Keeper of the 7 Keys <english>

David Béjar Home Page

Road cycling dedicated Web page:

  1. Jaizkibel
  2. David Béjar
  3. Cycling racings pictures
  4. Cyclotourist calendar
  5. Links
  6. Credits and other stuff


    Jaizkibel is a mountain situated in Renteria (Euskadi(basque land)-Spain), this mountain is climbing at the end of the San Sebastian Classic, the first World Cup's Classic after le Tour de France.I was lucky to climb this mountain in October'96 (the first time) in the first cyclotourist San Sebastian-Biarriz Classic. This mountain also, was climb in the Tour de France the same day that Zülle wears his first jaune maillot, , the day of his 24th birthday.It was a very beatiful stage.


O.N.C.E. Team
Meta 2Mil (Spanish Cycling newspaper, in spanish)
Web page about cycling of Fernando Puig(in spanish)
Bilbao-Bilbao97 International Cyclotourist Classic

E-ZINE GRASA(a friend's music e-zine,only spanish)
Asturias Natural Paradise
Web of the Informatics Ingeniering College from Oviedo-Asturias(only spanish)
University of Oviedo
More Keeper of the 7 Keys
Colosseum/Track streets
European Union citizens
The best Animated GIFs Gallery


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Versión: 21:12 CET/March-28-1997 ©David Béjar (hand made)