E-wrestling Profiles
      This is a compleate (I think) list of
wrestlers I control or have controlled in both
the Imaginary Wrestling Alliance Play be mail
games and the vast world of E-wrestling.
The e-wrestling items either contain or are
going to contain links to the pages of the
federations, other wrestler profiles, and other
such relavant places.

  List started on June 2, 1997, other stuff done
and expanded the next day.
Origional Wrestlers
Full Profiles

Ami Alta, Jr.
Jeff Duane
Step Govanna
Ace Tanke
Wildfire Rebecca Tanke

Wrestlers I've had in the IWA but not e-wrestling
as of yet.
Small Profiles

Steve Alta
Cid of Force
Dragon Warrior
Harry Hollins
Hyrule Royal Guard Elite
Hyrule Royal Guard Joshuadexter
Prince VaSaad

Real Wrestlers I've Controlled
Notes Only
Leif Cassiddy
New Diesel
Bobby Eaton
Marty Jannetty
Stan Lane
Shawn Micheals
Alex Wright

   Updated June 7, 1997
Full Profile:  Ami Alta, Jr.
Nickname:  Lady Luck
Real Name:  Lisa Alta
Former Wrestling Alliases:  None
League Currently Active in:  the WWWA
Leagues formerlay active in:
IWA Expieriance:  ERL
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Gimmick:  Gambler; Risk Taker
Wrestling Style:
Finishing Moves:
Career Highlights:

**  Made debuet in e-wrestling by winning the
WWWA Women's title in her first match.
It was a six woman Royal Rumble, two minute entries.
She started it off with Lady Rage, whom she eliminated
in quick order at the thirty two second mark.  She went
on to eliminate _______ after twelve minutes of action
to win the match.and the WWWA Ladies title.


   Updated June 7, 1997
Full Profile:  Jeff Duane
Real Name:  Jeffery Duane
Former Wrestling Alliases:  Style Jeff Duds (IWA)
Leagues Currently In:  NAWA, NWICW, the WWWA (Bodyguard)
Leagues Formerly In:  None
IWA Expieriance:  Hot Streak League (1999*-9*)
Weight:  285 pounds
Height:  6'4"
Eye Color:  Brown
Hair Color:  Brown
Gimmick:  Southern Gentleman
Wrestling Style:  Power Brawler
Finishing Moves:  Atlanta Hawk Dive; Choke Slam;
Choke Power Slam
Tag Team History:  Stylin (w/ Wildlife) in the HSL,
origional IWCW, and NAWA
Style (w/ Nate Govanna) in the new IWCW and NWICW
Career Highlights:
** Three Regional Titles

     -Won the Monthly Battle Royal on the ????? Cycle


** Won United States Tag Team Titles with Wildlife.
The origional IWCW split had split into two leagues
the day before and the win technically came on an
NAWA card, but fortunatly for Duane, the belt change
was nevertheless recognized in the IWCW.  Since
Wildlife wasn't going to be in both leagues, Duane
was allowed to chose another partner.  He chose his
old friend Step (now Nate) Govanna.

   Updated:  June 3, 1997
Full Profile:  Nate Govanna
Real Name:  (Unknown; possably Step or Nate Govanna)
Former Wrestling Alliases:
Leagues Currently Active in:  NWICW
Leagues formerly active in:  None
IWA Expieriance:  None?
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Wrestling Style:
Finishing Moves:  Zuit Suit
Titles Held:  New IWCW US Tag Team title
(w/ Jeff Duane as Stlye); NWICW Unified US Tag
Team Titles (w/ Jeff Duane)
Current Stable In:
Former Stables:
Gimmick:  So called Stylish individual.
Greatest Ring Strengths:
Worst Ring Dificiancies:
Personal History:
Career Highlights:
Personal Notes:  Who or what he is is still very
much up in the air.
   Updated:  June 3, 1997
Full Profile:  Gymnastic
Real Name:  Shelly Hollins
Former Wrestling Alliases:  Gymnastic Shelly Hollins
Leagues Currently Active in:  NWICW (Manager); NAWA
Leagues formerly active in:  None
IWA Expieriance:  HSL (Manager); FFL
Weight:  85 lbs.
Height:  4' 10"
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:  Black
Wrestling Style:  Gymnist's Style
Titles Held:  None
Current Stable In:   (NWICW; NAWA)  Aceside
Former Stables:  (IWA) X-S
Gimmick:  Acknowledged overall leader of Aceside
Greatest Ring Strengths:
Worst Ring Dificiancies:
Personal History:
Career Highlights:


**  Managed Stylin (Jeff Duane and Wildllife)
to a total of six Regional titles in a year.
Career Highlights:


     May/June:  Perfected her triple sommersault splash
off the top rope.

