I'm very sorry, but I no longer have anytime to update this webpage. After all, it was my first attempt at a web page, and it is obsolete now. I am willing to turn the website into someone else's hands now, for whoever offers. I would like to see this page stay up and running, with updates and junk, but I am afraid I cannot handle it myself. I am too busy with school, attempting to program my own game, and updating my new webpage (Steve's Extreme Sport Pages!!!). That is why I am asking for help from someone else. They will be able to totally rennovate the page, and change the looks totally, as long as they keep the address, title, and information the same (but they can add more.) This website used to have great information for beginners to learn how to BMX, and I want that to continue. Email me If you are interested.
I think that Bmx is just the best sport that ever lived. It is just such a thrill to be in the air for so long and get butterflies in your stomach just by launching off of a jump on the ground. And then when you add the thrill of organized racing, speed, money, and thrill- you just got yourself the #1 sport.....BMX! I thank so very much GeoCities for letting me have a free web page and server! Rock on......GeoCities!
Click on the pic to read the of myself!
Click on the pic to see 'n visit my
Click on the pic to read the history of BMX and how to get started!
Click on the pic to see a list of places to
Click on the pic to read about BMX..... and any other info.
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Have fun out on the track- and hope to see you there.
Steve H.
This webring is owned by Geoffrey Hudik. Want to join the 20-inchers of the world? |
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