Euro), maybe it might fit in my Ibook and work as an Airport card.
Well it did! Not all PCMCIA cards (some are to big or have the wrong processors and sometimes they need special drivers) but a lot !An overview of most cards (tried and untried) you will find under PCMCIA-list. Also some info how to detach the antenna’s and photos from some WIFI cards and my E-mail adress for anybody who wants to add information or has remarks and tips.
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in Finland as a Foreigner