Personal Notes:

   Updated:  June 3, 1997
Full Profile:  Ace Tanke
Real Name:  Antino Rodney Tanke
Former Wrestling Alliases:
Leagues Currently Active in:
Leagues formerly active in:
IWA Expieriance:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Wrestling Style:
Titles Held:  (IWA) HSL Tv title;
(E-wrestling) NWICW (NWICW and NWW Unified World Titles)
Current Stable In:  Aceside (NWICW and NAWA)
Former Stables:
Gimmick:  Half Military Man; half Kind
Unlce to Wilde and Rebecca
Greatest Ring Strengths:
Worst Ring Dificiancies:
Personal History:
Career Highlights:

   Updated:  June 3, 1997
Full Profile:  Wildfire Rebecca Tanke
(also Hot Stuff Becky Tanke)
Real Name:  Rebecca Anke
Former Wrestling Alliases:
Leagues Currently Active in:  CWO (Manager);
NAWA; NWICW (Manager); 
Leagues formerly active in:  AFW (Manager)
IWA Expieriance:
Weight:  182 lbs.
Height:  6'2"
Eye Color:  Brown
Hair Color:  Red
Wrestling Style:  Power Wrestler
Tag Team History:
Titles Held:  (IWA)  LLL Northern Regional Title
Current Stable In:  Aceside (NAWA; NWICW);
Alliance (Manager) (CWO)
Former Stables:
Greatest Ring Strengths:
Worst Ring Dificiancies:
Personal History:
Career Highlights:

   Updated:  June 3, 1997
Full Profile:  Wildlife
Real Name:  Willend Anke
Former Wrestling Alliases:
Wildlife Wilde Tanke of Style
Leagues Currently Active in:  NAWA; AFW; CWO
Leagues formerly active in:  None.
IWA Expieriance:  HSL
Weight:  215 lbs.
Height:  5' 10 1/2"
Eye Color:  Brown
Hair Color:  Black (Grey and Gold Streaks)
Wrestling Style:  All Arounder (Emphisis on Ground attack)
Tag Team History: :  Stylin (with Jeff Duane
in IWCW then into the NAWA); Darksiders (with MasterIceman
in AFW); Wild Wolves (with Lone Wolf in CWO)
Titles Held:  IWA--  Three Regionals; (E-wrestling) AFW US tag Team Title;
IWCW (renamed NAWA) US Tag Team Title
Current Stable In:  Aceside (NAWA); the Alliance
(CWO); Darkside Alliance (AFW); Dungeon of Doom (NAWA)
Former Stables:  X-S (IWA)
Greatest Ring Strengths:
       1.  Born to Fight:  Wilde's uncle (Ace Tanke)
is an accomlished Wrestler in Golden Wrestling who
later various other leagues.  Wilde's sister is also
an accomplished female wrestler, and Wilde and her
are very coordinated as far as their careers.
Their father is an accomlished military man who
taught Rebecca a great deal of military fighting
techniques and later instructed her to give Wilde
basic training.  Finally, Wilde's tag team partner
and managers also a friend from childhood.  Duane
trained him, while Shelly's father (Harry Hollins)
also owns GW  He's been a scrapper all his life
and shows a natural instint in the ring.


Worst Ring Dificiancies:

     1.  Still inexpierianced.  Only debuet a few years
ago, although he wrestled a great deal in the IWA.
Known to take a big move too early in the match, or 

     2.  Prone to injury.  Already, he's had his
knee severly damaged and his shoulder nearly torn.
He's also been having major head aches, in part due
to taking a number of "Head Spikes" from Jammin,
some outside a wrestling ring on concrete floors.

Personal History:
Career Highlights:

  Personal Notes:  Probably my favorite character.
I created him in my brief time in collage when I
wanted to create a totally unique set of characters,
at the same time I did Shelly Hollins.
Full Profile:
Real Name:
Former Wrestling Alliases:
Leagues Currently Active in:
Leagues formerly active in:
IWA Expieriance:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Wrestling Style:
Titles Held:
Current Stable In:
Former Stables:
Greatest Ring Strengths:
Worst Ring Dificiancies:
Personal History:
Career Highlights:
Personal Notes:
Full Profile:
Real Name:
Former Wrestling Alliases:
Leagues Currently Active in:
Leagues formerly active in:
IWA Expieriance:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Wrestling Style:
Titles Held:
Current Stable In:
Former Stables:
Greatest Ring Strengths:
Worst Ring Dificiancies:
Personal History:
Career Highlights:
Personal Notes:

Stable:  Aceside

     Members:  Jeff Duane, Gymnastic, Ace Tanke,
Wildfire, Wildlife

   Notes:  Informal Name for Ace Tanke's
cirlce of Family and Friends.
Stable:  X-S

      Members:  Jeff Duane (then Style Jeff Duds);
Gymnastic (then Gymnastic Shelly Hollins);
Wildfire Reecca Tanke, Wildlife (then Wildlife Wilde
Tanke of Style)

     Notes:  (IWA Stable based on the comicbook series
I want to produce someday; used only my wrestlers)
